Chapter 3

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I slowly walked inside our house it was 7 pm and was starting to look dull, Dad was putting the little ones asleep and Julie was putting Molly asleep. I closed the door silently tip toeing to my room Dad and Julie walk out shutting the doors behind them they notice me walking in my room. I go to shut the door but dad and Julie put their foot in between my door and the doorframe. I open the door swiftly ‘What?” I huff ‘where have you been?’ dad asked ‘for a walk’ I sighed ‘for 3 hours?’ Julie spat ‘err yeah’ I frowned. ‘You could even walk for that long’ dad growled ‘you don’t know me then’ I huffed as I slammed the door shut he grabbed his foot in pain.

I climbed out of my window and ran towards the park again, I was on the big green oval it was like a ghost town. I walked around the corner and skipped down Tye’s street I skipped around the corner and stopped skipping when I touched the gravel path. I got excited as I got closer and closer to Spirit. Spirit was in that corner. I took a breath and leant under the fence I paused as I noticed Emily and Poppy were cleaning the yards. Spirit nudged me I scratched him above his forelock. I walked towards the gate and I undid it closing it behind me. I waled down the path to the back of a shed and picked a trailer and a pooper-scooper and pulled it along the long path.

I dragged it into Spirit’s yard and scooped up Spirit’s poo, and making sure it hasn’t got any more. I dragged it back and picked up a few biscuits of hay, I walked down the long path and leant under his gate dropping it in his corner. I looked in the box but there was no halter. I sighed and leant under the gate walking off Spirit stood in the corner waiting. Emily caught me ‘what are you doing here?’ she asked ‘looking after Spirit’ I smiled. ‘Your Halter is in the shed’ Emily smiled, I walked down the long path and got to a shed there were no halters or saddles to be found I continued walking till I got to an open area another shed in the distance.

I walked into the shed, and there was a whole range of saddles I was worried I was going to grab the wrong one there was a lady sitting at a table ‘hello? Do you know where Spirit’s stuff is?’ I asked ‘yeah, I love the colour you picked’ she smiled as she pointed to the rack with no name. I unloaded the things onto on arm and slid the other under the saddle. I hung the saddle and bridle on the poll of a small yard and brought his halter out to him. I walked down the long path with his halter, I was worried he would spook because this halter was pretty bright.

I leant under the gate once I got there I scratched above his forelock, I dragged my hand down his front of his head and patted his velvety nose. I stepped on the left of him and put his halter on he didn’t spook thank goodness. I pulled him and undid the gate pulling him out of his yard. ‘Melody?’ Emily smiled as she walked up to me ‘how do you know my name?’ I asked ‘it’s all over the school don’t worry for good reasons’ Emily smiled ‘could we make your name tag for your horse?’ Emily asked ‘sure’ I smiled ‘thank you’ Emily smiled and walked to the shed.

I tied Spirit up and made sure it was tight, I put his saddle rug on and then his saddle. I pulled the girth and buckled it up making sure Spirit did breath in and made sure it was tight. I put the reins over his head and put the bit in his mouth putting the top strap behind the ears and the second in the front adjusting it to fit him. I left his halter of so I could pull him by the rope. I pulled him into the arena and pulled the gate shut. I unclipped the rope from the halter, I adjusted the stirrups and grabbed a crate. I stepped onto it I lifted the reins and grabbed a bunch of main and put my feet in the stirrup and pushed myself up.

Emily walked out and pulled the crate away and sat down and watched Spirit started walking for a circle or two. I trotted with him and sat up and down in the beats of his hoofs hitting the ground. it had been an hour and I was still on and off trotting. Emily undid the gate and I walked him out and got off.

I untacked Spirit as Emily held his rope ‘I think he’s better with people now’ Emily smiled I took his tack off and his bridle. I walked off and into the shed. Spirit was pulling on Emily ‘help!’ Emily yelped as I came out with the rug. I ran over to Emily, ‘I am so sorry’ I apologised as I hung the run quickly on the poll and ran down the long path. Spirit stopped at his paddock, I pulled him back to the small yard.

I get there and tie him up swinging his rug on and clipping it up, I ran with him down the long path and ran into his paddock. I undid his halter just after I did his gate up. I checked it and put his halter in the box. Spirit walked over to his feed and started eating. I walked down the gravel path and onto Tye’s road and Tye was out the front of his house with some mates mostly boys but a few girls. Tye caught me and watched me walk by the girls noticed and demanded to know my name and stuff about me. ‘Melody?’ One of them called I looked back and frown and continued walking Tye ran over and walked next to me ‘sorry, would you like to come over?’ Tye asked ‘no thank you’ I smiled as I continued walking. I got home and walked to my window and climbed in I sat on my bed smiling because it didn’t look like I was caught. I laid on my bed and fell asleep, Spirit must of tired me out.

The morning came and I woke up by myself it was 9 o’clock I got up walking through the my doorway opening the door. Julie and dad were in the lounge room watching the news. I sighed and looked in the fridge and grabbed a up & go I opened it, drinking it and walking back to my room. I finished it in less than 10 minutes and put it in the bin I grabbed a towel and went for a shower.

I came out of the bathroom as Bow ran in wanting to wash  his hands after changing Molly’s nappy. I put a cute shirt with shorts and walked out of the house ignoring Julie and Dad. I walked to the park Tye was on the oval like he’s normally is. I walked up to him smiling he looked around ‘someone’s in a good mood’ Tye smiled as he hugged me tightly.

I sat down and smiled watching him I laid down slowly getting bored, Tye sat next to me smiling. I sat up he looked into my eyes ‘you have blue eyes’ I smiled. I looked away smiling at nothing, ‘I want to show you something’ I smiled ‘okay’ he smiled ‘you have to follow after you pack up’ I giggled Tye stood up grabbing his bag and stuffing everything in it. He zipped it up and I got up walked towards his road. He followed me like a puppy would if I had food, ‘You’re following me like puppy?’ I frowned ‘no I’m not!’ he chuckled. I turned to a gravel path ‘where are you taking me?’ Tye asked ‘you’ll see’ I smiled we came to Spirit’s gates I looked up and Spirit had gone the gate wasn’t broken somebody opened it.

‘What!’ I growled I leant under the paddock and ran through the gate. ‘Melody you aren’t allowed through here ‘yeah I am can you can come’ I huffed he ran after me I ran up the long path. Emily she came towards me ‘what happened to Spirit?’ Emily asked. ‘I don’t know? I was going to ask that’ I sighed ‘why is he here?’ Emily asked ‘he’s with me’ I huffed. ‘Check the area’ I suggested I ran towards Tye’s street and leant under Spirit’s fence and ran. ‘Spirit?’ I called no where to be seen.

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