She's drunkenly mean to you

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Y/n's POV

I check the time again, 2 am. My mind racing with thoughts. Taylor where are you i miss you. Dont be so clingy and attached y/n. But Taylor please come home.

I call her. Voicemail
I text her. Delivered
I call her again. Voicemail again
I text her again. Delivered again

I pace around the living room nervously biting my lips, picking at my fingers and pinching myself. Anything to make the stress go away. Please Tay, please be okay.

She was supposed to be back 6 hours ago. 6. Its just work y/n stop thinking about it.

I here the door lock click.

I look at the opening door. Then Taylor.

"Tay where-" she interrupted me


"Im just worried tay, are you drunk?" i say back staring at her in her drunken state

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like i did something wrong."

"Tay its fucking midnight. You didnt pick up my calls answer my texts nothing!" At this point my tears started gathering in my eyes

"What the hell is your problem y/n? I just wanted to stay abit later"

"6 hours is not abit Taylor."

"Do i need your permission y/n? Its not like you do anything around here other than sleep, eat, go out with your friends and your work? It doesn't even pay the rent! Its fucking useless."

Now my tears are streaming down my face. Taylor had never said that before. Does she really mean it? Or was it because she was drunk. Maybe being drunk helped her let out her feelings about me.

"You dont mean that." I try to reason and give her the benefit of the doubt

"Yes i do! Its basically useless. You use my money, live in my house and eat the food i pay for! What do you give back to me?!"

Taylor was usually so nice about it. I had to keep reminding myself that she was drunk while my sobs are racking my body. She was so angry. And SO drunk. Not the fun kind. It was honestly getting really scary

She picked up a glass plate and smashed on the ground angrily and that made me jump and fear

I still tried to reason with myself that Taylor is a good person. Shes just very very intoxicated.

"Stop! Taylor you're scaring me!"

She walked upstairs silently. But when she got to the top step she said

"Y/n, you're a pathological people pleaser."

And walked to the room and slammed the door.

I dropped down to my knees and started crying.
I couldn't even get myself to stand up. But i had to. I tried to stand up to make it to the bedroom. But i thought twice about it and went to the guest room across the hall. Forgetting to lock the door i just kneeled down beside the bed and sobbed non stop to the point where my eyes felt numb.

I checked my phone for the time, 6 am. Im so exhausted i just sat there and backed against the wall, shaking.

Awhile later i heard footsteps approaching the room in a quick pace.

"Y/n! Im so sorry, im so sorry."
"I didn't mean anything i said. Y/n i love you too much to mean any of those things i swear. Please dont cry i was drunk, and i know thats not an excuse for what i said and did. You can be mad at me, ignore me, or not talk to me forever but just know that im so so so so sorry y/n"

I was so tired and voice was sore from all the crying so i just, nodded.

"Y/n did you get any sleep?"

I shook my head. A wave of guilt washed over taylor.

"Come let me take you to your bed"

You gathered all your strength to say

"I can do it myself" in a raspy voice.

I tried to walk only to stumble into a wall, Taylor immediately helped me up.

"Let me."

Before i could say anything she picked me up and brought me to our shared room. She placed me on the bed, and i looked up at her, my eyes red and puffy from all the crying.

She wrapped her arms around me and apologized

"Im really sorry y/n. Ill make it up to you after you get a good sleep okay?"

I lie down and Taylor kisses my forehead.

"Its okay tay, i forgive you.." i said as i fell asleep.

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