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              I WAS BACK AT STRAWBERRY PRODUCTIONS COMAPNY, I sat on the couch as Arime and Ruby started fighting about something there idol group.

              "Aqua!" Ruby shouted at me, "Kana is useless! Whenever i tried to talk to her about our new group she ignores!"

              "I don't ignore her! I just hate all her ideas!" Arime shouted back.

             I ignored them and looked at the drawing of Ai. It was so real-life looked. I couldn't help but stare at it.

            "Aqua!" Ruby shouted louder, then stopped for a second, "What's that?"

           I looked up at Ruby walking towards me and took the drawing out of my hand this instant.

           "Hey." I glared at her.

           Ruby and Arime stared at the drawing. "Ai." they said at the same time.

            "You drew this?!" Arime gave a shock yet impress look, "That's impossible!"

             Ruby nodded along, still looking at the picture, "Can i have it?"

             "I didn't draw it." i snatch the drawing back, "And no, it's mine. You can't have it."

             "then who drew it?" Ruby sat beside me.

             I pause for a second, not saying anything, "You don't need to know."

             "Why not?" Arime gave a suspicious look, wondering if that's the reason why i have been missing, "Why don't you want us to know?"

               "Yeah." Ruby poked my arm.

               "It's (L/N)," i groaned, "You probably don't even know her." Ruby gave a confuse look while Arime's jaw opened.

                 "(L/N)?! From the art department?" Arime grabbed my collar and shook me like a crazy person.

                  "Who?" Ruby tilt her head.

                 "It's (L/N)! She makes the best art you'll ever seen and on top of that, the prettiest girl you'll ever seen!" Arime explained about her like a stalker.

                  "How does she look like?" Ruby asked as Arime googled (L/N) and showed a picture of her.

               Ruby's eyes widen to be seeing a picture of an 18 year old girl, who has a wolf haircut black hair with cat eyes and slightly pale skin. It was like looking at a human A.I. A beautiful one.

             ruby started looking through (L/N) artworks and gasped, "Aqua, how do you know (L/N)?"

            My eyes widen and i looked away from the two girls eyes, "By accident."

"AQUAMARINE IS MY FAVOURITE COLOUR"  (Aquaxreader)Where stories live. Discover now