Winter is Coming

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A/N: This fic was originally posted by InferNafee on FFN and Wattpad, but it has since been deleted. As such, I am uploading the original fic again. I repeat I do not own this fic and it was written by InferNafee.



On a battlefield, a warrior and a woman on a bed of her own blood lay as death slowly reaches for them. Both have just that one thought on their mind, "I wish I could have been there for my child and seen him grow". "A deep voice penetrated the air, "Wish granted," and both of them get pulled into a dark swirl.A few years down the river of time, a lord of snow prepares for the arrival of his king and family. As he barks out orders, both he and his wife along with their eldest child get pulled into a dark swirl. The same swirl also takes away a king, a master of ships, a king beyond reach, a lion and leader of the protectors.Some more years down the river of time, a black swirl appears on various regions of a vast land, taking away a wolf, a lady, a raven, mother of fire, two wounded lions, a disgraced bear, a wild man buried in snow and no one.In a huge white room, a group of people fall out of a giant black swirl in two heaps. All of them groan as they try to regain their bearings. "Where in the seven hells are we" the king of the past roared as his eyes fell on his oldest friend, the lord of snow. "I do not know me lord" the lord says bowing respectfully. The others stand by watching the two, the previous dying couple standing away from them looking at each other with all sorts of confusion and comfort. "My flower" the warrior whispered and held the women in bloodied clothes close to himself. "You!" the leader of protectors snarled as his venomous eyes laid on the growling king beyond reach. The two were about to draw their swords when a scream penetrated the air."WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS!?" the mother of fire roared looking around like a mad woman. "My queen calm down please" the wolf pleaded standing beside her. The others of the group except the snow buried man who was knocked out watched them in confusion. "You will not tell me to calm down J..", _" no but I will." a deep voice put all the fighting to a halt. All those gathered looked forward and saw a man standing in front of what looked to a giant slab of glass. "Who are you!?" the king of the past roared glaring daggers at the man. "Oh, I have as many names as there are dimensions"_ the man said. "God?" the lord of snow's wife asked with wide eyes.The man snorted, "Okay no I am not the big guy upstairs. My name is Skylark. Or as you lot call me, the lord of light which is a stupid name." Skylark rolled his eyes. "I know what you're going to ask so shush and listen. I have handpicked you lot for a very special reason. The future is not the brightest and you lot who have a major role to play in this future have failed miserably even when signs were shown to you. So, I have pulled you aside to this viewing room to look into the events. For some it would be the past to a certain point while for others it will all be in the future. Now for the sake of politeness, introduce yourselves and take a seat on those comfy looking chairs behind you. White hair you start."_ Sky smiled at them."Rhaegar Targaryen" the white haired male said earning wide eyed stares from the rest of the occupants. The snow lord's eyes then fell on to the bloodied woman standing beside Rhaegar, "I'm Lyanna Stark" the woman introduced herself before there was another flash and both hers and Rhaegar's clothes were changed to fit those of a lord and his wife's. The snow lord shook his head when he saw that it was his turn from the finger that was being pointed at him, "Eddard Stark and this is my wife Catelyn Stark nee Tully and my eldest Robb Stark" he introduced his family earning a gasp from Lyanna and a whimper from a red headed woman. Ned and Catelyn looked at the woman and their eyes widened in surprise. But before they could say anything, Skylark skipped over to the fat king, "Robert Baratheon, and this is my brother Stannis and that is Tywin Lannister" he introduced themselves, looking at Lyanna with longing while she tried to ignore him. "Jeor Mormont" the leader introduced himself. "Mance Rayder" the wild looking king from beyond introduced himself.Now the finger went on to the other group and all attention was on them. "Jon Snow" the wolf introduced himself earning looks of interest from the Stark males and Lyanna who gave Jon a piercing look like she was trying to guess something. "Sansa Stark" the red he=aired woman introduced herself and the Stark's looked at her with pride and confusion as to how she was older when Skylark's