Chapter 4: New Look

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As Wanda entered the hotel, Ericka talked with her.

"You gotta knock out Mrs. Wiliskin and disguise as her," said Ericka.

"Okay...? I'm not sure about the disguising part," whimpered Wanda. She went into the elevator and went to the floor where Mrs. Wiliskin's room was. "Hello..."

"Come on Wanda," chuckled Mrs. Wiliskin.

"GO FOR IT!" yelled Ericka. Wanda ran to Mrs. Wiliskin and punched her, knocking her out, then placed Mrs. Wiliskin on the bed. "I'm going to see if I can change your face to look like Mrs. Wiliskin."

"What? How are you going to do that?" asked Wanda.

"Look right at her," said Ericka. Wanda looked at Mrs. Wiliskin and she began her process. "You're gonna feel a little shaky."

Wanda's face suddenly began shaking as she screamed. Her eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks moved all over the place.

"You're going to feel a little pinch too," said Ericka.

"Oxygen level at 30%," said the robot in the submarine.

"Wanda? Is everything all right in there?" asked Johnny worriedly. He heard bubbling noses. "What's going on?"

Wanda looked at the mirror and almost fainted when she saw Mrs. Wiliskin's face.

"It doesn't last forever," chuckled Ericka. Wanda walked outside and Johnny yelled. "Oh, I forgot he was here..."

"WHO ARE YOU?!" shivered Johnny.

"IT'S ME- WANDA!" whimpered Wanda.

"You look nothing like Wanda! Why do you have her hair? And why do you look like Mrs. Wiliskin?" growled Johnny.


"Okay... If you're disguising then I guess it's all right," said Johnny as the sun shined in Transylvania. Johnny and Wanda went to Dawn's house. "Do you have the micro-chip?"

Wanda nodded her head. She and Johnny sat down with Dawn and Dolph.

"Hello! It's been a while Mrs. Wiliskin!" chuckled Dawn as she petted her dog.

"Hello," said Wanda.

"Do you remember when we went to that club together?" asked Dawn.

"Totally," chuckled Wanda nervously.

"Hmm... What happened to your hair?" questioned Dolph.

"My hair? Oh uh, I cut it down," said Wanda.

"Where's the micro-chip?" asked Dolph. Wanda took the microchip out of her pocket and gave it to Dolph. "Very well.... Something's off with your accent too."

"It sounds more sweet and soft," said Dawn.

"I guess being in the Europe more got rid of my western accent," chuckled Wanda nervously. Wanda played a little with her food.

"Don't play with your food Wanda, focus!" growled Ericka.

An assistant took a cigarette out of Wanda's pocket.

"Care for one of these?" asked the assistant with a smirk on his face.

"Uh, I'll smoke later," said Wanda.

Dolph showed Wanda the macro-chip

"With both chips we can conduct the experiment on Wanda Werewolf," snickered Dolph.

Wanda stared at the macro-chip.

"Wanda? What are you doing? Get the chip!" whimpered Ericka.

Before Wanda could grab the macro-chip, Dawn got up and put her paw on Wanda's arm.

"You're not Mrs. Wiliskin, you're a fake!" growled Dawn.

"I'm real!" whimpered Wanda. Her face suddenly began shaking as everyone moved back. "AHHH!"

Dawn and Dolph gasped when they realized it was Wanda. Wanda yelled and pushed Dolph to the ground, causing him to drop the macro-chip. Johnny tried getting the chip but Adolphine grabbed him but his shirt. Another guard grabbed Wanda by her shirt as well.

"Put them in the shed downstairs for now," ordered Dolph.


Wanda and Johnny walked around in the shed.

"What do we do Wanda?" asked Johnny as Wanda sighed and looked down. "They'll do something worse to you than me since you're important to them or something..."

"I think it's best to spill the beans now," sighed Ericka.

Wanda looked right at Johnny.

"Johnny, I've been lying to you... Ericka isn't being held captive at a lab... She's inside me and talking to me," whimpered Wanda. Johnny instead softly snickered. "I'm telling the truth!"

"No, that's not possible... Ericka was injected into the duck right after we left," said Johnny.

"Looks like you have to make him believe," said Ericka. "Repeat what I say."

"Johnny, there's not one second where I regret being your mother-in-law," said Wanda, getting Johnny's attention. "If I stay too long in Wanda's body, I'll die because of the lack of oxygen. You need to help Wanda and I."

Johnny put his hands on Wanda's shoulders.

"Ericka...?" questioned Johnny.

"No, I'm not Ericka," sighed Wanda, putting her paws on Johnny's shoulders. "It's like I said. Ericka's inside me... One of Ericka's lab friends injected the syringe on my leg to save her life..."

Adolphine opened the shed door with an evil smile on her face.

The screener and microphone suddenly ran out of power.

"Oh no!" shivered Ericka. She pressed the reboot button and groaned. "15 minutes?!"


Dracula was worried about Ericka.

"It's been more than six hours Mavis," whimpered Dracula, looking at the clock. "What do we do?"

"Mom could've gotten lost in the duck," said Mavis.

"No, they have trackers!" growled Dracula. His phone suddenly rang and he picked it up. "Hello?"

"Are you Count Dracula?" asked Argo in the lab, wearing a bandage around his head.

"Yes, why?" asked Dracula.

"Your wife didn't get injected into a duck," whimpered Argo as Dracula gasped. "An evil lab broke in and wanted to steal the syringe... I ran away from the lab and injected the syringe into a werewolf woman to save Ericka's life."

"We need to go to the lab," said Dracula.

"What about Uncle Wayne? He's worried about Aunt Wanda," suggested Mavis. "Ericka's lab friend probably injected the syringe into Wanda's body!"

Mavis, Dracula, and Wayne went into a hearse together and drove off.

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