Part 9

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About two weeks had passed since the whole Peter situation. There was a new lizard killer in Beacon hills, hunters had piled in, including Gerard Argent. And a very frail being laid in a hospital bed. If she was alive, none knew for sure. Her friends, Jackson, Danny and Scott had visited on a regular. And after her awakening, so did Lydia. Her brother and father were at her side every second they could be. But her most recent and often visitor, had found a spare moment on this day. Whilst his pack had just recruited Vernon Boyd and fought Scott. He felt an odd longing to see his once best friend. 

Alexandria Stilinski, the name on the girls armband. To Derek Hale, she was known as X, Alex, dumbass or Bitch. Derek was one of the very few who knew about her heart 'problem'. His mother had soothed him when he first thought she had died. She revealed that the Stilinksi girl was special and sadly, this was a side effect from it. When she was any form of unconscious, her heartbeat was non-existant. 

This made it very hard to know if Kate's torture had actually killed the girl or not. 

Derek had tried a different method of getting her to wake up every time he visited. His latest theory was that taking her pain could help awaken her. His hand, lightly grazed her ice cold skin, trying to catch an once of pain yet he found none. His hand stayed on her arm as he was unable to look away from the scaring on her arm. 

Just as he tried to let go, his eyes flashed it's glowing red before closing. When he reopened his eyes he was met with a very dark enviroment. Covered in cracks and bloody. He tried to take a step forward only for the enviroment to change into a long, quite creepy hall. There were mirrors all along it with a large, glowing white door. He walked down the hall. Alert to anything that could happen in the unfamiliar place. As mirrors were passed, murmurs were heard and images were seen. To Derek the faces of Sam and Dean Winchester were unfamiliar. As well as Castiel and Crowley. But Stiles and the Sheriff's faces were not. His mothers face was not. Laura was not... 

It didn't take a genious to figure out that this may have been a passange to Alex's mind. But his thoughts were confused as to why and how he managed to get to it. Was it beause he tried to take her pain? 

Vague images of things that had happened to her, just memories of how people looked. The more he walked, the harder it felt to move, to breathe. It was like Pain was surrounding him the closer he got to the door. 

The light was almost blinding. Almost, the only thing darkening it a bit was a cracked black mirror. Inside, was the face of Claudia Stilinski. It didn't look like the happy woman Stiles or the Sheriff explained to everyone she was. No, this woman almost seemed evil. 

Derek, having seen enough of the creepy hall, pushed the door open only to be met with a void. 

In the deep dark, a vague distance ahead, a figure seemed to appear. Walking a lot faster, Derek saw the figure enhance... there wasn't just one figure.

Most of the people he saw surrounding one object were people he knew, People who were deceased. But everyone around the object were deceased. All people who played a massive part in forming the Alex everyone knew. 

Derek, deciding to get a little bit closer, had seen the person he had been trying to save chained to a platform below her and was on her knees with her hands over her ears. 

At the sight, he could not help but mutter: "Alex?" 

The girl's head snapped up.  Removing her hands from her ears as the figures around her disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Taking a clear image, Derek saw the tear stains on her cheeks. The mark Kate had left was drawn on the plateform below her, not that he noticed the crutail detail. He did notice her dry, distant sounding, painfilled voice as she questioned his existance. 

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