The Pit

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This story, the completed story, is on fanfiction and I decided to move it here. I wrote this so I have the right to do such. :P

Arthur stared down into the bottomless pit, Hell, as one might call it. Arthur scowled at it, but at the same time, he was deeply interested.
Arthur is an angel, one of the highest rank, in fact. Every day he flew back to the opening into Hell. He didn't know why, but he felt as if someone, from the depths of Hell, was calling to him. But to his dismay, no one would call to him from the pit. He only saw the rare flash of light, (which was because the pit to Hell was so deep, that only a huge explosion would show a small spark from where Arthur was standing.) Or, he heard a few quick screams.
He sat down, and swung his legs on the edge of the chasm. For a few seconds he heard nothing more than a few screams, when Arthur an uneasy feeling come over him. He stood up and flew away, making a mental note to return tomorrow.
As he flew away, he missed a voice calling his name from Hell.

Alfred's POV
"Arthur!" Alfred screamed to the darkness above him.
"ARTHUR!" He yelled before once more before turning around.
"Ugh..." Alfred said as he ran a hand threw his dark hair, "Another day, and another missed chance."
"Hey, Alfred!" Alfred turned his head around and faced two bright red orbs.
"I don't want to talk Gilbert."
"Aww...wassa matter? Your imaginary boyfriend didn't come today?" Next to Gilbert's head, a little dark blue bird, Gilbird, chirped in agreement.
"He came! He just didn't hear me."
"Riiiiiight," Gilbert rolled his eyes, "Well, it's very un-awesome of you to believe that your fairytale boyfriend is going to jump down here."
"One day he will hear'll see."
"Whatever dude, just came by because Francis wants to see your ass."
"Did he actually want to talk to me? Or look at my ass?"
"Both, I think, it's Francis we're talking about."
"Fine, I'll go."
"Awesome! He's at his house if you wanted to know."
"Thanks, bro," Alfred said as he spread his wings, "See you around."
Alfred took off into the air and flew in the direction of his rose-loving friend's house. He looked down at the ground below him, fire and lava at every corner. He saw several corpses burning and rotting, but when was that ever unusual. The smell of death and decay was almost too much, well it would be, if he were human.
Alfred was one of the few demons who lived in Hell, along with Gilbert, Francis, and a few others. He despised Hell. Literally, Hated it. He wanted so badly to go and fly up out of the fire pit, but sadly, he had tried countless times and failed. This was caused by an invisible boundary that prevented demons from escaping Hell. But mostly, Alfred wanted to see Arthur.
Alfred has never seen least not face to face. But he has seen Arthur in many dreams. Now it is a very rare thing for a demon to dream. But, it seems like he dreams every night of his beautiful angel, Arthur. Despite never having seen him, Alfred knows exactly what he looks like. Arthur has big eyebrows but Alfred finds them to be extremely sexy. Arthur's semi-long blonde hair makes him even look more angelic. And his eyes, oh his eyes, Alfred loves them the best. The way they sparkle and how you could see the vast green sea in them.
Alfred landed softly in front of Francis's house and began to walk to the door. As he passes the red rose bushes, they burst into flames. Alfred let out a small chuckle as he thought of how upset Francis would be at seeing his flowers engulfed in the flames. He raised his hand to knock but Francis had beat him to it.
"Oh! Alfred! Come in, come in." Francis ushered Alfred in and shut the door quickly behind him.
"What is it now Francis. Did you find someone who finally rejected you? Besides me, of course."
"Non, not at all. But I have found something that might interest you," He gave a sly smile and gestured for Alfred to come closer. Of course, Alfred was hesitant. Eventually he stepped closer to the Frenchmen.
"I had a very pleasant nap, just a few hours ago, and I saw someone who you talk about...a lot." Alfred's ears perked up.
"Oh...really? And who might that be?"
"Does the name Arthur ring a bell?" Alfred felt his semi-alive heart skip a beat.
"Oui. A dream came to me about him."
"Did it now..."
"Yes, it showed me the secret to getting out of Hell." Alfred stopped.
"Yes, do you want to know it?" Francis said with a devilish grin.
"Of course! Tell me!"
"Come closer," Francis made yet another gesture to Alfred. He stepped closer.
"So, what is it?"
"Closer," Francis pulled Alfred closer, "Perfect." Francis cooed in Alfred's ear as he struggled.
"Francis?! What!?"
"It's for your own good." Francis began to tug on Alfred's pitch black wings.
"Ah! Francis! What are you doing!?"
"Getting you out of Hell," Francis stated.
As Francis continued to pull on Alfred's wings, Alfred felt tears brimming in his eyes. There was a sound, a ripping, as Alfred felt his wings being ripped from him. With one final pull, Alfred felt his wings leave their sockets. As soon as this happened, Francis dropped the wings on the ground with a chuckle. Alfred lunged at him and tried to strangle him.
"Why you son of a b-."
"Don't be too hasty now, I just took those for a reason. You no longer are a demon."
"But I still think and act like one. You didn't rip out my heart!"
"True, but you are now a half demon and...?"
"Half demons can travel back and forth between Hell and the human world," Alfred finished.
Right, so I'll just fly you up to the boarder and throw you right up."
"Wha-? Throw me?"
"How else are you going to get up there?"
Francis lifted Alfred up and flew out the door. High above the fire pits and lava pools, Alfred felt his lungs clench. The stench of the decaying bodies was overwhelming. The smoke from the fire burned Alfred's throat and he broke into a coughing fit. As they passed over a lava fall, Alfred coughed up some blood.
"Sorry Alfie, you can't stand the smell anymore, right?"

