21. Rocky is back

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The new school year hadn't gotten off to a great start for Regulus. So most of the time he'd just study by himself, until he passed out.

13th September 1976...
One day in potions a Slytherin named Seth said something out of the blue. "Hey Black, what's it like being disowned by your own family?" "It's shit." Regulus replied coldly. "Guess what guys, I heard Black over here got cursed by the dark Lord. That would explain how he is half blind, and a total dunce who can't be left unsupervised." Seth said with a mocking smirk. "Take that back right now!" Regulus hissed angrily. Micheal stood behind, watching this whole scene play out.

"What's wrong Black? Are you going to trip over, because your a blind freak." Seth said as all the other Slytherins laughed along side him. "Here's a bet, want me to make you blind." Regulus threatened. "I'd like to see you try. Let's see, oh yeah you betrayed your family by being a Gryffindor, that means your a blind freak and a blood traitor." Seth said as the laughing grew louder.

Those insults ran through his head for a good couple of seconds. That was it, he was done.

Regulus struck out his wand and out of pure anger. Regulus did the Stinging Jinx on Seth's face making him wince and clutch on to his face.

"What's going on over here!" Atlas said rushing over to check what's happening. Ever since Atlas had become a prefect he got a sick thrill for bossing people around.

"He hexed me!" Seth said fiercely. "Well he insulted me for being half blind." Regulus spat back. "Since you both caused trouble, 5 points will be taking off each. Seth you get to the hospital wing. Regulus, I will be talking to the head head of the house." Atlas explained, while Regulus thought about flipping him off.

Regulus stormed up to the dorms passing Remus in the common room without saying anything.

"That stupid git! 5 points will be taking off both of you." Regulus said as he imitated Atlas.

At that moment, Regulus saw Paws, he loved that cat. Paws was one of the only things he had left from Summer.

Regulus began to start studying again, to pass the time, he might as well make the most of the room while it was quiet.

Half an hour later...
Regulus stared at the each page until he remembered it properly. He was so focused that he hadn't noticed Remus slip through the door.

"Hi Reg." Moony said. Regulus almost didn't look up for 2 minutes, he wasn't used to those names. He was used to being called Rocky, by his Summer friends, who he still hadn't heard back from yet.

"Hi Moony, sorry I was just studying." Regulus said looking up from his book. "You study to much. How about we go and watch James and Sirius at Quidditch practice." Moony said. "There doing quidditch practice without me!?" Regulus said in an irritated tone. "Let's just go." Regulus grumbled.

"Hey Moony, what are those people doing to the wall?" Regulus questioned while they both looked at the wall with spray paint on it. "That's called spray painting, but I wouldn't do it because I heard it's illegal." Remus said, as he continued to walk, Regulus quickly looked at it before catching up to Remus.

Regulus grumpily sat next to Remus on the old creaky spectator stand. Regulus looked at James, Sirius and saw ATLAS? With them!? That was it! When he saw them come close he pulled out his Walkman and put his headphones in.

Regulus had just had it with Atlas! What could he do to get revenge on Atlas Barlowe? Regulus looked around, until his eyes fell on his good friend Micheal.

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