The End

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Alfred's PoV

Alfred hit the ground with a hard thud.
"Damn that hurt," Alfred stretched as he rubbed his sore head, "I am never doing that again."
Hell still looked the same as it always did. Hot. Same old same old. Alfred unfurled his wings and set off to go to his house to have that promised cheeseburger. Humid breeze flew through his hair as he took off. He almost forgot how good it felt to have that feeling. Why did he ever leave? Oh, right.
Alfred brushed off the thought of Arthur as he continued his flight. Alfred had just left Heaven, and for a good reason. If Arthur couldn't love him, then why even try anymore.
He landed safely at his doorstep and proceeded to open the door to his house. Immediately the smell of warm, tasty cheeseburgers came from the kitchen. Alfred didn't recall cooking burgers before he left. He licked his lips and he tried not to drool. What surprised him was who was making the burgers in his kitchen. He didn't recognize the wings on anyone he knew who was in hell with him. Very long, dark hair swayed as he walked around the kitchen. His fingers moved smoothly over the grill as the essence of pure burger was created.
"Uh, dude? Who are you and why are you in my house?"
The mysterious man turned around and spoke quietly, "Hello, Alfred. I have been expecting your arival. Please, take a seat." The demon motioned to Alfred's dinning room table.
Alfred made his way to that table as the demon brought him a plate of burgers.
"You never told me who you are and why you're here," Alfred questioned as he sat down.
"Sorry, about that, my name is Toris."
"Toris? Like the guy whose brothers are Eduard and Raivis? Didn't Ivan do something to you guys?" Alfred mumbled as he took another bite of a burger.
Toris shivered before answering. "Yes, but I would rather not talk about it."
"Well that is you're name, now my next question. Why are you here?"
"Well, it's kind of a long story. I'll start at the beginning. A few years ago, Eduard, Raivis and I escaped Ivan and wandered around Hell for a while. We...were seperated not long ago. For some reason, Eduard and Raivis were pulled up by God and were taken to Heaven. I was stuck down here. I really want to see them again, but I knew that there was no way to do that. Until now. I was passing Francis's house a few hours ago and I heard him talking to someone. He said something about you and how you made it to heaven. I didn't believe it at first, but I do now. I heard Francis say that you would be returning soon so I came here hoping that you would be here. You were not. I heard that you liked hamburgers so I made some. I thought it would be a friendly gesture."
"Oh, it is. A delicious gesture."
"I'm glad you like them. So, I was wondering if you could help me get out of Hell?"
Alfred almlst choked on the birger he was scarfing, "Wha-uh, its kinda dangerous."
"I know, but I want to see my brothers very badly."
"If you want it that much then I guess I can help."
"When would you want to do this?"
"As soon as you are able," Toris smiled and took Alfred's empty plate to the sink.
"Just be prepared for the way up and when you're up there."
"Why? What happened?"
"The only reason I went to Heaven was to see this angel who kept poping up in my dreams. Arthur. I thought that once I met him that we would get along so well and maybe I would stay in heaven so that I could be with him. It turns out that he didn't like me as much as I would have hoped. He even kissed me but then didn't explain why!? Like what kinda dude does that?!"
"Hmm, yeah. That seems like trouble. Did you give Arthur time to admit if he had feelings for you?"
"I-...uh, does a few seconds count?"
"No. You need to give him time. He probably would have told you sooner or later, but you came back down here without a second thought. How do you think he feels right now? If he does like you how is he feeling? Regected most likely, like he screwed up so badly when it wasn't even his fault. You shouldn't have jumped to the conclusion that he didn't like you."
After Toris said this, Alfred felt like a complete idiot. He never stopped to think about what Arthur would feel like if he actually liked him back. What if he's back at his house crying that Alfred would never come back? This thought makes Alfred feel even worse. What has he done?
"What have I done?" Alfred weeps into his hands.
Toris awkwardly pats his back, "Well, there is nothing that you can do now, anyway. You are already down here. Maybe you can find someone else? I know this really nice friend of Eduard's , I think you would like him."
"Thanks, but no. No one will ever be as perfect as Arthur. It doesn't matter how bad his cooking is, or how big his eyebrows are. I don't even care that he doesn't get along with Francis very well. I love him so much and I will never love anyone more than I love Arthur."
"I'm glad to here that, love." A british voice comes from behind Alfred. In a wave lf shock, Alfred is on his feet and standing in front of a very happy looking Arthur.
"A-Arthur? What, how, why?" But before any lf these were answered, Alfred noticed Arthur's dark wings and darkish hair,", no. You didn't, did you?"
"You are looking at a demon, Alfred. I am a demon."
A small cough cam from next to Alfred.
"I'll leave you two alone, when you're ready to take me up then call. I left my number on the table. Bye Alfred," Toris said as he left in a hurry.
When the front door shut, Alfred stepped closer to Arthur. Why dod you do this Arthur. You could have spent your being as an angel, but you chose to be a demon. What is the sense in that?"
"If I stayed an angel thn I couldn't have been down here with you." Arthur reached out and took Alfred's hand and intertwined his fingers with his own.
"I don't understand, Arthur, why?"
"I haven't known you for very long, but I feel like I have. You make me feel blessed and I don't want to let you go. Even if that means spending all the time I have in Hell."
"Oh! Arthur! Good to see that you made it!"
Arthur let out a groan and Alfred wiped away his tears of joy as they pulled away from their embrace.
Francis happily skipped over to them.
"Yes, I have, nice to see you again," the sarcasm was so aparent in his voice that Alfred let out a chuckle.
"That was almost hurtful. Almost," Francis said as he winked to Arthur, "I am glad that you are finally with the man of your dreams now Alfred; it seems to have all worked out for you in the end."
"Yep, it has." Small smiles were exchanged between Afred and Arthur as they held hands once more. Nothing was going to get in the way again.

~~~A few hundered years in the past~~~

Alfred, a human of many attributes, strolls down a empty road. He was having a great day, as per usual, but for some reason he felt like this day was even better. He closed his eyes and smiles, absolutely perfe-
"Ouch! Watch where you're going you bloody jerk!"
Alfred, being the clueless fool, had walked right into a strange brit. Alfred and the strange other had fallen onto the concrete.
"Sorry about that," Alfred replied as he helped him up.
"Oh, sorry for being so cruel, I'm just not in the best of moods."
"I understand, its really no big deal."
Once Alfred really got a look at this guy he froze. This man was gorgeous; Bright green eyes and blonde hair that relfected the sun perfectly. Who was this guy?
"Hey! What's you're name?"
"Arthur. And you?"
"Well it was nice running into you, but I must be off."
"Yeah, you too. Maybe we'll see eachother again?"
"Yeah. Maybe..."

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