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"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" I scream in as I my stomach started turning.
"God damnit, stop all dat fuckin screamin in my ear! Who da fuck you is?!" PJ started yelling.
" a bitch in labor!!" I yell as I point my finger at her.
Pj stopped the car in the middle of the road. She was just staring at me blank in the eye.
" ugghhh. Im sorry there now, mannnn lets go!" I said softly raising my voice at the end. She looked at me then started driving again. She drive a good 65 mph til we got to the drive through of the hospital. The nurses met me at the drop off, put me in a wheel chair and immdiatley put me in a room.
" hold on- I dont feel out a personal info. Thang" i turn around and ask.
" ma'am your in labor, um muss may you fill out these papers for her?" The nurse asks pj.
" ummmkay" pj responded sounding slightly confused.
They help me out the wheelchair and into the bed.
" the doctor will be with you shortly" the nurse said calmly giving me a cool towel.
I wait about five minutes and the doctor and nurses come in. The nurses prop my legs up and begin to measure the contractions.
" ma'am were right on time, your ready to begin pushing." The doctor said. I began to do the same things i did with Mikinna. I finally hear a crying baby, after the last push.
" is she okay-" i began to say.
" shes perfect," pj said.
" pj?" I ask
"Yeah girl I had to see ' auntie baby' be born!" She said passing the baby to me.
"Oh my God she is beautiful." I said as I began to cry. She had my eyes, prince' nose, and smile, with my dimples. She weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces. She was 10 inches long.
She had a little bit of curly strands of hair.
" ma'am since this birth was really smooth, you and you baby can go home today, just let us get her washed off and everything and your good.
I named her, Rilie.

falling in love with a nobobyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora