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Another page!! I am making progress and I am so happy and proud of myself :))

Alright leave suggestions, or writing tips if you have any. Love you.



Albus sat at breakfast across from Lj, and his friend Nicolas Parkinson. He never enjoyed Nicolas' company, Albus actually found him to be sort of rude. He thought this because Nicolas made Scorpius cry on multiple occasions and never apoligized. He honestly, overall, hated Nicolas. But that's all he had as of right now.

Beside him, Lj, was devouring through some black pudding. He offered Albus some but he easily declined. Not that he didn't love black pudding its just he wasn't in the mood for it. He wasn't in the mood to eat anything really.

"So," Nicolas began, "Why are you sitting with us?"

Lj, caught off guard, suddenly kicked Nicolas' leg underneath the table making him let out a groan. "What the hell was that for?" he started.

Lj rolled his eyes and quickly pulled Nicolas in closer by the collar of his shirt. He pressed his lips beside his friends ear and used his unoccupied hand to cover his mouth so nobody could possibly know what he was secretly saying to the boy.

Albus watched, amused, and smiled at the two boys. He knew Lj was most-likely saying something on the lines of don't be so rude. But Albus knew not to interuppt the twos conversation.

Minutes passed and Nicolas finally looked up to meet eyes with Albus across the table.

"Uh huh," Nicolas finally said, pulling himself away from Lj.

He didn't say anything else after that, as he started looking for what he was in the mood for eating. He finally settled on some Pumpkin Pastys and Porridge, carefully placing them down onto his plate, trying to make sure neither was touching each other. "Well. Welcome to the club I guess."

This comment caused Albus to look up. Club? What the hell is he talking about, he thought. He wasn't planning on forever being friends with the boys, it was just for now. He was afraid he was being rude to not want to hang out with the two, and hoped neither would notice his change of expression.

Lj of course saw, "Don't worry, man," he started, "You can hang out with us until you and uh Scorpius are allowed to see each other again. Its only temporary."

Nicolas nodded, as he buttered up his Pumpkin Pasty.

Albus has unsure of how Lj even knew about him and Scorpius' departure until his thought trailed off at the sight of Scorpius entering the dining hall. He was wearing a green jumper with and darker green stripped patteren along the sides, which Albus had never seen before. He watched Scorpius walk in, and the only thing he really wanted was to go up and hug the boy and beg him to ignore his father and hang out again.

But he didn't do that, or say anything for that matter. He just watched and smiled hoping they'd be able to hang out soon again.


Scorpius entered the Great Hall for breakfast a little later then usual. Usually, Albus and him come extra early to get their breafast fresh out of the oven. But, these past few days hes been coming later, and alone. The last thing he needed to see was Albus having fun with a new group of friends.

Scorpius hadn't been able to make any new friends. He sort of sat alone during the school hours where he'd usually be reading ahead in the upcoming lessons his class would learn. He loved learning and he loved particpating in lessons at school. Recently, he stopped raising his hand in class ever since his classmates started teasing him. Whenever he got teased he would be comforted by Albus until he felt better. He had to deal with it all on his own the last couple of days. It has been tortue but he has gotten used to it.

As he entered the dining hall he was immediately met with Albus' dark brown eyes. Scorpius couldn't see the color from where he was standing but he was certain they looked gorgeous.

He smiled when remembering all the times those eyes stared into his but the smile soon faded as he realized he most likely wouldn't be able to fully look into them again.

He walked towards the table where all the Slytherins were sitting at. He awkwardly tried to find an empty seat but he couldnt. He patiently waited for an open seat to pop up, but it didn't. He finally came to the realization that nobody was going to offer their seat up to him, so he sadly left the dining hall with an empty stomach.

He knew exactly where he was going to spend his morning, The Hogwarts Library. He loved reading there when it was silent and empty. He adored the peace and quiet the room offered so he wasn't really that upset that he was going to have spend his breakfast there alone.

He walked past many paintings on his way to the library. Some tried starting conversation with him but he brushed them off easily as he wasn't in the mood.

Some scuffed at his negativity, but he didn't mind one bit. The library was a bit of a walk from the Dining Hall but his journey suddenly came to a stop as soon as his eyes met with a beautiful sunrise which was pouring color into the castle before Scorpius.

Wow. He thought. He watched the colors melting into each other making a breathtaking view. At times like these I really wish Albus were here. He likes colors. He smiled at the thought of his friend as he watched the clouds.


Albus was beginning to worry. He watched the way Scorpius stormed out of the dining hall after not given the chance to sit down. He was frustrated at his classmates for not allowing him to sit beside them.

As he was thinking Lj and Nicolas were creating a 'potion' out of nasty foods all put together into one big

"Slushie," Lj said, "Our slushiest shlushie. Muggles drink these, my dad brought me to a film once in America and I got one. I think Nicolas and I did a pretty good job recreating it. Wanna try?"

Albus shock his head, "I'm fine."

His thoughts went back to his friend as Lj and Nicolas both dipped their fingers into the gooey substance. He heard them both let out a gagging noise which was interrupted by their own laughs and giggles.

Their laughs made Albus' stomach ache as he was reminded of what he used to have. He began trembling as if he were about to cry and he couldn't hold them back this time.

"I'll be in the bathroom," Albus yelled while storming out of the Dining Hall.

He ran towards the nearest boys bathroom which was only rooms down from the Dining Hall. He ran as fast as he could before the feeling really caught up to him.

As he made it into the bathroom, he ran towards the sinks and grasped the edge of one of them as he began sobbing uncontrollably. He couldn't stop himself as he didn't even bother checking to see if anybody were in one of the stalls.

He didn't even care if somebody heard him cry. He missed Scorpius so much to the point he would give away his strength.



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