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The next morning, Yu-ri walked towards Lee Rang and handed him a cup of coffee. "So who is she?" She asked, taking a seat beside him on the couch. "Eun-kyung." Lee Rang said as Yu-ri's eyes went wide.

"Really?" She asked, not believing her ears. "YOUR Eun-kyung?!" Yu-ri confirmed as Lee Rang nodded with a smile. "Omg wow!" Yu-ri Exclaimed, feeling happy for Mr. Lee. "You know you always mumble her name in your sleep! Glad you finally met her!" Yu-ri said as Lee Rang looked at his feet with slightly reddened cheeks.

"How do you know its her tho?" Yu-ri asked curiously. "The scar on her the side of her stomach..." Lee Rang said as a shaky breath left his lips, recalling what happened in the past.

"Huh? How? I mean, you never told me about all this. All i knew was that you had a lover in the past." Yu-ri pouted, making Lee Rang chuckle. "It's time for you to know i guess." Lee Rang shrugged, followed by a sigh.

━━━━━━ 600 Years ago ━━━━━━

A little boy named Lee Rang was happily roaming around the little village when he bumped into a little girl who looked like she was a year younger than him. Lee Rang immediately recognised her as she was the daughter of the richest Merchant, residing in their village.

"S-sorry." Lee Rang immediately apologised as the little girl just chuckled. "Oh it's fine-" before the girl could saying anything further, A woman who looked like Lee Rang's mother walked over to him with a panicked look and pulled away him along with her hurriedly while the little girl just watched then walking away with a frown.

• • •

A few days later, the girl was out on a stroll along with her mother when they saw a group of people hitting someone. The little girl looked at her mother before running towards the crowed. "Eun-kyung!" Her mother called out before following her. Eun-kyung's eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the person being tortured. It was that little guy from before.

Lee Rang was trying to cover himself from the kicks and punches people were throwing his way when he saw the little girl trying to push away the people.

"Stop!" Eun-kyung's mother ordered as everyone stopped what they were doing and turned towards her. "Leave the little boy alone." Eun-kyung's mother said as the people felt intimidated by her aura and left immediately.

"Are you okay?" Eun-kyung asked as she kneeled down beside Lee Rang and placed her hand on his shoulder causing his heart to skip a beat. "N-no..." Lee Rang said as tears started to form in his eyes. "Mom! Let's take him home with us?" Eun-kyung asked her mother who thought for awhile before agreeing. "Let's go-" Eun-kyung helped Lee Rang to stand up when a voice stopped them.

"Stop." The voice said as all three of them turned around to see a man with redish-brown hair. "That's my brother." The man said before walking towards them and holding Lee Rang's hand as he started pulling him away. Eun-kyung noticed the confused look on Lee Rang's face and looked at her mother who looked petrified. "Mom?" Eun-kyung shook her mother, bring her back to her senses. "Let's go." Eun-kyung said as she held her hand and pulled her away hurriedly.

Eun-kyung turned around to take a last look at Lee Rang who was already looking at her.

• • •

"Mom, what happened back there? Why did you look so scared..?" Eun-kyung asked as soon as they stepped inside the house. "You don't need to know and stay away from that boy." The mother said seriously, maintaining an eye contact with Eun-kyung. "But why?" Eun-kyung asked with a frown. "He is not someone nice." Her mother said as she looked away. "What? Why-" "Stop asking questions!" Eun-kyung flinched as her mother raised her voice at her and walked away.

━━━━━━ End of flashback ━━━━━━

"Oooo~ so that's how you met her." Yu-ri nodded as Rang hummed. "Ohk, continue." Yu-ri said, just as Lee Rang was about to continue telling about his past life when Ji-eun walked out while looking around, almost stumbling.

"She's up" Yu-ri said, pointing at Ji-eun as Rang immediately turned his head towards Ji-eun and ran towards her. "Do you need something?" Rang asked as he held her. "No... Where am i?" She asked as she was not familiar of her surrounding. "Oh this is my house. Don't stress yourself, feel comfortable. We'll talk about what happened later. You need to take rest." Rang said as he picked her up in his arms and went back to his room. He placed Ji-eun on the bed and covered her with a blanket. "Umm... Thank you..?" Ji-eun said shyly as Rang smiled softly and nodded before walking out of the room.

• • •

It was almost evening when Ji-eun woke up, looked around to see Lee Rang standing in front of the mirror, buttoning up his black shirt.

"Oh You woke up." Lee Rang said with a smile as he looked at Ji-eun who just woke up in the mirror. "Yeah.. Ahhh.." Ji-eun hissed as soon as she stood up feeling a sharp pain in her side causing her to sit back on the bed. "Hey hey, you can just rest here, Okay?" Lee Rang said as he kneeled down in front of her. "I need to go to Cafe." Ji-eun said as Lee Rang just looked at her with a blank expression. "Do you think you'll be able to work with this pain?" He said, Ji-eun just looked at her hands. "But i have the keys and Mrs. Yoon must be waiting for me!" Ji-eun said. "I already talked to her and don't worry, i will drop off the keys." Lee Rang said as Ji-eun just went quiet. "At least drop me home, You've helped me enough." Ji-eun said as Lee Rang sighed.

"Stay here." He said firmly. "Yu-ri will take care of you." Lee Rang said as he stood up and walked out of the room while fixing his shirt.

"Take care of her well." Lee Rang told Yu-ri before walking out of the house.

• • •

"Can I come in?" Yu-ri asked as she peeked into the room. "Yeah sure!" Ji-eun said with a smile as Yu-ri walked towards her. "Are okay? Do you need anything?" Yu-ri asked as she sat on the bed in front of Ji-eun. "No, i am fine. Thank you for taking care of me." Ji-eun said as Yu-ri smiled. "Ahh it's okayy" Yu-ri said.

"Well tell me about you?" Yu-ri asked, Ji-eun thought for a while before starting. "So my name is Ji-eun, I work at a coffee shop and a flower shop as i live alone." Ji-eun said as her voice lowered at the end. "Aww.. I used to live alone too before I met Mr. Lee." Yu-ri smiled as a question raised inside Ji-eun. "Oh. Is he your boyfriend?" Ji-eun asked as Yu-ri's eyes went wide. "No no! He is like my big brother and a father figure!" Yu-ri explained, Ji-eun chuckled. "Oh okay okay." Ji-eun nodded.

"Do you know how to paint nails?" Yu-ri asked as her eyes shined looking at Ji-eun's nails. "Oh yes! Oh should i paint your nails?" Ji-eun asked excitedly. "Yes please!" Yu-ri said as she ran to her room to get some nail polish.


Bonding timeee!

Do let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments!

Love yall!

━ Mush ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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