Ch 5: Missing

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MACAQUES POV: I groggily pried my eyes open and looked at my ceiling. I have no idea how long I was fucking myself for but my back ached worse than before. I may or may not have gotten lost in the blissful feeling and gotten... carried away with things. But nothing bad happened because of it so were good, everythings fine. Besides I wasn't on planning on moving from this spot on my bed all day and that was an oath. My room smelled like sweat, cum, and sex, sweet sweet sex. It was intoxicating but I really don't mind, it was my cum after all. I also wasn't planning on cleaning up, maybe later. "Hmh... I wonder what's Wukong doing right now.. I kinda just left him yesterday." I hummed and closed my eyes. I could hear him pacing around and... crying? His footsteps sounded like he kept trying not to tip over and fall out of balance, was he drunk? Then he started writing something, he stuck it on something and then started running and running. Then he was flying- I think, wind was rushing past him really quickly so he must be. But where was he going? He had training with Mk, it was Saturday. He wouldn't have forgotten he loves that kid, and I bet he loves training with him. I sometimes would go look at them train in the shadows, Wukong really seemed to like fighting with him.. something was up. But I wasn't going to move, it's not like he's going to vanish and disappear without a trace.

"MACAQUE! MACAQUE! MACAQUE! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!" I knew that annoying voice from anywhere. His hands were banging on my door, I swear he was going to break it. "Shut up and I'll let you in." I said, turning off my T.V waiting for him to stop slamming his fists on my front door. I was in my living room because if I stayed in my bedroom for any longer I was going to die again because of the horrific smell. He instantly stopped and quite down. "Thank you." I walked over to my door and opened it to see a very panicked Mk. "Woah kid what up? You look like a scared mother that just lost her kid in a store." "That may as well had happened!" Mk yelled, throwing his hands in the air before he sat down on my porch, hugging his knees. "Monkey kings missing.." Mk murmured through his lack of energy. His voice was breaking into fear, it sounded nothing like his normal, hyper, annoying one. I froze for a second before my mouth started speaking by itself. "What?..." Mk was stressed, really really stressed. How do I know? He was flickering from his human form to his monkey form like every three seconds. "Just come with me." He created a cloud and hopped on it patting the spot next to him. I looked at him and back down at the cloud, backing up slightly. "Trust me... please." He held his hand out infront of me with a reassuring smile. I looked at him hesitantly before taking his hand and jumping onto the puffy cloud. "I swear if you drop me I'm going to make sure you never see that peach eating idoit ever again." Mk laughed. "Trust in me Mac! I'll never let you get hurt when your with me. Even if you hurt me." I glanced down at his neck and started to feel guilt building up in my stomach. "Sorry about that kid... It's just that... it's hard talking about my past with Wukong." Mk started speeding through the sky. "No worries Macaroni, I shouldn't of been so pushy pushy with you. Wukong also says that it's hard to talk about it so I'll just wait till one of you are ready." "Don't call me that." I growled, trying not to show my true fear. He giggled, though I didn't see what was so funny.

We finally made it to Flower Fruit Mountain and I gladly jumped off the cloud and fell the floor. "Oh sweet ground how I've missed you." I said hugging mother earth. "Your so dramatic! Now come on this isn't going to take long." Mk chuckled, jumping on a few rocks before he paused. "Oh and you may want to keep that same confidence when you see what happened." He turned back around and jumped on the last few rocks, stopping right infront of the big waterfall. I looked at him confused and entered my shadow portal, going through the shadows until I ending up right next to him. "What do you mean by that?" The waterfall opened and the smell of wine instantly hit me. I gagged. "UGH- What is that smell!?" "It gets worse." Mk warned from next to me. We both walked into the main area of the cave, I had to stop for a second because of the smell. And then Mk took me to Wukongs small cabin. "Brace yourself." "For what-" I almost threw up when Mk opened the door to the cabin. The smell alone was enough to kill a man. The cabin was filled with a strong sent of alcohol and vomit. The place was trashed, like someone had come through and broke everything. I looked around seeing claw marks all over, there was vomit on the ground as well. And this was only the first room, I was shocked. "Jeez... Did Wukong do all of this?" "Well me and Monkey King are the only ones that can get into the mountain. And I didn't do this..." I didn't want to go see the other rooms, this one alone made me sick. I turned away from the room and looked down at my shoes. "So where is he now?" I asked moving my feet from the heel to the tip and back down again. "That's the problem, I don't know! I came looking for him for training but he wasn't here so I went into the mountain looking for him and found this!" He sounded worried, terrified even. It probably wasn't easy seeing your father just magically disappear one day. "Sooo... what am I supposed to do?" Mk turned to me angrily. "HELP ME!" I tryed to hide my flinch but his yell was way to loud. I covered my ears and growled. "Sorry, sorry I just needed you to listen to see where he was. I obviously can't do it so.." I put my hands on my hips and looked at him. "What's in it for me?" The kid paused then started shaking and soon started crying. "I-I don't know! I'm-I'm a kid! Monkey King can be seriously hurt for all I know! I just got him back, I-I don't wanna lose him again!" My eyes widened, I did not expect that. "Hey, hey calm down kiddo." I bent down a little and put my hand on his shoulder. "He's immortal, he can't die or anything like that... You don't have to give me anything... just keep it down while your around me got it?" Mk nodded and started wiping his tears. "I'm sorry for crying, just a little stressed that's all.." I smiled. "Don't be, Wukongs probably wandering around the city to get his sanity back or something. Now let's go outside so you can slash some water on your cheeks... Unless you want to use the Wukongs bathroom to clean your face." "NO!- I mean outsides fine." I laughed and slapped his back. "Good call kid, good call." I made a shadow portal underneath the both of us and teleported us outside the mountain. I landed gracefully on the side but Mk wasn't so graceful.. He landed right next to me but he lost his balance and flopped face first into the water. "PFT- HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I burst out into laughter and fell to the floor. Mk sat up in the water and spit out some water at me. "Ack! Hey Mk stop!" I chuckled moving my Cape up to my face to block myself from the water. Once he ran out of water I heard Mk laugh. "Oh you think that's funny huh?" I scooped some water in my hands and threw it at Mk's face. "AH! Watch the hair!" Mk cried. I grinned evily and threw more water at him. "Esta bien, pero tú necesitas contestad me en español." "No! Please no, my Spanish sucks!" I splashed more water at him, he shrieked. "Welp that's to bad, awnser me in Spanish or sees my raff." Mk stayed quiet for a few seconds before saying, "lo siento... estoy muy embarazada." I tryed to hold back my laugh but I couldn't, I started laughing my ass off, wheezing far to many times. "What? What is it!?" "You- Haha just told me that y-your PREGNANT! HAHAHAHA!" I slapped my knee again before something grabbed me by the scarf and threw me in the water. My laughs immediately stopped, I turned my head towards Mk to see him laughing his ass of just like I was a few seconds ago. "Why you little-" I growled and jumped on him, dipping him under water. "MA-" I dunked his head under water again. "You like that? Huh!? Taste the water Mk, let it mess up your hair." "NO!-"

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