words rung in their heads and they smiled at her. "Bran Stark" the crow introduced himself from his position on his wheel chair earning wide eyed stares from his family from the past. "It will be explained I guess" Bran answered before his mother could ask and she flinched slightly at the emotionless tone he spoke in."Daenerys Targaryen" the white haired woman introduced herself earning a surprised look from Rhaegar. "Tyrion Lannister" the imp lion introduced himself and ten had a venomous exchange of looks with his father. "Jaime Lannister" the injured lion said quickly and diverted his father's attention from his brother to him. "What happened.." Tywin began was cut with a short "will be explained soon I guess" from Jaime. "Jorah Mormont" the disgraced bear introduced himself and earned himself a hateful look from Ned and Jeor whose look held a little bit of sadness as well."Tormund Giantsbane" the ginger bearded wild man introduced himself then grinned at a smiling Jon which earned quite a bit of surprised looks from the people of past since Tormund was surely a wildling. "Arya Stark" a quiet voice whispered out from the shadows surprising almost everyone in the room. "Arya!" Jon grinned at his half-sister and wrapped her in a tight embrace which she returned almost instantly and just as tight." Well now that that's over, the show will begin in five minutes. Get acquainted and then sit down" with these words, Skylark disappeared in a flash of bright light. "I can guess why he was named the lord of light" Tyrion snorted and looked at his chuckling brother. Lyanna moved quickly to her brother and gave him a tight hug, "Oh Ned! Look at you! You're all grown up and a lord of Winterfell if I'm not wrong" she smiled with pride and hugged Catelyn next then looked at her nieces and nephews, "and you must be his little ones! You all definitely have the Stark looks. Even you Sansa. You have that edge in your eyes that I always saw in m father" she smiled at the kids who smiled back, except Arya who just nodded politely. She then looked to Jon who was looking at her for a moment before looking away. Lyanna tilted her head and smiled at him, "you too have it you know. The Stark resemblance" she said kindly making Jon smile a little while Catelyn shuffled uncomfortably. Ned looked at Jon with a sad smile before he caught Bran's eyes and his own widened. Bran shook his head and Ned relaxed slightly.Rhaegar looked at Daenerys with a soft smile, "so you're my little sister huh?" he asked and Dany nodded her head. He took a step forward and embraced her which surprised her a little, "you look like mom you know" he said. "No one told me that before" she said quietly with a smile and hugged back.After the small talks were over, they all sat down and the show began with a static screen then a pitch-black view.Three rangers of the Night's Watch: Ser Waymar Royce, Will, and Gared depart from the Wall to investigate reports of wildlings in the Haunted Forest which lies to the north, beyond the Wall.Jeor sat up straight finally able to find out what had happened to his men beyond the wall.Will, the best scout in the group, discovers a number of wildling corpses dismembered and arranged in a strange, ritualistic fashion on the ground. He also finds a dead wildling girl pinned to a tree.Tormund and Mance watched with tightened fists and set jaws. "They were from my clan" Tormund grunted out when he saw the look Jon gave him. Jon nodded his head at him then lowered his head as a sign of respect for the dead. Something that didn't go unnoticed by his family from the past, the fat king, his men and Mance who looked at him with confusion. Not many men from the other side of the wall did that for the wildlings was the general thought of the people.He reports back to the others. Ser Waymar overrides the older Gared's advice that they return to Castle Black to report the situation to Lord Commander of the Night's Watch Jeor Mormont. He instead insists on seeing the corpses for himself to determine what killed them. When they reach the site, the bodies have disappeared."How is that possible!? They were just here!" Lyanna exclaimed in surprise. "It will be explained" Jon said in a hushed tone. She looked at Jon and nodded her head. She felt like she knew this young man but she was sure she didn't. And his last name was Snow, meaning he was a bastard. He could never be one of Ned's because he was too noble to be unfaithful in the first place. "Maybe Benjen" she thought but t hen a thought struck her. What had happened to her baby? Was he alright? What had Ned done with him. She looked to Ned who was already looking at her. He shook his hand in a 'later' gesture. She nodded her head and leaned against