i never thought

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A fight happened because you didn't want to go a party one of her friends hosted, not because you just simply didn't want to, but because you had a really bad day.

You were working as a chef, and today a customer complained about your food and you got yelled at by your boss. Thats not even the worse thing that happened, after the yelling incident, you got a call from your brother. Your mom was sick. That crushed your soul. But Taylor didn't know this, because you haven't told her yet.


You just got home from work and with the day you had, you just really needed your girlfriend's comfort and cuddles.

You entered the house and dropped your bag aside

"Hey honey, remember we have that party to go to" Taylor said to you

"Oh. Um i don't think im really in the mood to go to a party, you can go though" you said, even though you wanted her comfort you wouldn't stop her.

"What? Why not" she raised her voice a little bit

"I just- don't feel like it tay" you said while rubbing your eyes.

"What do you mean you dont feel like it? Are you just lazy" she said with a serious tone

"What? No of course not i just really dont feel like going and i didnt have a good day, tay just go without me" you defended

"You are just making excuses!" She snapped

"Im not i-" "just cut the crap. I dont want to fight you anymore its so annoying, you are so annoying " she interrupted and walked to her car

That hit. Hit hard. You never meant to annoy her, you had a really shitty day and you just didnt bother to fight back. You felt yourself tear up. How could she say that? She knew you had anxiety about things like this.

You gather yourself up and FaceTime your brother who was in the hospital with your mom

"Hey max, hows mom?" You said

He walked out of the room so your mom wouldn't hear. He pressed his back against the wall and slid down the wall

"Shes not getting better y/n" he said as he started to cry

"Isn't she getting treatment?" You said as tears started to roll down your cheek again

"The doctor said giving her treatment would be a waste because it wouldn't help anyways" he continues crying

"What? What do you mean it wont help? Are they sure? Is there nothing they can do? PLEASE TELL ME THERES SOMETHING THEY CAN DO" you started yelling towards the end

"They cant do anything y/n, can you come to the hospital? Please." he said

"Ill be there as soon as possible hang on max"
You said as you ended the call and rushed to the hospital.

When you got to the hospital room, you saw max outside with his head buried in his hands.

"Max?" You asked, concerned

"Y/n you're here!" He pulled you into the tightest hug ever.

"Can i see mom?"

"Yeah. Shes really weak"

You guys walked into the room and you saw her laying on the hospital bed sleeping.

You took the seat beside her and took her hand.

Thats when her eyelashes begin to flutter

"Y/n honey?"

"Hey mom- im here" you said in between sobs

"Dont cry baby" she said as she cupped your cheek

"But you're not gonna get better how am i gonna live without you?"

"You can. You always have. You're a strong girl and i could never have imagined you would become this strong, beautiful, smart woman."


She shook her head

"I love you, y/n. And max, come here max"

Max went to the other side of the bed and your mom took each of your hand in hers

"I love you both so much. Take care of each other for me okay?"

She said as she squeezed both your hands 3 times
And her eyes begin to shut

"No! Mom please dont go please i need you- we need you" you yelled

Her pulse stopped. She was gone. You held her hand and cried into it. Cried hard. You've never felt a pain like this before, like it was never gonna go away.

When you got in the car, preparing to get home from the hospital, with the darkest eyebags under your eyes and tears still rolling down your cheeks non stop, you picked up your phone to check your notifications.

Tay 💜: y/n? Where are you?

Tay 💜: i didnt mean to snap at you i swear

Tay 💜: im so sorry i really am i will do anything to make it up to you

Tay💜: please call me back

13 missed calls from Tay 💜
You were still crying when you reached the driveway of you and Taylor's shared home

You slowly walked to the door with all the energy you had, and opened it.

Taylor quickly heard and rushed to the door

"Y/n! What happened? Why are you crying?"

You didn't answer her questions, you just collapsed into her arms getting her much needed comfort.

She picked you up and went to the sofa and cuddled you.

"baby whats wrong?" She whispered gently

You just shook your head and continued crying

"okay, just let it all out baby. i love you and im so sorry for snapping"

You just shook your head.

"Shes gone tay" you cried into her sweatshirt

"What? Who?" She asked with a concerned tone

"My mom" you cried even louder

She felt really really bad for snapping at you now. She feels herself get a little teary too, since she was close with your mom

"What? What happened to your mom?" She said with tears rolling down

"She was sick. Now shes gone" you couldn't stop crying.

Taylor held you close, she knew how much your mom meant to you, and she was crushed to pieces when she saw you like this. And she didn't even ask you about your day being bad, she really never thought it would be this bad.

When you cried yourself to sleep she carried you upstairs and laid you on the bed, and helping you change into comfortable clothing and when she joined, she hugged you tight.

"Im so sorry my love. Goodnight, i love you"


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