Chapter 4

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A/N: Sophia's Dress Above

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Asher P.O.V

"Asher get up, get up!" Maggie shouted jumping up and down on my bed, "Mommy said to get ready because we are going out to dinner with the neighbors." she said out of breath.

I sat up and groaned I was still kind of tired but dinner sounded good right now. 

Maggie left the room and I  got ready to take a shower. I stripped down and hoped in the warm water, it felt good and relaxed me. Being on the Football team isn't always easy especially when your captain.

I soon got out of the shower and decided to go with a more elegant look, I grabbed one of my many black suits from my closet and dried off. I put on some cologne and got dressed, I have to admit I did look good myself, I left my hairs the ways it was because it looked  fine, my good looks were what brought the 'ladies' in.

Once I was ready I went downstairs and saw Maggie in a small flower dress and my mom in a summer casual dress, my dad was still at work so we left without him but he knew where we were anyways.

 My dad is the boss of his company, 'World T' a traveling agency, so yup, were rich.

We went out the door and my mom  locked it behind us as we walked over to Sophie's house.

We were at the front doorstep when Maggie ran up to ring the doorbell, and we heard soft footstep running to open the door.

When it opened I looked up to see Sophie herself and  when I looked down there was a big stain on her lap I heard Maggie gasp and point to her lap and ask,

"What happened to your lap? I think you're pretty you should wear princess dresses!"

Sophie chuckled and blushed after saying thank you, she quickly invited us inside and lead us to the dining room before excusing herself saying she had to change.

Suddenly an older looking man walked in the room- I'm guessing Sophie's dad- dressed in a suit that was grey and shook my mothers hand kissing her knuckles, greeting Maggie and giving me one of those awkward guy hugs ,and inviting us to sit down. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Mr.Ramirez went to open it when in came Mr.Goody-Two-Shoes himself, Cameron Boyce and his Bad- as* brother Grayson Boyce. Grayson glared at me when he came in while on the other hand Cameron smiled at me.  

Grayson never liked me ever since I 'stole' his girlfriend Junior year of high school but we were never a couple, just hooked up a couple of times. 

They sat down across from me and their parents came in right after them, their dad a police officer and mom a lawyer.

Then there was another knock at the door and in came Katie and her parents, the anti-social awkward red head from our school and year, her mom a travelling agent for my dads company, and her dad I've heard passed away in a car accident when she was little. Behind her were her little twin brothers Isaac and Henry and her step-dad Jackson.

Behind them came Matthew and his family, mom and dad both lawyers, along with his 13 year old sister Leah who is convinced she has a crush on me and never admits it.

Matthew is a part of the 'gang' along with Jason, Austin, Adam, Daniel, Nicholas, Carter, Ian, Blake, Samantha, and Allison. 

After a bit all of them were here and basically the whole neighborhood was along with the parents.

Then I heard the sound  of soft footsteps coming down the stairs and when I looked up, I saw ... none other than Sophie herself, she looked... hot. She wore, a blue dress that came just above her knee and her legs- whoa, with a light amount of make up and a small purse, sparkling heels and matching jewelry. Her hair was let loose and in light curls with her tan skin making it all look better. She looked...breathtaking.

I couldn't help but notice the lustful stares from all the guy teens at the table. All the parents and adults continued talking as if this beautiful creature had not just walked in the room- wait what did I just say?! Whoa am I really?- Nah I don't have a like Sophia... do I?


A/N: SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER! Everything was taken away from me because I got grounded but now I got it back... WOO! 




~Keep it real XOXO

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