Feliciano's tale

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Still Arthur's POV
"No...way...This could not be happening." Arthur thought as he shook his head. Only moments before had he come face to face to a person he didn't even know, but somehow they seemed to know him.
-Moments before-
Arthur had arrived at the opening to Hell, but he had found an interesting discovery. A boy, around his age, but he was hanging off the cliff...almost as if...he was going to fall! Arthur rushed to his side and helped him up.
"Thanks bro-," The other male stared, "Arthur? Is that you?" But Arthur, was completely shocked at this stranger seeming to know him.
"How do you know my name?"
"I-uh..." In that moment, the unknown male, or Alfred for us who already know, tackled the brit in a hug.
"Wha-! What are you doing you bloody wanker!" Arthur was now frantically trying to get the extremely handsome guy off of him. Yes, that's right...Arthur does think Alfred is handsome.
"I'm hugging the only thing I care about right now. I've waited too long to not hug you."
"Let go!" Arthur pushed Alfred away and thought, for a spilt second that he saw tears in his eyes, but he shook his head and ignored it. "What's the big idea here? I don't know who you are!"
"I'm Alfred, and I...love you."
Arthur was, one: Completely shocked that this random guy had just confessed to him. And second: That the name 'Alfred' sounded so familiar...
"Uh..." Arthur said as he tried to regain his composure, "Why would you just randomly confess like that?! I don't even know you! How can you be so sure of yourself?"
"I-just have seen you in so many dreams...you had to be real. I even came out of Hell-."
"Wait! Did you just say 'Hell'?" Arthur had started top shake. He knew that the only things that were able to live in Hell were Half and regular demons. And demons are not that kind to angel, but this demon or half-demon or whatever he was, had just proclaimed his love...what is real anymore...
"Yes! I found a way to leave Hell to be with you, I love you Arthur."
"I-uh...have to go." With that, Arthur took into the skies, taking note that Alfred had no wings.
"Wait! Arthur! Please!" Alfred screamed as he saw Alfred fly away. "God damn it!"
-Skip to Arthur's house, or present time-
Arthur continued to pace through his room as he thought of the mysterious guy...Alfred...
"I know I've seen him somewhere before, but where."
"Ve~ Arthur? Can I come in?" Feli was furiously beating on Arthur's front door. As Arthur approached the door, he found that his Italian friend, Feliciano, had a broken wing.
"Feliciano? What happened to your wing?" Arthur ushered him inside and Feli sat down on the couch and started to cry.
"A d-demon attacked me!"
"What!?" Arthur said as he thought of Alfred. "But they can't leave Hell, can they? Only half-demons."
"But! He was a demon! He had scary black wings and red, red eyes!"
"Red eyes you say...not all demons have red eyes." Arthur pondered as he treated Feli's wounds.
"He had white hair and red eyes."
"An albino demon...sounds interesting, tell me more."
"He had this really scary accent, too!"
"Probably German..." (Sorry if anyone is German!) "Tell me the whole story."

-Feli's POV, about ten minutes ago-

Feliciano was flying when he heard someone yell. He flew in the direction of the yell and landed in the general location. As he looked across the fluffy landscape, (He is in heaven after all) he noticed a man standing a few feet away. He looked very tired and his white hair stood out against the clouds. Feli found this man to be very interesting.
"Hi! Are you okay?" Feli called to him.
"Vhat? I-I am fine," He managed to muster. The man lifted his head and Feli was frozen with fear, red eyes. The young male, Gilbert, stood up strait, and let his wings fan out. "I was just a bit wounded when I was transported here," He looked to his feel and gave a thumbs up, "Thanks devil, you sure do work wonders!" Then he did this weird laugh, Feli thought it sounded like a 'Keseseseses', but he didn't know for sure. "Hey there, Heavenly thaaaang," Gilbert approach Feliciano slowly, "How about you come over here so that I may claim you."
"Ahhhh! Why you-a want to hurt me?! I was just trying to help and then you came over here and tried to do stuff to me and I don't want to die!"
In one swift movement, Gilbert was on Feli trying to break his wings.
"If you can't fly then you can't escape," He snickered.
"What are you doing?! Get off! Ahhh!" With a snap, one of Feli's wings snapped in two, and Feli fell to the ground, sobbing.
"Why did you hurt me...?" Gilbert leaned into Feli's ear and whispered seductively,
"I told you before, I want you." He licked the shell of Feliciano's ear and smirked. Feli shivered.
"N-No...please, no."
"Hey! Get away from him!" A cry from above had stopped the sneaky Prussian. Gilbert looked upwards and saw a familiar sight.
"Alfred, a pleasure of you to join me, would you like to have a three-some?"
"No," Alfred said as he grabbed Feli and picked him up.
"Dude, how did you get your wings back?" Gilbert said as he looked at Alfred's new wings.
"They just appeared as soon as Arthur left."
"Y-You know Arthur?" Feli asked hopefully.
"Yes, and I am going to take you to him, okay?"
"Don't take away my boy-toy...come on Alfie." Gilbert pleaded.
"No," Alfred said as he flew off with Feli in his arms.

