Chapter-1: Fairy of fate, a stringed choice.

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He got resurrected, 16 years into the future. A world's past where he wasn't present in all the savage events. No one knows him. His name nor his face.

"Sir, sir..." I awoke with a sharp gasp. My throat burned, all around it was clouded-blurry. It was as if, slowly awakening to ethereal light. Was I? No. The heavens would never. I would never.

The feeling parted from my eyes and my vision cleared. Across the room, there were people...standing? what had happened? Did I not die?

"Geez, we saved your life and you're acting all intense and alarmed, not even a thank you." The boy pouted, then frowned. He had a long, sloping face but a smooth, pale complexion. He wore Gusu Lan clan's attire. I was at Gusu?!

I looked around, almost unstable. I was unable to adjust let alone comprehend what was going on. Had I...

Or was it all a very realistic dream? Was I truly back? They did not seem to recognise my face. But it couldn't be guaranteed. For I did not know them, so it was likely for them to not recognise me...Unless. I looked at them, maintaining eye contact, I smiled. They seemed awkward, I felt awkward. We were being cautious all around. I swallowed.

"Young sir." I looked around once more. "Where am I?"

"You're in Lan clan of Gusu's sect." Another young boy replied, he was poised, unlacking in manners, unlike the other one.

"Oh..." I widened my mouth. I tried acting stunned, I was, just not with the place.

"What happened and...why am I here?"

"We were cultivating, somewhere near the of the younger disciples discovered your body near a lake while wandering."

'Near a lake?' I scrunched my eyebrows. What was I doing near a lake? How did I get there? Why was I even-

A hand was waved over my face. I snapped back to my senses.

I chuckled awkwardly, a light grin appeared on my face.

"Thank you." "For rescuing me." The poised boy smiled, while the boy standing next to him seemed annoyed and replused. I did not know why. Did he...

"Ah! Wait! Wait!" I shouted, they were about to leave until I stopped them.

They turned around. "Yes?"

"Can I ask what your names might be?"

The poised boy smiled yet again. The other boy scrunched his nose.

"My name is Lan Sizhui." He glanced at the other boy.

"His name is Lan Jingyi."

"Oh..okay, okay." I crossed my arms.

"And what is your name?"

At the question I looked up at him, he seemed eager to know about me. I wasn't to tell, yet I wanted to know if...No, I could possibly not take the risk. Maybe they...

"Wei Wuxian." I felt dry. Quenched. The burning sensation had not left my throat yet.

"Welcome Mr. Wei, feel at home here in Lan sect, when you recover, you can leave anytime."

I was stupified,'t be! Everyone knew! How did he...Why did he...

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" I grabbed his sleeve, preventing him from leaving yet again. I had a question.

"What day is today?"

"Thursday." Upon hearing that my eyes widened. It had been five days since the war, and the bloodshed and...

Since he didn't know me, I wanted to bother him with another question.

"You know...the Wen clan..." I smiled at him awkwardly.

"Sir...why are you asking this.." His face became a bit serious.

"Yeah, Why are you asking this?" Lan Jingyi's face was sarcastic and serious at the same time. I did not know one could do that.

"How long has Wen Ruohan's sons been dead?"

Lan Sizhui furrowed his brows. His tone cautious.

"More than sixteen years..."


"Why ask?" Lan Jingyi interrogated.

"It's just! I- I once met with a wandering Wen clan member! And! I remember him asking me to ask this, he was very old, and sick. He served one of the young masters before he died! But I don't think I'd meet the man again..." "Sorry, for asking so many questions! I annoy you a lot don't I!" I acted impulsive. They would not find out.

"It is okay." "I don't mind answering the questions to which I know answers to." "It is completely fine." " Now, we really have to go, or we'll be late for class." He smiled and left with the other boy. Lan Jingyi gave me a glance before leaving, I chuckled. And lay on bed again.

"So I'm in the Lan sect huh?" "I've travelled sixteen years into the future...and no one seems to know me..." I suddenly remembered I had to look at myself in the mirror. What if my soul had transferred into another's body?

There was a mirror in the room, I got up and walked towards it. it was tall, I could see my entire self reflected in it.

It was I, Yiling Patriarch. My face, my body. It had been sixteen years from then. Of course they did not know what I looked like but, I expected the elders to share tall tales and the public to gossip, like they always did. I expected them to at least know my name. It was as if my existen was of a stranger's. I knew I wasn't one. I never was. So why now? What wicked was fate playing with me? Had I got a chance to start anew?

There was a cost, always a cost. This time it was the memories of me, wiped from people's minds. I did not know what to feel. If this was true...The people I cared about would never remember again, he would never remember again. The memories of us were too precious, unrepeatable.

Is it better being forgotten or hated? I did not know.

All that I knew was I was here, and maybe he would be here too. And maybe I'd meet him, maybe not. Never. I cannot. Not again. I got this chance. I got this chance, I was not going to enter his life and make it complicated. But he had done so already. So why did I hold back now? Maybe I'm not the heartless Yiling Patriarch they know me as. Before him I was a frivolous young man named Wei Ying, who knew no sadness to be welcomed to his heart. But things had changed, ever since he came, it had changed. I had been a hypocrite all my life...Was I going to fake everything I felt now or was I going to make sure we never meet again? Ignore each other's existence.

And why was I back here again? To start beginnings when I knew my end? Or to run, since I did not know how to react. I knew nothing anymore. Absolutely nothing.

"Maybe...maybe we shall meet...after all...fate plays this game."

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