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Arthur was suddenly startled at Alfred's outburst. He turned to face him and found him quietly sobbing. His face was burried in his hands and some tears escaped through his fingers. He was the perfect image of sadness, but for what reason was he sad?
"Um...Alfred? Are you alright?" Arthur placed a hand on the demon's shoulder and he jolted forward.
"Don't! Don't. Touch me." He removed his hands and Arthur saw his eyes. Those blue eyes that were shining from upcomming tears. Arthur had never noticed how blue they were until now. "I...don't even know why I even had hope!" Alfred screamed, "I should have known that you would push me away!"
"No! Don't try to talk your way out of this! Don't talk with that british voice I love! I freaking LOVE YOU! You kissed me and now you say that you don't like me back..." Alfred is now violently shaking. He has now said everything that was on his mind, and Arthur is completely stunned.
With tears steaming now, Alfred ran out of Arthur's house and flew away.

-switch to Matthew's POV-

Matthew was flying peacefully through the clouds when he heard a weird sound. It was comming from the south so he changed his course and headed towards it. As he broke through the next bunch of clouds, he saw a figure. A tall, handsome man with jet black wings. His hair was the most beautiful white and his eyes went straight into Matthew's soul. Demon? Probably...though, what would a demon be doing here? He slowly aproached the other with swift motions. Then he heard the noise again. It was a sharp popping noise and it was comming from the gorgeous man. Matthew wondered what he was doing.
A bright flash of light startled him and he lurched backwards, tumbling through somemore clouds. When he looked at the man again he saw another one there as well. There were two demons! The one who just apeared had semi-long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His wings were black, but not as fascinating as the white haired males.
Matthew attempted to leave but they had already spotted him.
"Oh, hey! Look Francis! We've found one!"
The two were quickly upon him. The one named Francis on his left and the other on his right.
"Oh...hello," Matthew responded back. He didn't want to be rude. But it always felt like an honor when people noticed him. He lightly blushed and looked down.
"I think you scared him, Gilbert!" A noise was heard and Mathew could only assumed that Francis hit Gilbert on the back of his head.
"Well sorry! He is just so...cute."
Matthew blushed even darker at this comment and hid his face in his hands.
"Oh! You did it again!" Francis put his hands on Matthew's wrists and removed his hands from his face. "Sorry about Gilbert, he doesn't know how to control himself." Francis gave a small smile.
"Oh...its fine. I'm just not used to the attention," Matthew said honestly.
"Its okay, I completely understand. Gilbert," Francis said in a warning tone, "Tell...wait, what is your name?"
"Thank you," he continues "Gilbert, tell Matthew that you are sorry."
"But my awesomeness was just too much! Why do I need to apologize for being myself?"
Francis shot Gilbert a glare. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, Matthew." Gilbert then gave Matthew his cutest face, complete with pout and wet eyes. Matthew couldn't take much more of Gilbert's gorgeousness. His face imediently filling with blood once more.
"Aww," Gilbert cooed, "You are so adorable!"
"Ugh," Francis face-palmed, "If you two excuse me, i have to go find an old...friend." Francis then few off in search.
"I guess that leaves us alone, doesn't it?"
"Mhm!" Matthew responded hastily.
"Your wings, Matthew," Gilbert said as he ran his hands along the blue-ish tinted wings, "They remind me of my dear Gilbird."
"My pet bird, hey! Can I call you that!"
"No! Birdie! Can I please call you Birdie?"
Matthew looked into those red eyes and melted.
Matthew was instantly tackled into a hug. Suddenly the world moved into slow motion as they hugged. Their wings mixed with each other and everything was perfect.
Gilbert and Matthew pulled away from their embrace and Matthew looked away in embarrassment. He has never really been attached to another person, at least in the romantic sense. He didn't know where to begin.
"Matthew. Hey, can you look at me?"
Gilbert's voice was so soft, so soothing, Matthew felt his heart ache. Then he realized something. Gilbert was a demon, right? How was that even supposed to work?! Matthew continued to ignore Gilbert's request and stared into some clouds that were nearby.
He didn't even know if Gilbert felt like he did. Mathew knew that they had just met 10 minutes ago, but he felt as if they has known each other for much longer. He felt this connection to him.
"Matthew! Hey! Why aren't you listening to me?"
"Oh...sorry Gilbert." Matthew whispered, his head down.
"Why won't you look at me, Birdie?"
"I-...I feel like I know you from somewhere."
"Just, look at me please." Gilbert pulled Matthew towards him and held him close to him. "I thought you looked really familiar, and I just wanted to know if it was actually you. I remember know though. I have met you before."
"What? I don't remember seeing you here ever."
"No, I mean when you were alive."
"I don't remember seeing you there either."
"I was, the ghost living in your house."
Images flashed through Matthew's brain. Images of red eyes and white hair in his bathroom mirror when he was alive. There was an old story saying that a boy his age had committed suicide in the house that he and his brother had moved into. Alfred didn't see the ghost, but there were few instances that Matthew swore that he saw something in the mirror, or a book move on the shelf. Matthew brushed it off and didn't think much of it. The ghost wasn't harming him so why care at all if it was there, right?
Then one day, Matthew didn't see red eyes or white hair. The moving objects had stopped, and Matthew just assumed the spirit had gone to Heaven. He guessed wrong.
"I remember now. I saw your eyes once, and you moved the books on my shelf."
"Yes! I was trying to talk to you. It gets really boring when you don't have anything to do."
"Wait, I had always thought that you had gone here when all that stuff stopped happening."
"Yeah, well, it didn't turn out that way. When a person commits suicide they sometimes stay on Earth, as if we have something to accomplish, and then we get sent to Hell. Well most of us do anyway." Gilbert pauses a moment before continuing more quietly, "I always hoped that I would never see you in Hell. I wanted you to be in Heaven. I wanted to talk to you though, but I didn't want you to be there. I'm glad you ended up where you did. 'm glad you are happy here."
Matthew blushed thinking how Gilbert cared so much for a person he had never even talked to before.
"I'm happy that you're happy for me, but honestly, it gets boring here. People always forget that I'm even present in the room. I have friends but sometimes even they forget."
"How could anyone forget about you? You are the most wonderful person!"
"How can you say that when you don't even know me? We are just now speaking for the very first time. How can you possibly know me or how I feel?! You don't know what I've been through..."
"I know that your favorite color is red. I know that when you are sad you drink maple syrup. You know its bad for you, but it helps with the pain. I know that when your brother moved out of the house you two shared, you cried for a week because you thought that it was your fault. I know that your senior prom date didn't come to the prom with you so you went back home and watched hockey all night. I know that you kept a hockey stick under your bed because you went and practiced on weekends; You always looked so happy on the weekends. Your pet bear, Kumajiro, sometimes attacked the mirrors that my reflections were in because he was protecting you from me. Matthew, I know more about you than you think. I was there with you for so many years. I-...I felt like I needed someone to notice me. And you were the only person who did."
Gilbert took a deep breath, " And after so many years, I started to love you for that."
" love me?"
"Yeah...I know we just met, but I feel like I had to tell you that."
"No, its okay. I always felt like you were watching over me. Protecting me, sort-of. I felt your presence with me and it helped me get through a lot. I never wanted to cry in front of other people. When I felt you there I knew that you were watching me. I didn't want to cry in front of you."
"Its okay Birdie," Gilbert brought Matthew into a warm embrace and stoked his hair lovingly, "I've seen you at your best and your worst. There is nothing that I have not seen you do. All I ever really wanted to do was comfort you."

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