Extra: A lyrical ballad based on the song 'Drunken Dream of the Past.'

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'The pale moon guided me, I sang songs often in glee,

The moon, I thought, never knew gloom.

After years, dead and gone,

Recollecting the past, the echoes and my fall.

Through the just and wrong, I withstood it all.

Though the liquor spilled and I was awoken from, a drunken dream I couldn't recall.

I believed, my heart knew it all.

Though wrong yet right, rise and fall, good or bad, be it all gone,

I will never listen to the muse.

Though the world crumbled down, unknowing the song of my heart, did I ever not, listen to it once?

And the years they go by, madly changes this world, I, still stand strong.

And the years they go by, rapidly changes this world,

You and I, can you, listen to my heart?

And then the world shall collapse, fiercer than tides that wash shores,

Let me stay in this,

Drunken dream of the past!'

(First verse)



(Author's note: The lines of this poem written by me, are not the lyrics of the Chinese song translated into English. Which means, that the poem belongs to me, but the rhythm in the ballad it belongs to the song 'Drunken Dream of the Past.' And the story the poem tells belongs to MXTX (Mo Xiang Tong Xiu) I hope you'll understand.)


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