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"H-hi...Alfred..." Arthur said as he looked up at Alfred. He looked sooo...angelic? No. that's not the word, ha! But...his black wings almost gleaming in the light. His hair swaying in the breeze, and when Arthur looked into his eyes he could swear that he saw heaven itself. 'Wow...' Arthur thought, 'Is this really happening, am I falling for this wanker? Heck no! Not possible.' Arthur mentally slapped himself and looked back to Alfred. He was smiling.
"What are you smiling at?"
"You remembered my name!" Alfred said as he brought Arthur into a hug.
'Oh God...he smells like burgers...though, its not that bad. I rather like it.' Arthur thought. He began to close his eyes and drift into Alfred land but, it was too good to be true as Alfred let go and stepped back.
"Soooo," Alfred began, but was soon cut off by a suddenly annoyed brit.
"Wait a second! Why are you even here! Are you trying to achive something? How did you get here in the first place?"
"Whoa! Hold on! Geez...I'm here because I loooooove youuuuuuuuuu," Alfred bit his lower lip as he tried to remember all the questions that Arthur had asked. "And second...I'm here to see youuuuuuu. I'm trying to, ummmmm, achive.." Alfred gave a goofy grin, "Youuuuuuuu~. And I got here because Francis threw me up out of Hell."
Arthur turned pale.
"D-Did you say...Francis?"
"Yeah," Alfred gleamed, "He helped me!"
"I think I may nee to lye down." Alfred helped Arthur to the couch and a worried Feliciano trailed.
"What's wrong Arthur?" Feliciano questioned.
"It's just that...Francis..."Arthur shivered.
"What about him?" Alfred and Feliciano said in unison.
"I know him...I think. Is his name Bo-"
"Bonnefoy..." Alfred finished.
"Oh God..," Arthur whispered, "No, no, no, no,'s not possible..."
"What?! Tell me what's up!" Alfred pleaded.
"It's just...I've known Francis since we were kids. He was always a bloody wanker, I bet he still is..." Arthur laughed softly. "He always wanted me to date him. He would even date other people in order to get me jealous...of course that never happened. Even after college we somehow managed to become neighbors. I guess you could say that we became friends in a sense. He still wanted to date me though. When we became old, we moved into the same house. One night, we were having a conversation in the living room. I starting yelling at him because he had said something that set me off. He tried to apologize but I wouldn't have it. I told him, and I quote, ' Even when I die, I will never love you. I wish that after I die, I will never have to think, see, or do anything having to do with you.' Ironically, after I said that Francis and I had double heart attacks."
"Dude...harsh..." Alfred stated.
"Up until now, I haven't heard of him..."
bzzzzzzt bzzzzzt
"Oh...sorry." Feliciano brought out his phone, "I have to go now, Ludwig wants to see me! Ciao!"
Feliciano left and Alfred and Arthur were shocked that he was even still there...
Alfred turned back to Arthur.
"So after that story, I'm guessing you and Francis know each other?"
"No..." Arthur growled sarcastically at him, "Never met him before in my life."
Alfred gave him the best poker face,
"Soooooo? Do you or do you not know him?"
"Yes, I know him!"
"Okay! Okay!"
Alfred turned away from Arthur and began to think in deep thought. Arthur himself was in a trance as well. He was in a different kind of trance though. Arthur was staring at Alfred, trying to memorize his face. His stupid cowlick that for some reason was bouncing...okay...? His glasses that were close to falling of his nose...
'He looks like some one I know...but who is it?'
"Hey, Alfred?"
"Are you related to anyone?"
"Yeah I am...I have a brother named Matthew...I think..."
Arthur felt the wheels in his brain turn as he tried to comprehend the name.
"Hmmmm...I thought I knew someone...guess not." Arthur shrugged it off. He didn't know anyone with that name...right?
"So, Artie...why are you doing this again?"
"Don't call me 'Artie', and I'm just doing this to be nice, can't I be nice?"
In reality, Arthur was only helping Alfred tie get rid of him. He overly loathed the demonic American. So, in order to get him to leave, Arthur would help trap Gilbert. They had started to come up with some sort-of plan, but could come up with nothing. Seeing as though they didn't know where he was.
"So I think Gilbert would be somewhere...with attractive people... and beer. Where would that be?" Alfred looked at the angel in question.
"I don't bloody know?! Why are you asking me!?"
"Well don't you live here?"
"Well...yes. I do live here."
"So let's just go, man!" Alfred said as he grabbed Arthur's arm and began to pull him towards the door. Arthur pulled away at the last second, though, this caused a very confused Alfred to come tumbling down into the floor...face-first.
After a few seconds of shock, Arthur noticed that Alfred was knocked out from the fall. Then, with a some-what loud snicker, Arthur crept over to Alfred and poked his head. This was just to make sure though.
"That's what you get, you bloody American," Arthur mumbled the last bit under his breath as he stood over the new unconscious Alfred.
"I could get rid of him now...if I wanted..." Then Arthurs smile faltered as he looked at Alfred's sleeping face.
"Or I could look for a book," Arthur said as he shuffled over to the bookshelves. He scrolled the titles, but he could find anything that would help in the position he was in.
"All Around Sheep? No. Guide to Cooking? No. I'll never need that. How to Maintain your Eyebrows? No! An American Guide to Love?! Why the?! WHY!?"
Arthur immediately threw said book onto the ground. And some of the books, he just didn't know why.
"Why do I even have that?!"
After that glorious find, Arthur continued to search for that perfect book. Or at least what he thought could help. In actuality, he didn't know what he was looking for. Was it a book of curses? Or a book on demons? He just didn't know...
"The Rise and fall of Britain. No. How to Become an Italian. No. What are Cowlicks for?"Arthur secretly was dying to know why Alfred had that weird cowlick. He put the book back on the shelf and vowed to return to it. He gave a weird smirk, and for some strange reason, he was really happy he had found that book. He looked back at Alfred, who was sleeping peacefully, and smiled.
"Stop it Arthur!" He said to himself, "Don't go falling for this."

After continuous try's to find that perfect book, Arthur was ready to give up. This search had been going on for a few hours and it was quite obvious that Arthur wasn't going to find his book.
With a sigh of frustration, Arthur returned to the still unconscious Alfred.
Arthur began as he bent down, and started to stroke Alfred's hair
He continued to stroke Alfred's hair, as he let a small laugh escape his lips. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He bent down and his lips brushed against Alfred's. His breathing mingled with Alfred's, asleep, breath. He slowly kissed Alfred and then returned to stoke his hair. Though, Arthur didn't know why...why did he just kiss him!?
"Oh, Alfred," Arthur began, "Why did you find me of all people?"
"Because," Alfred stated as he began to stir, Arthur quickly stumbled backwards, "I know that you're my angel."
Arthur, of course, started to blush.
"What is it angel?" Alfred stood up and smiled at Arthur.
"Let me ask you you love me?"
"Ummm...Do I have to answer?"
"I guess not..." Alfred gave a frown, and then sighed. He then stood behind Arthur and gave a soft cry.

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