Part 14

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TW - Mentions of Rape.

Allison's POV

We get to Jake and Theo's dorm and I sit on Jakes bed, Theo pulls out 'The Great Gatsby' to continue reading it while me and Jake put on a movie.

"Jake we are not watching that" I say

"Why not, there's nothing wrong with it" he says

"But that's the worse movie out of all of them" I say

"No it's not, are you blind or something cause this movie is the best one, the one you like is the worst one" he says in my face

"No it's not my one is the best one your one is the worst one" I huff

"What are you guys arguing about" Theo cuts in

"Barbie" I say

"Ok and what movie do you guys both want to watch" he says

"I want to watch 'Barbie and the diamond castle' but the ignorant girl next to me wants to watch 'Barbie princess charm school'" Jake says with his arms crossed.

"Umm ok then, who chose the movie last time you watched a movie together?" Theo asks us

We look at each other trying to remember before I answer "Jake did, he made us watch 'the kissing booth'"

"Ok so you choose the movie this time and Jake choose it next time" Theo says

"Dude your literally my mate and you sided with my sister wow" Jake says crossing his arms

"I just want you guys to stop arguing, I'm on the last chapter and I want to finish this book before we have to get ready for the party" Theo says sticking his nose back in the book

"Fine, whatever you say"

And with that we put on the best Barbie movie.

Half way through the movie Theo tells us the time and I realise I need to get ready.

"Ok so I'm going to go get ready and I will meet you in the common room k" I say looking at them both

"Yeah sure, see you then sis" Jake says

So I open the door and then close it behind me, I walk through the boys dormitory's getting glances from some guys and winks and smirks from others.

I quickly get back to my dorm and I shut the door behind me.

I get undressed and go into the shower to wash.

By the time I'm finished Molly's already back in the dorm so she heads into the shower.

I get dressed into a dark green satin dress and black heels.

I get dressed into a dark green satin dress and black heels

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