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"I am sorry for asking you to do the late night shift but i need to get home early today." Mrs. Yoon said apologetically. "It's fine Mrs. Yoon. You can go, and wish Seo a happy birthday on behalf of me!" Ji-eun said, showing her gummy smile. "Sure love! Good night!" Mrs. Yoon said before walking out of the cafe as Ji-eun went on with taking orders.

It was a warm June evening, Mrs. Yoon had to leave early as it was her son's birthday. Ji-eun being her most trusted employee she asked her to wind up everything before leaving and take the keys along with her.

• • •

It was around 11 pm when the café was empty, Ji-eun walked inside a spare room and took off her uniform, changing into a Maroon Tank top and black mom jeans. Ji-eun walked out of the room with all of her belongings thinking there was no one in the café when she saw a man sitting on one of the table by the window with his face buried in his palms because of which Ji-eun couldn't see his face.

"Sir, We are closed." Ji-eun said politely. No response. Ji-eun frowned as she walked towards that man. "Sir we are closed, you may leave." Ji-eun repeated. "Can you just shut the fuck up?!" That man yelled without lifting his head. Ji-eun flinched slightly but immediately regained her firm posture. "For the Last time. Please leave." Ji-eun said firmly as that guy slowly turned towards her, A frown took place on his face as he stared at the scar-like mark Ji-eun had on the left side of her stomach she had since birth. That man slowly lifted up his head to look at her face as the frown on his face was replaced by a shocked expression. After years of wondering alone and looking for her... Here she was, standing in front of him.

A gasp left Ji-eun's lips as she saw the man's face which had cuts and bruises. "Sir are you fine?" Ji-eun asked worriedly as she noticed tears pooling in his eyes. "Wait let me help you." Ji-eun said before walking back inside the spare room while that man just stared at her with a strom of emotions raging inside him as a single tear slid down his cheeks.

• • •

After a couple of minutes, Ji-eun walked out of the room with a first aid kit. "Let me help you." Ji-eun said as she dragged a chair and sat in front of that man who just kept staring right in her brown eyes, not uttering a single word. 'She's still the same...' He thought while Ji-eun was helping him despite of him being a stranger to her...

"It may sting a bit..." Ji-eun said softly as she applied ointment on his cuts. Ji-eun noticed that man smiling at her causing heat rush up to her cheeks. Ji-eun couldn't deny the fact that how attractive that man looked even with a bruised face. He was wearing a red shirt underneath a black blazer with black pants and a thin silver chain. "And... We are done." Ji-eun said a she closed the first aid box. "Thank you..." That man uttered, Ji-eun smiled softly. "So, May i know what's your name?" Ji-eun asked, curiously.

"Lee Rang..."

"Oh that's a good name! My name is Nam Ji-eun." Ji-eun introduced herself with a smile. Despite of him being a stranger Ji-eun felt a scent of safety and comfort with him. "Beautiful name..." Lee Rang said with a smile causing Ji-eun to blush slightly.

'But i prefer Eun-kyung...'

"Oh shit- it's so late already!" Ji-eun Exclaimed immediately standing up from her seat while looking at her watch. It was 11:45 already and the bus to Ji-eun's place was supposed to leave at sharp 11:30. Ji-eun whined like a little kid causing Lee Rang to chuckle. "Don't laugh!" Ji-eun Whined as she looked around. "The next bus is at 12..." Ji-eun looked at her watch, Lee Rang stood up ready to leave.

• • •

After checking everything Ji-eun walked out of the café and almost had a heart attack when she saw Lee Rang standing outside, lean on the wall right beside the door while scrolling through his phone. "You scared me-" Ji-eun said dramatically. "I apologise princess..." Lee Rang said with a smirk as Ji-eun blushed at that cheesy nickname. "May i drop you home?" Lee Rang asked. "Uh... No you are already injured, i will manage." Ji-eun said before bowing politely as she walked in the opposite direction while Lee Rang just stared at her figure which was soon out of sight.

• • •

Ji-eun walked down the awfully dark and quiet street, alert of her surrounding when she spotted a man sitting by the light pole. It was a drunkard, like who else would sit by a light pole at this time?

Ji-eun fastened her speed as she was about to walk past that drunk man when he stood up causing Ji-eun to panic. "Yah..." The man followed Ji-eun who was speed walking, praying he wouldn't follow her. "Yah!" The man screamed causing Ji-eun to flinch and start running.

"Ahhh!" Ji-eun whimpered as the man caught up with her and held her hair, yanking her to a side. Ji-eun groaned in pain as her body collided with the rough ground. "I need to let out some steam and you are perfect for it." The man said with a dirty smirk.

• • •

Lee Rang was driving back to his house with stupid smile plastered on his face. "I finally found her!" He whispered to himself as his smile grew bigger.

"Soon she'll be back in my arms..."

Suddenly Rang felt a sharp pain in his chest as he started breathing heavily and slowed down his car. "What's wrong..." Rang thought to himself as he felt uneasy, as if something was wrong. Suddenly his mind went back to Ji-eun as he drove back to café and sped up his car in the direction where Ji-eun went earlier.

After driving down the dark and empty street, Rang's heart started to race as there was no trace of Ji-eun or anyone in general. Rang frowned as he saw a man kicking something or... someone in a distance. Rang drove closer as his eyes widen, anger and rage started to build up inside him.

Lee Rang stepped out of his car as the man turned towards him. Lee Rang's eyes went down towards Ji-eun who was laying there unconscious with a busted lip and bruises all over her face. "Dead." Lee Rang said before lunging at that man and punching him to his death. Lee Rang yanked away that man's body as if it was nothing and kneeled down beside Ji-eun, taking her on his lap. "Yah..." Lee Rang shook her. "Damn it." Lee Rang thought as he picked her up and placed her in the passenger seat of his car and drove off to his house.

• • •

Lee Rang stopped in front of his luxurious apartment complex and walked and ran inside along with Ji-eun in his arms. Lee Rang vigorously rang the door bell (you see what i did there eh-?) of his apartment as a half asleep Yu-ri opened the door while rubbing her eyes. "Mr. Lee-" Yu-ri couldn't finish her sentence as Lee Rang ran straight to his room and placed Ji-eun on his bed. "Yu-ri, bring the first aid kit, quick!" Lee Rang yelled as Yu-ri returned with the first aid kit. "The nice human?!" Yu-ri Exclaimed with wide eyes. "What?" Lee Rang asked her. "She is the one who helped me in the mall! I told you about her!" Yu-ri Exclaimed as Lee Rang smiled proudly while applying ointment on her bruises and lips.

After treating Ji-eun, Yu-ri walked out of the room while Lee Rang sat on the floor beside the bed and gently held Ji-eun's hand while caressing her head lovingly.

"Glad to see you again... My Eun-kyung..." 


They met!!

Do let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments!

Love yall!

━ Mush ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

━ 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ; l.rangWhere stories live. Discover now