Rhaegar and continue to watch. Something Robert watched through gritted teeth.Will scouts around for clues, but Gared finds a bloody piece of clothing buried under the snow. Further investigations are curtailed when a tall, humanoid figure with glowing blue eyes, a White Walker, arrives and kills Ser Waymar with ease. Gared attempts to escape but is caught and killed. Will, in abject horror, sees the dead wildling girl from earlier who is now walking with blue eyes, and also witnesses Gared's death, with the White Walker tossing his severed head at Will's feet."Impossible!" Tywin stood up. "They are nothing but a myth" he said. "Every myth has a source father" Tyrion said and took a sip of wine, glaring at his father. Tywin looked at Tyrion and was about to retort when Jaime quickly cut in, "He is right father. The white walkers are real and they are a much larger threat than anything" he explained. Tywin nodded his head and with one last glare at Tyrion, he sat back down.Sometime later, Will has fled south of the Wall in terror, rather than return to warn Castle Black of the White Walker threat. He is apprehended by outriders loyal to House Stark, the wardens of the North, and is taken to Lord Eddard Stark."Deserter" Jeor said with disdain.Meanwhile, Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark is at Winterfell with his wife and family. Ned and Catelyn watch their 10-year-old son Bran Stark practice archery while he is being helped by Robb Stark, Ned and Catelyn's eldest son, and Ned's illegitimate son Jon Snow, both 17.The Stark family watched the scene fondly. For Lyanna, it was like a reminder of her young days when she watched her brothers train while she tried to get some training in as well.The youngest son, 6-year old Rickon Stark, watches his brothers until Ned and Catelyn's youngest daughter, 11-year old Arya Stark - who has left needlework where their 13-year old daughter Sansa Stark is - hits Bran's bullseye with an arrow before Bran can. Bran chases Arya while Ned, Catelyn, Robb and Jon laugh until Ned receives news that a Night's Watch deserter has been found."So much like you that one" Ned told Lyanna who shook her head fondly. The brother and sister duo turned their heads to Arya and Bran who were watching the scenes emotionlessly. Troubled by their expressions, Ned looked at his wife who too looked worried. Lyanna moved her eyes away from her niece and nephews and they fell on Jon who watched the scene with a smile. "That is such a Ned smile there" she thought to herself. "Some say yours and Ned's smiles are almost identical" a voice said inside her head which made her frown.The law decrees that as a deserter from the Watch, Will is an oath breaker and must be executed. Ned takes three of his sons with him - Robb, Jon, and Bran - to witness the execution due to it being a Stark custom among sons to carry out executions themselvs. Also joining Eddard is his ward Theon Greyjoy, the master-at-arms Rodrik Cassel and his leading guard Jory Cassel. Will accepts his fate, but tells Eddard about the Walkers first and asks that word be sent back to his mother. Eddard carries out the execution himself, using the ancestral Valyrian blade of their house, Ice. Young Bran witnesses an execution for the first time without flinching, earning praise from his half-brother Jon. Eddard explains to Bran that the reason he was made to execute Will was because the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."Father used to say the same thing. Guess you inherited more than just his looks huh brother" Lyanna smiled which Ned returned.When Bran asks his father about Will's talk of White Walkers, Eddard dismisses it as a madman's ramblings, insisting that the Walkers have been gone for centuries. The party sets out to return to Winterfell."If only he had listened" Jon thought.On the way back to the castle, the party finds a stag dead in the road, partially disemboweled. Looking for what killed it, they find a dead female direwolf, killed with a stag antler piece broken off in her throat. The female died after giving birth, and her five pups huddle by the corpse for warmth. Theon advocates killing the pups, but Jon Snow convinces his father that this is an omen: the direwolf is the symbol of House Stark, and Eddard has five trueborn children.The stark children who were present smiled at the pups, the future ones having fond memories of their companions.With Bran looking on beseechingly, Eddard agrees to allow it, but only if they raise the pups themselves with no help from the servants."A dire wolf in the Stark family after centuries. This surely does mark a time of change" Lyanna said with little enthusiasm and Ned agreed. The last time there were dire wolves