You get dizzy backstage

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You weren't feeling too well this morning, but you were trying to push the feeling back as you were going with Taylor on one of her tours.

The color was drained out of your skin, you were sweating and you felt like the room was spinning.

"Y/n? Y/nnn?" She yelled out. Snapping you out of your thoughts


"are you okay? You don't look that great baby"

"Yeah im fine" you said while making a awkward thumbs up sign

Her not believing you one bit ,furrowing her eyebrows and said, "If you say so, i have to get on stage soon honey, tell the staff if you dont feel well okay?"

"You will do amazing, and im feeling okay, dont worry" you said with a fake smile and dark eyebags

she kissed you on the forehead and whispered 

"i love you"

everytime she says that it makes your heart flutter. But this time you couldn't feel it because you were THAT sick, but u couldn't admit it to taylor.

"i love you too, tay" you said as you sat down on a near by couch, you lied your head back relieved that you could finally rest.

Taylor looking at you, clearly she can see you're sick.

"Well just incase im gonna ask someone to check on you from time to time okay?" She said with a worried look.

"But-" you were gonna gonna stop her from doing so, but she interrupted.

"No buts baby, you are clearly sick"
You groaned and lied down

"I'll take care of you after the show okay honey?"

You nodded tiredly and tried to stand up with open arms to embrace her, but immediately sat down because of the waves of dizziness that hit you.

"Darling do you want a hug?"

You nodded

She walked over to your side and embraced you

"Thank you tay, for always taking care of me"

"Of course baby, anything for you"

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