3. Atlas's mistake 

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Soon as Regulus went to his first class of the day, he instantly regretted it. His right arm, had a medium sized bite mark, Madam Pomfrey had healed it and put a bandage on it. But it still got a shooting pain every 5 to 10 minutes and it was hard not to itch it.

His last lesson of the day, was potions which he was good at but Regulus also disliked it. He couldn't wait for the day to be over because, he could go collapse into bed.

When Regulus arrived to Potions, he saw his three friends waiting outside for him. "Regulus there you are! We'd thought you'd never show up." Atlas said. "Let's go before we're late." Austin said, Regulus nodded because dealing with Professor Slughorn when your late is no joke.

In potions Regulus had tried to take notes but, his stupid sore arm prevented him from writing for a long amount of time. When it came time to do the potions project, he partnered up with Michael. The to of them were actually ok, at potions. While Atlas and Austin were semi good, most of there time was spent whispering to each other.

In the middle of the lesson, Atlas and this other boy, started arguing about who's potion was better. "It's mine, no it's mine." Both boys squabbled at each other, Regulus would soon find out that the other boys name was Baratheon Snape, but he got Brixton for short. If anyone called him Baratheon, instead of Brixton he would hex you, the other thing was that he was Severus Snapes younger brother. They looked very alike, they had the same black hair except, Brixtons was shorter and less greasy. Brixtons eyes were more of a light chestnut colour, while his brother had more dark coloured eyes.

Both boys argued while, Austin, Micheal and Regulus watched in awkwardness. At that moment, Atlas pulled out his wand, and without thinking Atlas just did some random movement with it, then bang. "Ow!!!" Micheal screamed, while Regulus blocked it with his arms. Atlas soon realised what he had done, he let his emotions get the best of him. Then the spell had rotated, on to Micheal and Regulus. Micheal went crashing down on a shelf bringing, old cauldrons down with him. While Regulus had blocked it still on his feet.

"Guys I'm so sor-" Atlas said before getting cut off by Professor Slughorn, "Mr Black and Mr Robinson, you will both go the Hospital Wing. Mr Barlowe and Mr Snape you will stay after class." He said, Regulus thought how he was going to handle the situation.

Regulus put an arm around Michael for support, to help him walk. "My arm really hurts!" Michael complained, Regulus's arm was no better he could smell blood coming from the bite mark.

When they arrived at the Hospital Wing, Regulus told Madam Pomfrey to help Michael first. While he sat on a chair, his hand clinched over around his arm. Regulus started to feel a sudden tired sickly feeling, go through his body, the potion he had earlier must have worn off. At that moment Micheal came out with a sling around his arm. "Ok Regulus let's check your arm." Madam Ponfrey said. His arm ended being re-healed and replaced with a new bandage. "Micheal's really luck to have a friend like you." She said to Regulus.

Later on back in the dorm room, Regulus lay on his bed exhausted. He was just waiting for the Marauders to ruin his peace and quiet. He didn't have anything against them, he just felt out of place. He was just the youngest Black brother at the end of the day. He decided that, he would try talk to them little as possible to avoid being annoying.

He ended up reading a book, because reading was his favourite thing ever. But he didn't really have any other hobbies, maybe Regulus could discover new things.

"Regulus, sorry if we haven't been around much today." Sirius said, while entering the room with the other three behind him. "It's fine." He grumbled tiredly. "We were coming to get you, then we're going to head to the Great Hall." James said, Regulus looked up from his book. "You can go without me, I'm not hungry." He said. "Are you sure?" Remus said, because normally after a full moon he was staving. Regulus nodded his head, "Will see you later then." James said before they all left.

10 minutes later, Regulus was starting to regret not going down for food. But he was to tired and sore to get out of bed.

After laying in his bed with defeat, he heard the marauders coming back. "Reg I know you said, you weren't hungry. But I snuck into the kitchens with Sirius to get you some food." James said, placing the plate on his bed side table. "Thank you." Regulus said quietly.

While Regulus was eating the ham sandwich's, James and Sirius got him, the Marauders gathered on the floor with a map in the middle. Curious Regulus got up from his bed to go have a look. "What are you guys doing?" Regulus questioned the Marauders. "We're planning our next prank." Sirius said. "You can help us if you want." Peter said. "I'm alright." Regulus said declining the offer. "Same old Regulus, he's never unpredictable." Sirius said. Regulus felt like he wanted to prove Sirius wrong, for some reason. "You know what. I'm actually going to help plan this prank." Regulus said. "More the merrier." James said, making room for Regulus so he could sit down. Sirius looked shocked, but he didn't say anything.

Until he noticed the bandage on his right forearm. "Regulus what happened to your arm?" Sirius questioned with concern on his face. "Umm..." he didn't know what to say, and all eyes were on him. "My friend cursed me and my other friend." Regulus said. "Does it hurt?" James questioned. "Not anymore." He said. "Nobody hurts my baby brother!" Sirius growled. "Calm down it, was an accident." Regulus said. "Ok I guess I'll let it slide." Sirius grunted.

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be longer. Bye guys.

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