Chapter 7

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The next day, I got called back to the main hall. Starson is already waiting there, along with Azalea. 

"I'm fine," Azalea replied to my look. "They just threatened me. About Swiftmane and..."

"The teleportation scroll is ready," Fiery Blaze called. "It will take you directly outside the Coven. Once you enter the Coven, go to the lowest floor and follow this map. The witch's room is highlighted on the map."

A guard stepped forth and presented Azalea with the map and teleportation scroll. I followed Azalea and Starson outwards. Azalea gave me a questioning look but said nothing. She set a match to the scroll, and it burnt. A circle of fire surrounded us, shooting upwards and covering us from view. When the fire vanished, the tip curling down until the fire had completely been compressed, we were somewhere else entirely. We were on a high cliff which towered over one side of the fort. Shallow valleys surrounded the other three sides. In the distance between the cliff and the fort, an army of witch–hordes stood.

"We can't sneak past those, there are far too many," Azalea mused. "And if we block their telepathic skills, the witches will be alerted and come out to investigate."

"We could try the typical sneaking in method," Starson suggested.

"And how do you suggest we sneak past an army of witch–hordes with highly enhanced senses and highly developed fighting skills?" Azalea drily responded.

"We could try and distract it, it worked with the dragon," I recommended.

"Wouldn't they have learnt that trick already?" Starson asked.

"Well, since we didn't actually manage to get out, I assume no," Azalea rolled her eyes. "And besides, the dragon was SU, not Coven. Even if they'd found out our plot the Coven wouldn't know about it because they had nothing to do with it."

"And how do you know that?" Starson scowled. Azalea looked at him as if he was insane.

"Hello? We've been prisoners there for two days. Long enough to ask a guard or a servant or anyone who comes by about the attacks on the town."

"And you already knew then," I added. "Remember? You said that the two groups of witch-hordes were fighting because they were part of two different witch sides."

"Exactly. The two sides fighting shows their enmity."

"So, we can just repeat the magical disturbance plan like last time?" I asked. Azalea nodded. "These witch-hordes probably won't be actively be using magic to spread the virus, but we have the seal, which includes remnants of magic. If I capture that and send it to one of the valleys...even better, it's the distinct magic of the Fiery Blaze witch, a leader of their sworn rival."

"How do we know they'll send the undead though? Won't they send out witches to deal with such a large threat?" I considered. 

Azalea blinked. "Oh dear. I forgot about that bit. You're right, they probably won't take the witch-horde...but then, if I use this connection so that they stop focusing on the witch-horde and look for the source of the magic, then we can stride through the witch-horde army and they wouldn't notice a thing."

Azalea pulled out the used teleportation scroll, now charred golden with burning. She then pulled out a bunch of equipment and began to stuff the scroll into a device.

"So, we have nothing to do," Starson sighed. Azalea sniffed. "Don't be so whiny. You might be used to the luxury of being able to do whatever you want, when you want it, but we don't, and none of us are complaining."

Either way, Starson sighs for the entire time that Azalea works with the scroll, until she is finally complete. 

Azalea picked up the scroll and I picked up the complex device that she had made. "We have to get to the other side now, and place this in one of the valleys so that they'll investigate there. But since there's no horse–"

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