Part 7 (Last)

779 54 8

Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 15.06.2023


"Ragini are you ready?" Swara asked coming into Ragini's room after getting ready for Sangeeth.

Ragini nodded. They planned for Sangeeth and Mehendi for Swara and Laksh too once again.

"Dadi told she will call us then we can go out." Swara said.

Ragini just nodded again.

"What happened?" Swara asked.

"Nothing!" Ragini shook her head.

"You don't like this marriage?" Swara asked.

"Swara I said nothing right!" Ragini spoke.

Swara shrugged her shoulders and got busy in her phone.

"Swara Laadoo come." Dadi came inside calling them.

Both of them nodded and moved out of their room along with Dadi. Sanskar moved close towards them and forwarded his hand for Ragini. Ragini just gave her hand. Laksh kept staring them ignoring Swara. Swara was trying hard not to glare him. She took deep breathes and moved herself towards him. They all got settled while Uttara took the stage to call for the dance performances one after the other.

"You look beautiful!" Sanskar whispered to Ragini.

Ragini just smiled a little and nodded. He smiled back at her. Swara is just looking beside her i.e. at Laksh who is looking at Ragini. He felt she is looking the best in that lehenga selected by him. But he felt miserable too seeing her with his brother.

"Laksh I am here!" Swara spoke gritting her teeth.

Laksh looked away from Ragini.

"What's wrong with you Laksh? You are behaving odd since I returned back?" Swara asks.

"Me? No Swara." Laksh says not meeting her eyes.

Swara nodded and concentrated back again on the performances.

"Now it's time for the couples of the day to perform. Let's welcome Laksh bhai and Swara bhabhi, Sanskar bhai and Ragini bhabhi." Uttara screams in joy.

All four of them are about to get on to the stage when Ragini as usual tripped when getting on the steps. Laksh immediately held her and helped her to stand properly.

"You fine?" he asked.

Ragini moved away and nodded. She was about to move to stage but again she tripped and Laksh held her again.

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