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           I'VE BEEN HOME ALONE FOR DAYS, AQUA NOT VISITING. The only texts I got from him was, 'Can't visit. It's about the idol group.' And 'Goodnight.'

          Lately, he hasn't been spending any time with me. I don't know if it's my fault or he just tired of me.

         He never came to the art storeroom, he never visits your apartment, whenever you see him in school he just wave at you and walked away.

         I was at my apartment, on the bed, hugging my knees as I looked at my phone, hoping Aqua was text or something.

         I have been waiting for hours.

         I pushed away those thought, deciding to text him instead of waiting for the man.

        Y/N: Aqua, what you're doing?

        It took him fucking 15 minutes to respond.

        AQUA: At work for the new play. Why?

        Y/N: Nothing. Are you visiting?

        AQUA: Can't. I have the new play to rehearsed with Akane and Arima and the rest. Not only that, i have to help out with the idol group. I haven't been spending time helping out so I though I'd put in effort. 

        Ok, Ouch, that hurt. How could he notice them over me and then say he be only putting in effort?

        Oh my god, am i being toxic?

       Y/N: ok.

        AQUA: Are you okay?

       I thought about it awhile about my answer for that but I don't feel like saying, 'no cause you're spending time with them over me.'

       Y/N: Yup.

       I threw my phone aside and lay on my bed, groaning loudly. I then started hearing my phone vibrate.

      AQUA: (Y/N), i'm not stupid.

      AQUA: Hey.

      AQUA: What's wrong?

      AQUA: (Y/N)?

      AQUA: Where did you go?

      AQUA: Hello?

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