twenty-one:﹙i'll love it if we made it﹚

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i'll love it if we made it.

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE!i'll love it if we made it

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"contains; nothing...-,"
—no need proceed to with caution

-,"—no need proceed to with caution

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There was something out there.....

 It was an entity that refused to tear Frank away from her, sparing her the agony of losing yet another person she could never love again. With Madani's resourcefulness and Y/n's limited knowledge, they managed to find someone to mend Frank's wounds, each stitch a testament to their determination.

Y/n remained faithfully by his side throughout the ordeal, clutching Frank's hand as if it were a lifeline. She murmured whispered prayers, their origins a mystery even to herself, in an attempt to bring solace to his pain-stricken body.

Her grasp on his hand never wavered, her fingers tightly intertwined with his, even as she witnessed the arduous process. 

The next morning, as the sun cast its radiant glow upon the room they occupied, it revealed a scene touched by a semblance of modernity, albeit marred by the remnants of Frank's dried blood staining the covers.

Madani's friend had been checking up on Frank making sure he was still breathing. 

With her fingers dropped on his shoulder lightly, along with her head pressing against his shoulder lightly to not hurt him anymore. 

Madani's acquaintance diligently monitored Frank's breathing, her fingers lightly resting on his shoulder while her head leaned gently against him, careful not to exacerbate his discomfort. 

"Thanks to you," she acknowledged, her voice tinged with gratitude, addressing David, who cradled a cup of freshly brewed tea in his hands. "His condition has improved significantly, and his breathing is becoming more stable. It's only a matter of time now."

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