in the Stark family, they were the king in the North and were at war against the undead, or at least that's what legend said.Just as the party leaves, Jon finds a sixth pup, an albino runt of the litter. Theon mockingly points out that this one belongs to Jon, but Jon nonetheless adopts the sixth pup.This time Jon smiled fondly at the memories of a baby ghost.In King's Landing, the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms, the bells ring out to commemorate the death of Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King. As the Silent Sisters prepare his body for burial, Queen Cersei Lannister looks on. She is worried that Jon discovered something he shouldn't have, and may have told someone. She confesses her fears to her twin brother, Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard, but he tells her not to worry, since if the King knew the truth, they'd be dead already.Robert who was already distraught, narrowed his eyes dangerously. Tywin also looked slightly worried for what secret his children were hiding that could have them killed.She tells him he should be the new Hand of the King, but he doesn't want the job. He considers it too much work. Cersei accuses him of taking nothing seriously.A raven bears news of Jon Arryn's death to Winterfell, where Lady Catelyn Stark informs Eddard. He is particularly stricken because Arryn served as a father-figure to him when he was fostered at the Eyrie. She also tells him that King Robert Baratheon and much of the royal court rides for Winterfell. Eddard realizes that King Robert means to name him as the Hand to replace Jon Arryn. He ponders refusal, feeling his place is at Winterfell."Something tells me you do the opposite" Stannis said with a grunt.Over the next few weeks, the Stark children grow used to their rapidly-growing direwolves: Robb names his Grey Wind, Sansa calls hers Lady, and Arya names hers Nymeria after a great warrior-queen."A fitting name" Arya thought with sadness.Jon names his Ghost, for his white color and uncanny silence. Bran calls his Summer and six-year-old Rickon names his wolf Shaggydog. Bran's mother catches him climbing on the rooftops of the castle, just as the royal party comes into view. He promises to stop, but his mother knows he is lying. Winterfell prepares for guests. Catelyn Stark wants to make sure that Tyrion Lannister, a great reader, has enough candles, and the young men of the house get groomed, as they gossip about the queen, a reportedly great beauty.Robert snorts disdainfully.All of Winterfell gathers in the courtyard as the royal party approaches. Arya is late and annoys Sansa by not being silent and respectful when they arrive.Sansa sighed silently. She loved her sister and all, but she had become a silent killer which really scared her since that meant Arya would be put into a lot of danger in the foreseeable future. Oh how she missed the little ball of energy hat was Arya and how she would do anything to have her back.King Robert rides in with his knights, while Queen Cersei is in a large wheelhouse. Lord Eddard presents his household to King Robert. Eddard and Robert greet each other warmly, and then Robert demands to see the crypts and pay his respects to Eddard's deceased sister, Lyanna, much to Queen Cersei's impatience. After Robert and Eddard depart, Cersei sends Jaime to find their younger brother Tyrion, who is a dwarf. "The Imp" has found his way to the brothel in the town outside Winterfell, where he enjoys the attentions of a prostitute named Ros. Jaime tells Tyrion, a man of limited height but with immense appetites, that he will be needed at the feast that night. Jaime has hired three more prostitutes for Tyrion, to hurry things along.Tyrion gave Jaime a smirk with made Jaime snort.In the crypts Robert offers up his prayers at the tomb of Lyanna Stark, Eddard's younger sister, whom Robert was betrothed to before she was allegedly kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Lyanna died shortly after she was found. He tells Eddard that in his dreams he kills Rhaegar every night anew. Eddard reminds him that House Targaryen was destroyed, but Robert replies: "not all of them."Lyanna rolls her eyes, "that is a lie and you knew it Ned" she said meaningfully to which Ned nodded his head wearily earning a surprised glare from Robert. "And you hid this from me for all these years?" he roared. "As if you would have believed me. And you would have chopped my head clean off from rage if I said this" Ned said tiredly. Robert just grunted since it was true.Robert formally offers Eddard the role of Hand, and Eddard asks for time to consider. Robert agrees, but offers a sweetener: the hand of his son, Joffrey, in marriage to Eddard's