All My Fault

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Synopsis: It was all his fault this had happened. If he had just listened to his brother instead of running off none of this would have happened.


There was normally a very peaceful atmosphere in the house. Everyone tended to be relaxed after a hard day of work. There was never much going on. Well, that was how it normally was. This evening, however, not so much.

The ryusoulgers had just returned from another fight not that long ago. Unfortunately the minosaur had not been defeated yet. They had gone to the house in an attempt to brainstorm things. That itself was not a very unusual scene. But there were two people who made it so today.

"Don't ever do something stupid like that again."

"I'm fine, nii-san. I know what I'm doing."

"You almost got seriously hurt!"

"But I didn't."


The brothers were having a bit of an argument. Towa had rushed in and done some questionable actions in an attempt to attack the minosaur. Bamba was quite furious about what he had done and was letting him know it. Towa kept brushing off his concerns, which just made Bamba angrier.

The others all listened with mixed feelings. Some were more on Towa's side and some on Bamba's. No one dared to interrupt with their opinions though. That didn't feel like it would end well.

"You're not the boss of me."

"I'm in charge of looking after you. I am the boss of you."

"Stop acting like I'm a helpless child! I know how to fight!"

"You aren't acting like you do!"

Koh leaned over to whisper in Melt's ear. "Should we do something?"

"I have no idea..." Melt replied.

"They've never fought this much before." Asuna added in.

"Leave me alone! Stop treating me like a helpless child!" Towa ran out of the house.

"Towa!" Bamba moved to follow him, but then hesitated.

There was a heavy silence that filled the room. No one wanted to be the first one to speak.

"You might've been a bit too harsh on him." Koh broke the silence.

"His foolish actions could've caused him to get hurt." Bamba growled.

"It's obvious he doesn't see it that way." Koh replied, carefully choosing his words. "It might be a case where he'll only learn when things go wrong."

From the silence and the way Bamba tensed up from his words, Koh realized that was not what he wanted to hear. This was not going well.

Bamba didn't say anything else. He simply left the house. Koh glanced back at Asuna and Melt. Both shrugged. They weren't sure what to do either.


Towa had run off with no particular destination in mind. He just wanted to get away. He needed a moment to himself.

He wasn't a helpless child. He knew how to fight. He knew what he was doing. He wasn't that stupid. He knew how to not get hurt. Why didn't Bamba understand that? He wasn't that helpless.

Towa was wandering around the town now. He had no idea what to do. He would go back when he was ready. For now, he just wanted to be alone.

He was startled by a scream from nearby. Towa rushed toward the noise. The minosaur was back. Thankfully it hadn't grown yet.

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