Chapter-4: 'I can help! Allow me to do so!'

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I had made way to my room shortly after the scene I had caused. So far, there were very few who thought my actions to be extensively outrageous, but there were many whom I might have slightly offended. Slightly.

I had hours, maybe half of hours, lesser or so. I did not know. It was today and today, they'd make way to Carp Tower. I had to persuade them if not to coax if the situation would take a trip southwards.

I seemed to have been put in a panicked rush.

"Shit! I don't have a sword!" I had to have a sword. All cultivators have swords, all of them, and those who didn't were considered immoral.

"Suibian! Where are you when I need you most!"

No matter what, coaxing seemed to be the last option to be taken.

In my head there was this ever irresistible blank. Lan Zhan was churning up these confusions! I did not know what I was thinking anymore. My thoughts were a mix of strings and turns and twists. I sat down on the bed.

"I'm just nervous I saw NAKED LAN ZHAN!" Suddenly I heard the bells ringing, I peeped outside my window and saw the disciples running around, there was commotion.

"EVERYONE THERE SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN A SITUATION IN THE DARKNESS ROOM!!" One disciple yelled. I got curious to know what had happened to make them all so anxious and distressed.

They all ran in one direction after hearing so, swords-in-hand and a look of curiosity and anxiety mixed within.

Chenqing was still with me, I could help, as far as I remembered the Room of Darkness was the summoning of spirits room. Maybe a spirit had gone rogue? Who knew? I knew how to control rogue spirits and use them as required to my needs but...

'What if I lose control like last time?'

I was going to find out. Yiling Patriarch still lived, if not within the minds of people.

I pushed the door open, it creaked a little. I looked to see if there was anyone near, there wasn't. I tip-toed then slowly started to walk towards the direction they all went.

I saw them all gathered outside the room. I approached them.

"Hey! I- um, I heard some commotion, is everything okay?"

"You again!" Jingyi shouted.
"Why are you here!?"

"Ai...I'm here to help! I can help with whatever happened inside!"

"How can you help? Do you even know anything concerning cultivation let alone stabilizing a summoning gone wrong!?" I sighed upon hearing his words.

I pushed the door forcefully open and walked inside.

"HEY! HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING! SOMEONE STOP HIM!" I heard him shout after I closed the door behind me. Then I heard them all knocking and hitting the door hard.

I saw Lan Zhan. He was playing the seven-stringed Guqin. The air was too resentful. It had to be controlled.

"Lan Zhan!"

"You, why are you here?"

"I'm here to help."

"Get out." I did not listen. I took out Chenqing and started playing it.

Then only did I see the distressed one whom everyone was losing their hair strands for. Lan Qiren. He was put in a pathetic situation and was currently lying on the floor. I played off-key, breathing into the main hole but dislocating my fingers all over the other holes. Then I knew it, Lan Qiren got up and stared at me then shouted.

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