daughter, Sansa.Sansa made a disgusted noise at the back of her throat. Jon sighed remembering the prick that was Joffrey and rubbed his hand on Sansa's back comfortingly, which she appreciated. Catelyn looked at the two with confusion, since when were the two this close.In the Free City of Pentos, across the Narrow Sea, Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen live in the hospitality of Magister Illyrio Mopatis."He turned out to look like father" Rhaegar mumbled to himself and hoped he had not inherited the madness as well.Viserys has arranged to wed his sister Daenerys to Khal Drogo, the warlord of a Dothraki khalasar of forty thousand warriors. In return, Drogo will give Viserys the army he needs to reclaim the Iron Throne. Viserys prepares Daenerys for meeting the Khal. He tells her what a beautiful young woman she has turned into, and slips off her dress and fondles her breast.Rhaegar grits his teeth and looks on with disgust. "He definitely got it" he thought to himself and then felt a squeeze on his hand. He looked down to see that Lyanna was trying to comfort him. He smiled slightly and squeezed back.She is silent and looks away as if pretending it isn't happening. She steps into a hot bath that has just been poured. This greatly distresses her maid, who believes the water will scald her. However, Daenerys seems not to notice it and appears to be unharmed.Rhaegar looked at his sister and smiled at her. "You have inherited the family gift it seems" he said with a hint of pride, something Daenerys was not used to hear. She merely nodded her head and tried to put up a small smile.Drogo arrives in Pentos and approves of Daenerys. Illyrio and Viserys discuss the quest to sail back to Westeros, and Viserys inquires when the wedding will take place. Daenerys is not pleased with the arrangement and blurts out that she does not want to marry Drogo. Viserys insists that Daenerys will marry him, because in return, Drogo will give Viserys the army he needs to retake their father's throne from Robert Baratheon. Viserys adds that he would let his sister be raped by all forty thousand of Drogo's men and their horses if it meant getting his throne back.Rhaegar gritted his teeth as his eyes flashed dangerously. "He better watch that filthy mouth of his" he growled which caught a lot of the occupants by surprise. "Why are you so enraged? You did the same thing with Lyanna. You took her and raped her to her death, didn't you?" Robert Snarled. Rhaegar turned his enraged glare at the fat king and Robert felt a shiver go down his spine. "He did no such thing" Lyanna cut in smoothly gaining surprised looks from everyone but the wildlings who didn't really care."I went with him of my own free will. We got married of our own free will and I bore him a son" she said icily which knocked all the fight out of Robert. "Lyanna you couldn't..." Robert blurted out but was cut off again. "Yes, I did. You might have been a great warrior Robert but you were never half the man Rhaegar was" she said which made Robert go silent.At the mention of a son, Catelyn leaned back in her chair. "If what she said is true then that would mean" her eyes widened and she looked to Ned who looked at Robert with sorrow. "Ned is it-" she began but Ned who had caught her words put a hand on her hand, which was all the confirmation she needed. She looked down at her lap as her world began to crumble slightly. Not only had she been stupid enough to not see-through Ned's lies, she had treated her nephew with scorn. But who would have guessed that Ned was lying, he was not a man who lied. "He is also not a man who would forsake a vow" a voice whispered into her ears.A great feast is held and Cersei and Catelyn exchange cordial words. Cersei seems more impressed by Sansa, thinking that she will be a great hit at court. Outside the feast, Jon Snow works at his sword practice, angry that Catelyn thought it would be inappropriate that a bastard should attend.Catelyn wanted to apologize but Ned held her hand and shook his head. "Not yet. He doesn't know" he mouthed and Catelyn nodded with a sigh.His uncle Benjen Stark, First Ranger of the Night's Watch, arrives to join the feast, and Jon asks him to take him back to the Wall with him. Benjen agrees to consider it.Two things surprised Lyanna. One was that Benjen was a member of the Night's watch and two that he would take Jon to join. The wall was not a place for a boy as young as Jon. But another thought went into her mind at that. If Benjen was a member of the Night's watch, that meant that Jon couldn't be his, also Jon called him uncle. But Ned could never be unfaithful to his lady wife, she was sure. "Then that meant" her eyes went to Ned who met her gaze and the