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I come on to the porch and press the door bell. Toni came up to the door looking surprised.
"Jazzi?!" Toni said looking surprised, feeling my swollen-eye, and my bruised cheek.
" yea is Tay here!" I asked starting to cry. He led me into the house, going into the garage. I found Tay beating up Prince; as soon as I came in he stopped and hugged me. I hugged back, but stopped as I saw Prince swerming on the ground like a worm. I pushed away from Tay, and went towards Prince. I kicked him in the stomach and proceeded to punch him in the face. Tay pulled my away from him, and rubbed the marks on my face and arms; then told them to finish off Prince. He carried me upstairs and proceeded to look at all the bruises and swollen areas. I went to the bathroom with only my bra and panties on, and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror and started to cry. I touched my swollen eye, bruised checks and my busted lips. I take a long shower, scraping every inch of my body that was touched my Prince. I scrubbed so hard that my bright skin had turned red. I stepped on the shower with nothing on but a warm white towel. I see Tay sitting on the bed shirtless watching ESPN. He then looked at me and looked at me up and down.
" bae, did any thing happen while you was there, like sexual?" He says sounding skeptical. I start crying thinking about what happened. He starts shaking his head and lays all the way back on the bed. I get up and walk to the dresser to look for some underclothes.

" I think I can do better," He said coming up behind be grabbing me by the waist kissing my neck.I move away slowly thinking ' how do this nigga think i feel like fucking when I just got back home'. I turn around to him, and he slowly picked me up and layed me on the bed. i just layed there as he licked every inch of my 'kitty'.

4 months later

I been throwing up a lot, almost like I was when I was pregnant with Mikinna...

" oh shit!' I gasp. I know for a fact I'm not pregnant.

falling in love with a nobobyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora