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She hides the darkest parts of her in fear of judgement.

I was two years old, when my parents began locking me in a dog cage in the basement. They would soundproof the room so my cries wouldn't flood the house and annoy them.

I got my claustrophobia from that...

I was four years old, when they first hit me across the face and sent me barreling down the stairs, leaving me with a concussion and a broken arm.

The doctor didn't suspect anything...

I was six years old, when they started dragging me with them everywhere and "accidentally" forgetting me in hopes someone would just take me so they wouldn't have to deal with me anymore.

The police always brought me back...

I was seven years old, when I had to force myself to learn how to cook for them. If anything was off, even if it was just the corners of the toast burnt, I'd be chained to the floor in the shed, screaming my lungs out when every critter imaginable would take an interest in me and crawl over my already bruised skin.

I have burn marks on my hands and arms from that...

I was eight years old, when my dad started bringing men over to the house to "examine" me. Right before they let them violate me in ways I couldn't even understand yet.

That's how I lost my innocence and trust in men...

I was ten years old, when my mom poisoned my food intending to murder me. Her own child. Until the maid found me on the kitchen floor with foam bubbling out of my mouth.

I was hospitalized for a week...

I was twelve years old, when I was married off to a thirty five year old man by my parents in order to pay off their debt to the mafia don. I watched their stupid smiling faces as they watched me get shoved in the trunk of a hot car for four hours.

I sobbed under my veil while I walked down the aisle...

I was thirteen years old, when I first tried to take my own life. I broke into Dmitri's (my "husbands") safe and stole one of his guns while he was out killing innocent people. I was two seconds away from ridding myself of the pain this world had caused me, but his second in command found me and shot me in the shoulder in order to stop me.

He chained me to the basement floor and burned me with fire pokers...

I was fifteen years old, when Dmitri began teaching me how to fight, how to kill somebody, how to torture them, and how to manipulate people into getting what I want despite my brutal protests.

I attempted to run away and was caught. He nearly killed me in the process...

I was sixteen years old, when I killed someone for the first time in my life, and it broke me beyond repair. Dimitri had kidnapped a random guy off the streets and made me slice his throat.

He was a married father of three...

I was eighteen years old, when I attempted to assassinate Dmitri while he was alone. I was starved for a week for that. In the process, he murdered the only animal friend I had. A pit bull named Zeus. He was the friendliest dog I'd ever met. He bought him for me as a present for raping me an hour after he married me.

I still visit his grave...

I was twenty years old, when I became the target of every mafia boss in the world after hearing I existed as Dmitri Gorbachev's wife. The asshole tended to have many enemies. Especially across state lines when he invaded Sicily, Italy to be closer to his ultimate rival, Fabiano Castillo, the most ruthless mafia boss of Italy who's ruling the country with his wife Claretta Vivia Castillo and nephew Castriel Castillo, because his six sons wanted no part in the business.

I cried myself to sleep every night for a year, in fear of being murdered just because I'm the wife to Dmitri Gorbachev...

I'm currently twenty three years old today, completely numb to everything around me. I take about eight medications just to be able to get up in the mornings, and even more to help with my anxiety and ptsd from abuse.

I decided to begin helping people instead, because I didn't know how to help myself...

Though funny thing is, I became a doctor for the best boxer in the world in order to be some place surrounded by people who could send Dmitri flying out a window if I asked them to. His name, you might wonder though, Is Zayden Castillo. Yes, that's right, son of Fabiano Castillo and Claretta Castillo. Even better? He's someone Dimitri Gorbachev is too much of a pussy to get near.

Even if Zayden's boxing matches only last a couple of hours, that's a couple hours of peace and quiet. It's a couple hours of tranquility for me to relax and hide from the evils of this world...

It's the only place I feel safe knowing with the amount of people and police officers there to keep people away, Dimitri physically cannot touch me. He'd be tackled before he even enters the building.

A boxing arena is my safe place.

But Zayden Castillo is my safe haven.


Chapter one should be out soon!

Hope you enjoyed the prologue and if you have any questions or comments please ask or pm me if you're more comfortable with that!

- L.C. :)


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