Part 10

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The time most people were sleeping peacefully yet there was one body in the subway station which was not. A person with ice cold skin yet was sweating profusely. Alexandria Stilinski was no stranger to nightmares, but she couldn't dream... Dangers lurked in her mind, dangers which would and could consume her at any given chance. 

The image in her mind was dark, yet very vivid and clear. A strong wind was present, making the females hair whip in every which way. Upon a cliff in the distance, a figure stood proudly. Red stains all over the area. As she carefully neared the area, the figure became more and more clear, yet it was standing in such a position that she could not make out it's face. 

 A dark chuckle echoed in the distance. The coldness behind it made her shiver as goosebumps overtook her body. The voice behind it spoke: "Why are you holding it back? It's going to take over. You know it." 

Still not noticing the familiar voice, Alex asked: "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? Come closer..." The figure turned a bit more, glowing blue veins were seen covering their arms and face. 

Alex did as asked, stepping on the sticky red liquid, the metallic smell alone told her exactly what she was stepping in... Deep, crimson, blood. 

It felt like her heartbeat was picking up, Alex had been fearfull. Looking up at the person, she jumped back in a fright. Her own face was staring back at her with a sinister smirk. "Hello... Me." her own dark voice greeted her. 

"No..." Alex trailed off in a whisper. "Yes." her other self laughed at the girls denial. 

"THIS..." she motioned to her whole body, covered with glowing blue veins, "is what's coming. I, am coming." 

Alex shivered as her other self grabbed her arm and dragged her too the top of the cliff. She tried to scream for help, yet it was like her mouth had been glued shut and her vocals frozen.

At the top, the sun and moon were united to create an lunar eclipse. The Lunar eclipse of the twins' birthday. Alex and Stiles were born but 3 hours apart, this was convinent because she was born on April 7th at 22.56 whilst Stiles was born April 8th 02.00.  

The lunar eclipse would happen in between the two times they were born. 

"What are you trying to show me?" Alex looked at the ground that was a very long fall from where they stood. 

"Simple, we... YOU will kill them all. We'll start with Lydia..." the dark voice echoed her friends name and a bloodied version of Lydia had appeared at the tip of the cliff. Alex stared into Lydia's lifeless eyes and shakily asked: "Why-Why her first?"

Her other self, kicked the body down and laughed: "Because she's going to die soon. We can't have a banshee at our wake. She's going to bring him back... she's going to ruin the evaluation of our power!" 

A low sob was let out by the girl, echoing through the environment. The glowing veins on her other self's face glowed even brighter as she laughed at the pain Alex was experiencing. 

The girl fell too her knees and pulled her sleeve up, the glowing veins had already started to form. She looked at them with fearful eyes whilst her other self bend down, smirking whilst she grabbed Alex's arms. Displaying the veins in the air. 

"SEE!" she yelled, "You'll have no other way out now! You'll become this-" she motioned to her glowing body. 

"NO!" Alex cried, trying to get out of her own hold. 

"YES!" Her other self yelled back, "You'll become me! You'll kill them all, it won't matter if they're an Alpha..." Derek's face appeared in the eyes of Alex's other self, "A cute little newbie beta..." Isaac's laughing face shone like a light in front of her, "Human family..." Stiles. "Or just some collateral damage!" Jackson and Danny were seen with lacrosse sticks in hand. 

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