"Fly faster," Alfred croaked, "Before I cough up a lung."

As they flew faster and faster, Alfred seemed to pick up more smog, (If that's possible). "So this is how I'll die? Choked by the smell of death..." Alfred thought as he started to loose consciousness. Then Alfred felt them slow down.
"We're here, wake up." Francis raised up Alfred in order for him to take a good look at the gaping hole above him.
"'re just gonna toss me?"
"Oui, good luck."
"But what if I fall back down?"
"You'll fall," Francis said with a smirk.
"'re not going to catch me?!"
"If you fall," Francis yawned, "Then it will have all been for nothing."
"O-okay...throw me."
"Are you sure?"
Alfred thought for a moment, did he really want to do this? He could stay down here and nothing would happen. He'd met plenty of other half demons who lived down here such as Ivan, (so that he can bring his 'love' to people in two places) and Lovino (He steals tomatoes and eats them...he mainly lives in the human world). Alfred would eventually develop an immune system to the smell of decay and he would never fly around so he wouldn't have to worry about the smog. But...if he did go up into the human world, he would blend in with society and then he would maybe find Arthur. Arthur, he has to go up. No, he has to do this.
Yeah, I have to go and be Arthur's hero!"

"But who will be your hero...when you don't make it?" Alfred didn't have time to respond. Francis tossed him into the air and Alfred was gone like a speeding bullet.

Arthur's POV

"I finally did it!" Arthur said as he pulled out a few burned...what is that? Are those...scones? Or is that a couple of rocks that he just put into the oven? "My scones are done! They look so magnificent!" they were scones...Arthur called to his guests who were sitting in the living room, "Who wants one?"


That's the sound of a few angels fleeing for their lives.

"I'll take"

Arthur flinched at the sound of the voice. He thought that everyone had left. He looked around and saw Matthew, almost half invisible.

"Really? You would want one?"

"Sure," Matthew said as he picked up the burnt scone. Matthew reached into his pocket and pulled out a pint of maple syrup. As he drizzled the maple goodness onto the scone, he cringed. This was not going to be enough to cover up the fowl taste. The only reason he was going to eat it was because it was the polite thing to do, being a guest and all. He hesitantly bit into the scone and recoiled just a bit.

"How is it?" Arthur asked.


"That's great! Finally! Someone with good taste in my pastries!"

While Arthur was looking away, Matthew quickly threw the scone away. He didn't know how much longer he could keep lying like this. It was his third time this week. If he lied anymore, he might be sent to Hell...but then again...he could see his brother! Alfred. Matthew hasn't seen Alfred in decades, well not since they were both human. If only Alfred would have lied less...
Matthew was stopped by his train of thought by Arthur.
"Matthew? Are you okay?"
"Fine...just thinking about my brother."
"You have a brother?"
"Yeah...but we were separated after death."
"I was separated from someone to, but I never want to see that wanker ever again!"
Matthew was shocked, how could he be so rude...Arthur was such a gentleman.
"He couldn't have been that bad."
" don't want to know...He was constantly harassing me and he would always try to get me to date him."
"He would go on date after date saying, 'Hey Arthur, you jealous of my beautiful date? You could be them if you wanted. We could do everything.' Of course I said no! He's a bloody wanker!"
Matthew let out a small chuckle, "Okay then Arthur, it seems like you've had a rough life."
"It wasn't just the adult years, it was my entire child hood too!"
"Okay, okay, I get it."
Arthur stopped his rampage and looked at Mathew.
"Sorry, but, can I ask you a question about your btrother?"
"Sure. Go ahead, eh."
"Does his name happen to be Alfred?" Arthur said as he turned a bright red.
"Yes! How did you know?" Matthew leaned closer to Arthur. How would he know Alfred? He had never told anyone of his brother.
"The name just popped into my mind, I don't really know why."
"How strange..."
"Pancakes!" A small voice said from between a Canadian's arms. Yes, it was Kumajiro...if Gilbird is here than so is Kuma. Matthew looked at the polar bear.
"Okay, Kumakichi, I'll get you some pancakes." The bear was absolutely shining with glee. "I better be off Arthur. See you around."
"Bye, Matthew," Arthur said. As soon as Matthew had left Arthur felt a rumble in his stomach. He knew that feeling. It was not the feeling of hunger, but the one he got before he flew to the opening to Hell. He ruffled his wings and rushed out the door...something was up. He flew faster, there was a stronger presence than he had ever felt. What had happened?

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