13: Entwined

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The office buzzed with anticipation as Diya found herself standing among her colleagues, all awaiting the arrival of a mysterious VIP.

Curiosity gnawed at her, and she wondered who this important guest could be. Strangely, even as the HR manager, she was kept in the dark, a level of confidentiality maintained by the managing director that piqued her intrigue.

Gathered at the entrance, Diya held a bouquet in her hands, her fingers nervously intertwining with the delicate blooms.

Her eyes, however, were drawn to Ashwin, who seemed oddly preoccupied. He cast furtive glances her way, but whenever their eyes met, he quickly averted his gaze. A perplexing mix of emotions played on his features, a puzzle she couldn't decipher.

As the minutes ticked by, her attention was inevitably drawn to Ashwin. His foot tapped impatiently, his lower lip bitten in apparent anxiety. It was as though he was anticipating something beyond just the arrival of the VIP. For a moment, she disregarded it, thinking perhaps he was merely curious about the guest's identity, much like she was.

Sir vandhutaru!

( Sir, is here!)

Suddenly, a sleek and expensive car pulled up in front of the office building. A man, exuding an air of sophistication and authority, stepped out. He was middle-aged, but his attire and demeanor spoke of success. Diya's heart skipped a beat when she realized the guest was none other than the owner of the multimillion company they all worked for - her own father.

She watched in a mixture of shock and confusion as her colleagues greeted him with respect and deference.

Welcome sir, we are extremely happy to have you joining us.

Despite knowing the truth, Diya's father maintained a facade, receiving the warm welcome as if he were a stranger to the company.

Her emotions swirled but suppressing her astonishment, Diya approached her father, extending the bouquet to him when the MD instructed her. He accepted it graciously, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

Their eyes met, a fleeting moment that carried a wealth of unsaid emotions. As he continued to greet others, she excused herself, entering her office.

>>>>---- 💫 ----<<<<

Inside her cabin, her emotions were a tumultuous storm. Confusion, disbelief, and a twinge of hurt intertwined within her.

Diya stayed low for the entire remaining day, keeping her head down even when Vishwanathan gracefully walked past her cabin to his own. She didn't even once talk to Ashwin.

She had so many questions, and her heart raced as she contemplated confronting her father. Apparently, he had returned back to his motherland and takeover the branch here as the CEO. Which means that he has plans to stay here from now on.

She took a moment to steady herself, swallowing the tablets meant to calm her nerves.

She waited until the day to be over so she can quickly leave. Then came the moment she dreaded yet longed for

Ms. Diya?

Diya stood up in a swift when she saw Vishwanathan standing by her cabin door. He had a very very calm expression on his face when he said,

En cabin ku vanga.

( Come to my cabin)

>>>>---- 💫 ----<<<<

Trembling with a mix of emotions, Diya walked in, her heart pounding so loudly that she was sure he could hear it.

As she stood before him, Vishwanathan's gaze met hers, a gaze that was once filled with fatherly affection. Now, there was a hint of sadness and regret, as if he carried the weight of his choices.

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