6: Keeping Distance

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Diya maintains a laser focus on her work, her eyes fixed on her computer screen, even though she can sense Ashwin's presence as he enters the floor. She resists the urge to glance up, knowing that his eyes are likely fixed on her. With a strong determination, she avoids any direct eye contact, determined to keep her emotions in check and maintain a facade of indifference.

She berates herself for allowing her guard to slip, for momentarily forgetting the walls she had built around her heart. The realization hits her hard, and she chides herself for being so careless, for letting her emotions unravel.

Ashwin's heart skips a beat as he notices the change in Diya's demeanor. The sight of her downcast face and her refusal to meet his gaze sends a wave of unease coursing through him. Concern gnaws at his insides, and he can't help but worry about her. 

Yenna partner? Vandhone arambichitiya?

( Seems like you started your duty already?)

Sarath asks Ashwin as he stands up but notices the frown on Ashwin's face, 

Yendha munja apdhi vechirukae?

( Why keep your face like that?)

Yen Diya enna paaka kuda maatra?

( Why won't Diya even look up at me?)

Ashwin could clearly see the flicker of her eyes, darting back and forth, stealing glances at him. It's as if she's torn between acknowledging his presence and maintaining the facade of not noticing him at all. Despite her efforts to avoid making eye contact, Ashwin can sense the undercurrent of awareness between them. Her hidden glances speak volumes, revealing a mix of curiosity, longing, and perhaps even apprehension. 

Kaluthu vali'ya irukum partner

( Must be neck pain)

Ashwin snapped out of his sight of line just to glower at Sarath who sunk back into his chair. Ashwin glances back to Diya and sighs when she still remains unbothered.

>>>>———— 💫 ————<<<<

During her presentation, Diya makes a conscious effort to address and engage with everyone in the room except for Ashwin. She meticulously avoids making eye contact with him, as if deliberately excluding him from her audience. Her focus is directed towards others and ensuring that everyone else is captivated by her presentation. It's as if she is purposefully distancing herself from Ashwin, creating a boundary between them within the professional setting. Ashwin, feeling somewhat disheartened, observes her interaction with the rest of the room, silently wondering why he seems to be the exception to her attention for the past week.

Did he do something wrong? Does she not like him? Did he make her uncomfortable? Whatever it is he will only know if she tells him, or at least sends him a signal but all Diya does is pretend like Ashwin doesn't exist.

Ashwin clears his throat, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and concern. 

Excuse me, madam?!

Ashwin's voice cuts through the room, commanding attention from everyone present. The sudden interruption startles the audience, causing them to shift their focus to him. All eyes are now fixed on Ashwin as he stands up, his voice booming and the room falls silent, waiting for him to speak.

I have a question

he says, his eyes fixed on her. Diya meets his gaze briefly but quickly averts her eyes, maintaining a professional composure. 


( Yes)

she responds, her tone polite but distant.

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