Meet the McGee's

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"umm, hi?" I say very hesitantly

" Aye Jazzi, this my mama," He said proudly.

The woman got up and the bitch was tall, she was about the same height as Tay, she had big boobs, and a big ass. She had on a long sundress, some sandals, and a big pink Micheal Kors purse.

" Well, hi mama?!" I said

" um are yall married yet, if not its Torri, my name." She said with an attitude.

" Wow, Torri, i'm sorry to call you out your name." I said addressing her.

" It's okay, I guess, this will only take one minute, " She said while digging in her purse," im having a baby shower for Tiffanie-" She said talking towards Tay.

" who's Tiffanie?" I say fake smiling.

" Oh, Tay's sister, shes having a baby girl in one month,named, Elliot I think." She said smiling.

" Aww, you wanna throw one for me too?" I said smiling and rubbing my belly.

" Um, your pregnant?" she said looking at me then Tay.

" Yea 5 months, Tay didn't tell you?" I said looking at Tay.

" I didn't even know he was in a relationship." She said slightly smiling.

" oh, well you know now," I said smiling and putting her hand on my belly.

" awww, so what is it a girl or a boy?" she said smiling and rubbing my belly.

" I'm waiting, til later on with my pregnancy" I said looking at Tay.

" Well, that's good, but the baby shower is on Saturday." she said handing me the invitation.

" Thanks, Torri, I'll make sure we're there." I said smiling and giving her a hug.

She left out the house and Tay was looking guilty.

"Nigga, why you didn't tell yo mama, we was in a fucking relationship, and why you waited this long for me to meet her, damn!" I said punching him in the chest.

" Damn girl, my bad, I couldn't find the right time." He said rubbing his chest.

I lay down on the chair and cross my hands. Tay eases by me and kisses my neck. I push him off.

"(smacking his lips) mannnn! Bae you aint gotta be like dat." He said pouting.

" Nigga please!" I say as I turn the TV on. We turn to some Lifetime Movie. Tay snatches the remote from my hands and turns to Saw VI.

" Man, turn from this shit; you know ion like scary movies." I say reaching for the remote.

" Is you gone stop acting like a little biaaattcchh?!" He said smiling and looking down at me.

" Yess daddy," I say in a whine like voice.

I snatch the remote back, " Nigga you dumb!" I say turning the channel and going back to my attitude. He smacked his lips then started smiling and put his hand on my thigh.

" Bae, you getting a little fat, but a little weight aint gone stop a nigga from give his baby what she need." He said slightly moving his hand closer to my womanly area.

" Nigga you nasty as hell, then my baby gone be getting hit with a giant tootsie roll."I say pushing him off and laughing.

" HAHA, oh shit." he said laughing.

" Don't you got some shit to do like, sell some weed, or kill somebody, or look for a nigga that owe you money?" I say being sarcastic.

" Look bae, ion do dat, my boys do dat, I just make sure my shit get in." he said loking dumb as hell

" Yea yea, whatever!" I said slightly laughing and rolling my eyes.

(A/N This is on a Friday)

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