"And that's what happened!" Feli ended. As Feli looked at Arthur's face he saw shock and immediate horror.

"No, no, no!" Arthur began as he started to pace through his living room.
"Calm down, please." Feliciano pleaded.
"How?!" Arthur shot back, "Knowing that there are those demons out there makes me even more scared!"
"Well...you're not getting anything done by fooling around here!"
Arthur stopped.
"That was...really smart of you to say..."
"Ugh," Arthur said as he smacked his head on the wall, this isn't working."
"You should just stop worrying so much!"
Arthur continuously banged his head on the wall in a flurry of anger.

-Arthur's thoughts as he's hitting his head on the wall-

I can't believe this. If Alfred finds me, he said that he loved me. I don't understand how...he doesn't even know me, but he didn't save Feliciano; should I trust him?
No, I can't trust him, he's a demon. He came from Hell, and that's not where angels are meant to be. I can't be associated with him, because he's a demon. I don't know how he escaped, but I don't want to know. Something that evil can't be tempered with, even though I secretly do black magic...so maybe it was caused by me? Maybe I caused it. I don't know if it's possible really, but knows demons in heaven so it can't be impossible.
I should try to find Alfred, because maybe I could put him back where he came from. I can use my magic, and I can take him and put him back where he came from, along with whatever demon attacked Feliciano. I don't know what his name was I don't think he said, I wasn't listening to Feliciano that well; he was talking to fast for me to understand.
I still understand what Alfred was talking about, because he said he loved me, right? He said he had seen me a few dreams? I didn't know that demons could have dreams, let alone think of people they never even met. This is a bit odd I should check it out somehow, but I don't know where to start.

Arthur had stopped hitting his head a while back, and was just standing there.
"Arthur?" Feliciano questioned.
"I got it! I need to find him, straight away!" Arthur said as he bolted for the door.
"Maybe you should sit down for a little while," Feliciano said as he blocked him off.
"No! I don't need to do that! I'm perfectly fine, but I need to find him!"
"Why are you so caught up with him?"
There was the question. Why was Arthur so interested in Alfred? Is it because Alfred said that he was in love with him? No, that couldn't be it...
"I...don't know."
Then don't worry about it." Feliciano pulled Arthur back to the couch and sat him down. "Stay here, I'm going to make pasta!~" Feliciano skipped to the kitchen happily and Arthur frowned.
"Why am I friends with him again?" Arthur thought. "Oh, yeah, it's because he kept getting hurt. I always had to heal him...he's so clumsy." Arthur smiled softly. "It's a good thing that he has Ludwig too. I don't know if I could handle him all the time."
"Pasta!" Feliciano came back into the room carrying a bowl of his delicious pasta.
"How did you make that so fast?" Arthur asked as he took the bowl, and began to eat.
"I pre-made some the other time I was here!"
"Okay...?" Arthur ate until he had finished the bowl. "I believe I have to get going."
"Why?" Feliciano questioned.
"I need to find Alfred, I can maybe send him back. I just have to summon enough magic."
"If you say so...and maybe you can get rid of the other one to!"
"Of course," Arthur replied.
He walked to the door and opened it to find a handsome blonde about to knock on the door.
"H-hello Arthur."

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