Chapter 3

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Y/N and Jill were about to step into the power substation and head through the fence door.

Y/N: "You know, I thought it would take longer to get into this place and restore power."

Jill: "Why do you say that?"

Y/N: "Well, usually when we got to go to a certain place, the door would be locked or something. And then we have to look for a special key which takes an hour. Then we would have to spend another hour just trying to get the power working because it's turns out to be an annoying puzzle."

Jill: "This happens to you often?"

Y/N: "Every horror house I go. Isn't that the same for you?"

Jill: "Come to think of it, yeah."

She remembered all the keys and puzzles she had to look for and solve at the mansion just to get outside and into the lab.

Y/N: "Anyway, I guess it's good that we don't have to go through that trouble much."

They head inside and spotted a few zombies in the room. Jill took out the rifle while Y/N had his pistol.

Y/N: "First, we'll do some cleaning up here."

Jill: "Right."

He shot any zombies he saw in the head. He would also sometimes shoot them in the legs to slow them down.

Last time, he had so much trouble with zombies in the police station. Luckily, he looked into more tips about how to take down zombies. Now, they weren't a problem for him as long as one doesn't bite him. He just hope there weren't any other strange changes in this game.


He froze as he suddenly heard a scream he didn't want to hear.

Y/N: "(No, please tell me that wasn't... She's not even supposed to be in this game!)"

Jill: "Did you hear that? Someone is alive."

Y/N: "I'm sure you must have heard things. I did not hear any-"


He cringed to the scream.

Jill: "Y/N, she needs our help. Let's hurry!"

She ran upstairs and head to the direction of the scream.

Y/N: "For gods sake- Oh fine!"

He followed after her. They went upstairs and head into the next room. A zombie was about to grab the survivor and Jill managed to kill the zombie before it bit her.

Jill: "Are you alright?"

???: "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

Y/N: "Please tell me you're name is not Ashley."

Amy: "What? No, my name is Amy. Ashley is younger my cousin." 

Y/N: "Oh, wonderful." He said, sarcastically.

Jill: "What's your problem, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Oh, you would understand if you knew about her."

She looked at him confused but shrugged it off. Jill went to the controls to operate it but there was no power. 

Jill: "No good. I can't get it running."

Y/N: "I found a note that says that we can activate the four breakers. That will get it to restore power."

He gave her the note and she read it for a minute.

Jill: "Alright, that's what we'll do."

Amy: "Um, is there somewhere safe you can take me?"

Resident Evil 3 X Male Reader (Third Play)Where stories live. Discover now