V: Battle of Lysandrou Part 2

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Hello the benevolent people of Wattpad. I have made some time for myself to write and here it is:

Though for the next week I will be all but free so, the highest level of patience is required to know the continuity of Rome: Empire of Blood. Btw the suckish poster, yes, the one with Quintus Dias photoshopped will be replaced with a newer and better one.

The best of luck and fun in reading this gory battle; Hereby i present you:

The Battle of Lysandrou Part 2



If  they held against the enemy cavalry, Varro and his auxiliaries would be among Rome's most prestigious units. "Hold out and get done with it, right?" Varro said.

"Aye, sir" answered an Auxiliary officer. He was bearded, like most of the auxiliaries, and also some of the legionaries due to the geographical conditions forced them to wear beards.

"Did you know, Sallus-" he looked to the enemy cavalry.


"The Pontic Cavalry would waste their javelins first and then charge." "Just like our men" he turned his head.

Then he heard a sound of a galloping horse from behind. Varro and Sallus turned, seeing Tribune Gracchus and the peaking crescent on top of his helmet.

"Tribune Gracchus"

"prafectus" he saluted. "The legatus told me to bring my archers over here."


"For what?"

"To assist you." "He said he would be here himself but, the situation in the centre is most dire than ever"

"What do you mean?"

"Lysandrou and his army has arrived. Aside from the cavalry you're about to face there, he's brought an entire force of Hypaspitai and Bronze Shield Phalangtais"

"Royal Guards" said Varro. He had faced them during the siege of Caesarea. Best soldiers he had ever fought against, although they lost against the Romans. If it wasn't for Scipio's arrival, he would already be dead by the hands of the elite Royal Guards of Pontus.

"Aye." "Now back to the task at hand, heh?"

A whole flock of archers soon arrived on the scene. They wore cloaks and carried swords; also carrying the famed Cretan Bow. "Genuine product of Kreta"

"Toxotai Kretikoi" Varro said in Greek.

"They were our enemies." " Now? They're in our army. Let's see what happens to the bronze shields now, eh?"

"The Bronze Shields are good" said Varro. "But we're facing cavalry"

"Then what do you suppose to do?" asked Gracchus.

Varro took a glance at the idle Pontic cavalry, whose banners were flying proud and throwing spears sharpened. They wore mail like the Roman cavalry. Aside from that they carried a sword, a lance, two javelins, and a small shield.

"I will put my men into phalanx." "You'll mass your archers behind the line."

"Got it"

"Sallus?" he turned to the auxiliary officer. "Dismount" "We're doing phalanx"

"Aye, sir!"

Sallus and Varro dismounted from their large horses with ease. They reunited behind the auxiliary lines. The Auxilia wore mail armour and carried pretty much the same equipment as the legionaries; a gladius, a thrusting spear, two javelins, and, different to the legionaries, a long oval shield. A cohort in Varro's regiment had a hoplite-style cohort with them, which they could counter cavalry with.

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