Ch 9: How to never stop being sad

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THIRD PERSPECTIVE POV: Wukong was still shocked when they got to Sandy's place.

Macaque moaned in his face.

The ginger haired monkey blushed, having a flashback to when the darker furred monkey moaned in his face- oh his moan. It sounded ten times more better and sexier than he remembered it to be, replaying it in his head over and over again. Wait... Was he getting hard over Macaque? Was...Was he simping over Macaque!? The Sage looked down in shame and sighed, thankfully his boner was hidden, sealed away by his dark baggy red pants. He was relieved, overfilled with joy that he didn't decide to wear his baggy light gray pants. "Is something bothering you, Monkey King?" The question seemed to snap Wukong out of his thoughts as he blinked harshly, shaking his head in a attempt to shake his past lovers moan out of his head. Wukong looked at his kid sitting beside him on the small couch, flashing him a nervous, obvious fake smile as he wrapped a hand around his neck and started scratching the back of it. "N-No, why you asking?" "You haven't drunken the tea Sandy made for you, heck you haven't even touched it since you grabbed it off the tray he gave us!" Ah yes, tea... The hot, mostly flavorless liquid, One of his weaknesses when it came to food. The steamy puffs of smoke rising from the cup as it cooled, making him flinch badly when it reached his face. Thankfully his student hadn't noticed that yet, but he did notice that he was avoiding the cup filled with that dreadful liquid. Just then Sandy walked into the room, holding a board of what it looked like... freshly cut fruit maybe? "Is something wrong with the tea..? I tried to make it specifically for you since were here to talk together." His stomach twisted, feeling that same guilt he always feels eating away at his stomach. It felt like an empty pit at this point, full of nothing but regret and immense guilt, the guilt eating away at his plum tree he planted all that time ago with someone special. He felt sick, a sudden tightness in his throat as he gripped his stomach, trying to stop the parasite he had inside of him from eating away at that memory. With that slight sadness he quickly grabbed the warm tea cup, gulping the hot liquid down his throat forcefully. He closed his eyes tight, feeling the oh so disgusting burning tea touch the inside of his throat, burning the plum tree in his stomach. Wukong shot up from his seat, cats scattering off and away from him. "T-Thank you for the hmpf- t-tea, Sandy.. May I use your bathroom?" Wukong coughed, forcing the tea back down his throat when he so desperately wanted to throw it back up. He was gripping his stomach, the guilt ripping the roots in his hollow stomach and throwing them far away, the tree shaking as the plums started to rot. Mk and Sandy exchanged looks for a quick second, but not quick enough that he didn't see. "Of course! Feel free to use that complementary soap I put in there when your done!" The King forced a smile, running out of the room and around the corner in the blink of an eye. "Oh, the bathroom is actually that-" "Let him have this." Mk sighed, looking at his mentor dash around the corner. Once around the corner Wukong gagged, tears prickling his eyes as he felt the plums rotting away to nothing but mush, like if they were never but a faint memory lingering inside him. He looked around drastically, needing a way to get off this boat before he threw up on the floor, and he did not want that.

Soon a window was seen in the corner of his glazed eye. He desperately turned into a fly and left through the small crack in the window, scraping his arm slightly as he turned back to himself and jumped onto his cloud, zooming back to his home.

He landed besides a tree, a tree that was unlike the rest of the trees on Flower Fruit Mountain.. A tree that was about as old and sensitive as himself, a tree that had far more memories than a tree should have. The hands that planted it were gone.. all those mornings spent watering the tree, telling stupid stories and jokes, laughing and dancing around it were long gone as well. But the memory stayed fresh in his mind. He was surprised when he found himself here again, it had been a long time since he last saw this plum tree. But he didn't have a second to think about it before he hunched over and threw up that small bowl of yogurt he had for breakfast. He dry heaved for a little bit before tiredly leaning his back against the old tree trunk, making sure he was on the other side of the tree so he couldn't see or smell his puke. He curled up into a tight ball, sobbing into his arms as he trembled violently, past thoughts and unwelcomed memories filling his head. Wukong screamed a little, digging his sharp claws into his arms, the branches of the plum tree losing there leaves with each load of blood he lost. He rocked himself back and forth, trying to ease himself down with all these haunting memories. "I'm not under that stupid mountain... that was a long time ago, I'm fine. Those ugly stupid mountain people aren't poring that stupid molten copper down my throat- they are long in the past. I have absolutely nothing to be complaining about, they can't hurt me anymore, no no... It's fine, I'm okay, I'm perfectly fine and calm..." His voice slowly got quieter and quieter, shaking sadly as he tired to convince himself he didn't give a fuck and that it was in the past. But even so he begain to cry into his bloody arms, letting out muffled sobs that used to be muffled laughter that he'd try to hid from- "Wukong-" Wukong jumped a little, wiping his tears with his sleeve to make sure that this familiar figure was who he thought it was. "M-Macaque! Wha... when did you get here?" The Sage could see that the warrior's eyes were a bit red and puffy but he didn't get a word in before Macaque started talking. "I was up in the tree," Macaque muttered, pointing up to one of the branches with a shaky hand. "But what happened? Wh-Why are you doing this!?" His concern for him made Wukong to cry all over again. "Get lost Macaque, it's nothing-" "Wukong." Macaque interupted sternly, It looked like he was about to put his hand on top of Wukongs shoulder but quickly stopped himself and shoved his hands into his pockets. "This isn't 'nothing' you idoit! I'll be right back." He left through one of his shadow portals, dropping into the grass and disappearing. Wukong wanted to go dig a hole and hide there for the rest of his immortal life, he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs until his voice went hoarse and he inexplicably died by some heartache or something. Better yet he wanted to run away, but he knew there was no point in that. He had done it enough to Macaque in the past, and if he DID try to run Macaque would just hear where he went and stop him, making things more awkward. So Wukong just accepted that the Gods hated him for the a thousandths time and hugged himself tighter, hoping by some miracle that he would magically die before Macaque returned.

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