two had a silent conversation. Ned nodded in the end and Lyanna had to hold back a sob. Ned shook his head right after and this time she had to do all she could to not break down on the spot.Tyrion Lannister then arrives and talks to Jon, suggesting that he is too pricklish and quick to take offense when his illegitimacy is pointed out. He should take the insult and wear it like armor, so that no one can hurt him with it. When Jon angrily asks Tyrion what he knows about it, Tyrion replies that "all dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes.""It was good advice lord Tyrion" Jon said with a smile which Tyrion returned. His eyes then fell on Lyanna, his dead aunt who was looking at him longingly which made him feel a bit uncomfortable.Eddard and Catelyn receive a letter in the night, delivered to Maester Luwin by a messenger from the Eyrie. The letter is from Catelyn's sister, Lady Lysa Arryn, the widow of Jon Arryn. In the letter, Lysa says that Jon Arryn was murdered by the Lannisters and that they plan to conspire against King Robert.The room had gone dead silent. Robert rose from his chair and glared down at Tywin who merely looked bored. "You want to conspire against ME!? YOUR KING!?" he roared and was about to attack when he was suddenly tied down to his chair and unconscious. They all looked at the fat king in surprise when Sky's word floated in, "I will not have any sort of violence in my room. This was a warning shot. The real punishment would be as sweet." He said just a Robert woke up but from his look, he knew what was said.Luwin counsels that Eddard should accept Robert's offer to be Hand, so he can investigate the truth of the matter and protect the King. Eddard, while he would prefer to stay at Winterfell, agrees with Luwin and accepts the offer."NO" Catelyn and Lyanna groaned in unison.A short time later, Drogo arrives at Illyrio's estate. After taking a glance at Daenerys, Drogo rides away without dismounting from his horse. Viserys is concerned, but Illyrio assures him that, if he did not approve of Daenerys, they would have known. Later, Daenerys marries Khal Drogo and a great celebration is held. Several people die in impromptu duels, which Illyrio says is a good sign: a Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair."A dull affair" Rhaegar gritted out. "It's alright brother. Drogo wasn't that bad of a man. A beast but he knew when to respect my opinions" Daenerys defended her dead husband and looked at her brother. She was confused as to why a man who had never seen her was being so protective over her now.The bride and groom receive many gifts, but for Dany, two are particularly interesting. The first is a selection of books containing stories and songs from the Seven Kingdoms, given to her by Ser Jorah Mormont, an exiled knight of House Mormont. Ser Jorah swears fealty to Viserys as King and offers him his support and advice, which is accepted. The second is a box containing three beautiful stones. According to Illyrio, these are dragon eggs from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai that have turned to stone with the passing of time. Dany appears to feel some connection with the eggs, but brushes it off for the time being.Dany smiled seeing her children as their egg forms then felt a pull in her chest from the loss of her baby Viserion who was now a pawn of the Ice king's. She felt a warm touch on her hand and saw that it was Jon who was looking at her with worry. The two had gotten closer to each other after what had transpired between them and then the whole boat thing. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze and smiled at him, which he returned.For his gift, Drogo gives Daenerys a beautiful white mare. Viserys tells his sister to make Drogo happy. Drogo and Daenerys ride down to the shore and consummate their marriage on the beach at sunset. Daenerys is visibly upset and terrified."It was after all her first time" Sansa said wisely, her own time coming to mind which made her shiver a little. Catelyn noticed this and frowned slighty with worry.The next morning Eddard and Robert go hunting, leaving the castle largely empty. Bran indulges in some climbing but, while climbing a broken tower, he hears someone moaning. He peers through a window and finds the queen and her brother engaged in a sexual act. Cersei spots him and warns Jaime, who grabs Bran. Jaime looks out the window to make sure nobody else is watching and only sees Summer. He turns to Bran and asks how old he is. When Bran replies "ten," Jaime remarks with a sigh, "The things I do for love." With that, he pushes Bran out of the window.Once again, the room fell into deadly silence.

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