The Night Before Marriage

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Athena POV:

 It was finally here; the day before our wedding. We couldn't do much in the way of a traditional wedding from the old world, but I did think it would be fun to sleep away from one another until the ceremony. We planned to stay the night in two different places within the prison. Daryl, the gentleman that he was, volunteered to sleep in our favorite Guard Tower so that I could stay in our cell.

Merle and Andrea arrived early in the afternoon, pulling up in a beaten up black sedan. Carl let them through the gate, Daryl and I were standing in the yard out front to greet them.  They got out of the car, Merle first from the driver's seat, then he ran over quickly to Andrea's side. She had just opened the door when he gently closed it shut again with the side of his body, just so he could be the one to open it for her, offering his good hand. I couldn't help but laugh out loud seeing them. Merle was so comically affectionate. Daryl chuckled next to me, taking my hand as they approached us. Andrea stood up out of the car, giving Merle a look, but trying to hide her smile, then looked over and saw us. "Hey!" she called as they walked up, hand in hand.

"Hey bro," Daryl said, letting go of my hand and walking up to Merle to give him a quick hug and pat on the back. It was so nice to see him reunited with his brother, yet again. I could tell that this happiness in life was new to the both of them and for it to happen at the same time for both brothers was probably something so extraordinary to them. I gave Andrea a quick hug and she gave me a brief kiss on the cheek as she said hello.

"We brought surprises," Merle said proudly with a toothy grin after we had all finished greeting one another. "Why's that smile make me nervous, Merle?" I asked him with a chuckle. "Oooh don't you worry now, sis. Ol' brother Merle's gonna get you good and lit tonight before yer weddin'. Probably after the weddin' too, 's only righ' 's far 's I'm concerned," he told me, walking back toward their car. 

As Merle walked away, he called, "Hey Sugar Tits, come help me get the stuff outta the trunk here, will ya?" Andrea rolled her eyes, but gave us both a brief smile before turning around to help Merle at the car.

I turned to Daryl as they started getting the trunk open. "So I guess we'll have to tell them before they get inside the prison. There's no time to warn anyone to keep it quiet. That and he's going to wonder why I'm not drinking with you guys," I said thoughtfully. Daryl nodded at me, then raised one of his hands to stroke my cheek. "I love you, Athena Sawyer," he said softly. "Dixon," I corrected him with a soft smile, reaching up to grab his hand, rubbing my cheek against it slowly and softly, briefly closing my eyes. 

As I opened them, Merle and Andrea were walking back with their arms loaded down with crates filled with food, bottles of whiskey and some water bottles too. "Darlina, Athena, help us get the other crates out of the car? There's some in the back seat too," Merle called as they were getting close.

"I got it, 'Thena you don' need to be liftin' all that," Daryl said, getting a look from Andrea as he walked past her to get things out of the car. "Really, Daryl?" she said, turning around to look back at him. "Are you really going to treat her that way? I'm sure she'd like to help. No need to be so damned macho, she can do things for herself, like speak for instance, right Athena?" she said aggressively, looking at me. 

I could feel my mouth fall open in shock and my eyes open wide, not wanting to do it this way, but seeing no other choice in the moment. "Andrea, I'm pregnant. That's why he's offering to carry crates for me, but I can carry SOMETHING, I'm sure," I said with a smile as I walked toward the car. I felt all eyes on me, Andrea and Merle hadn't spoken, but I wasn't looking at them, only worrying about approaching Daryl at the trunk of the car. As I got to the trunk, I found a crate that was light enough for me to carry. I picked it up and turned around to walk back toward the prison, I looked over to Daryl with small smile and a wink. As I turned around, I was faced with both Andrea and Merle. "Sis, I'm gonna have to ask ya to put that down," Merle said seriously. 

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