You struggle with your weight 2

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"Baby, look at me" taylor said in a soft tone
You refused to, because you don't want her to see you cry. You weren't the person that was good at sharing emotions, but with taylor you were trying. This time it got out of your hands.

She cupped your cheek so you would be looking at her. When she saw your teary eyes it broke her soul. She never saw this side of you often.

"y/n l/n, you are the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on. Inside and out. What other people say about you doesn't matter."

"I took it too far didn't i.." you sadly whispered.

"I didn't mean to. Usually when people say things about me i just brush it off. This stuck. it sucks so much, because it hurts so much Tay" you said as you started sobbing harder.

She was quick to comfort you, she wrapped her arms around you and let you cry.

"Y/n, people online have no clue what they are talking about. They don't know you, they don't know what they go through, they don't know about your past, they say things like this to bring people down, and they get to say these things because they hide behind their phones and say whatever the fuck they want without thinking"

"im sorry tay" you said as you hugged her tighter

"baby don't be, come on lets get you some food okay?" She whispered

you nodded. She stood up and reached her hand out for you, you took her hand and walked hand in hand to the dining room, on the table lied two plates of your favorite pasta.

You sat down, in front of taylor and picked up your fork and stared at your food.Taylor took notice of this and held your hand.

"darling, you can do this." She encouraged you

You took a deep breath, and took a little bite out of the pasta.

"you okay?" Taylor asked

You nodded, the food was so good. But what was better was taylor being there for you.

"tay?" You said as you looked at her

"yeah baby?" She asked

"i love you" you smiled tiredly

"i love you" she said, squeezing your hand three times.

When you finished your food, she insisted on cleaning the dishes and told you to change into something more comfortable.

You came back to the living room in shorts and taylors sweater to see she was on the couch waiting for you. What did you do to get someone as amazing as her.

You walked to the sofa and sat beside her and hugged her.

"Hey baby" she said

You pulled away and looked into the prettiest electric blue eyes.

"thank you." You said

"thats what im here for baby girl" she smiled and tucked your hair back to caress your cheek.

"I'll never do that again"

"Good." She said "do you want to watch something?"


"Okay baby" she grinned

You guys spent the night cuddling in each others embrace and you've never felt so safe.

gxg Taylor swift imagines Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now