Keeping it Up

949 14 18

A/n: Wohoo! I get to write more of this story!

Image is not mine.


Those who have suffered understand suffering, and therefore extend their hand.-Patti Smith~|~|~|~|~|~

It was a tense silence within the walls of Cafe LeBlanc. All the members of the Phantom Thieves were on edge as they eyed the goateed man who had assisted them. (Y/n) sat closest to the man, ready to cross assaulting an officer of the force off his bucket list if need be to protect the others.

Sojiro had approached and offered the man a drink. Then muttered a sour "Enjoy" before he left.

Goatee had accepted the drink, and took a sip. Clearly taking note of how he was being treated.

"Warm welcome." He said.

"Sorry." Haru smiled. "It's just that we despise the police, is all."

"Kinda weird when you say it with a smile on your face like that." He sighed. Then glanced over to (Y/n). "Haven't heard of you before though." His gaze was sharp underneath that laidback facade. "Are you new?"

"You could say that." (Y/n) replied. "Still, I find it odd that a member of PubSec would just randomly come to the aid of suspected felons."

"Suspected?" Goatee smirked.

"No charges stuck." (Y/n) pointed his thumb over to Akira. "Tell me I'm wrong."

"Okay, you got me there." Goatee straightened himself out. "Still, let's get to the point. My name is Zenkichi Hasegawa, and investigator on loan to Tokyo's Public Security branch. Officially I'm an inspector, not a rank to sneeze at."

A beep. "Inspectors are not to be sneezed at, got it."

Several eyes went wide at Sophia's vocalization, but they hoped that not reacting to it would work.

"Who said that?"

"Said what?" (Y/n) replied.

Zenkichi shook his head. "Moving on, Kurusu. I need to ask you something. Did you hear about that mess on that chat show the other day? The one with Alice Hiragi."

"I was there." (Y/n) said, catching the attention of the others. Mitsuru could keep him safe, he had to believe that, and if push came to shove Rise and Inoue-san would back up his alibi. "You're referring to the host, right? The one that suddenly freaked out and proposed to Alice."

"Right on the money." Zenkichi smiled. "Tell me if this sounds familiar. A completely average joe suddenly flips, no motive, no evidence of infidelity against his fiance co-host, and to make it even stranger is that according to sources: he didn't know who Alice Hiragi was until this week." He turned to address everyone else. "So my colleagues were discussing, and to their surprise found it strikingly similar to the Phantom Thieves' MO."

Makoto tensed. "So what you're saying is that they think the Phantom Thieves are the one's behind it?"

"Awfully similar to the cases from a few years ago, don't you think?" Zenkichi nodded. "A change of heart as they call it. While the method is still unknown even to us. Whether it be drugs, hypnosis, or blackmail, there are those that want to charge you with criminal mischief." He glanced over to Akira. "You'd be going back to the slammer, but this time you wouldn't be charged as a juvenile. It would only be a matter of time."

"This is outrageous." Yusuke spat. "What proof do you have?"

"Sure it's outrageous, but that's why I'm here." Zenkichi rested in his seat. "We have no proof yet, but level with me. Are you responsible?"

Curtain Call: A Persona 5 Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now