14 : Life

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Diya plopped on the bed and heartily laughed. Squeezing her eyes shut and clutching her stomach.

Ashwin and Vishwanathan glared at her, standing side by side,

Naanga thortu ponnadhu unaku avlo jolly, illa?

( You are that happy that we've lost, aren't you?)

Diya's laughter filled the air even more, echoing with a sense of joy that could easily sweep away any gloomy clouds. The two of them stood there, Ashwin and Vishwanathan sharing in her laughter, even finding amusement in the idea that their cherished football team had lost as she had mentioned.

Vishwanathan playfully tapped Diya's head, a gesture of fondness followed by a gentle kiss on her forehead. 

Seri na poitu naaliki varen

(I'll be back tomorrow) 

he promised, a twinkle of affection in his eyes.


Diya called Vishwanathan while he walked out, he turned around and arched his eyebrows,


She smiled and said.

Ashwin and Vishwanathan frowned, sensing something different but Vishwanathan shrugged it off and waved back to his daughter, his little girl,

Bye ma

Time had swiftly flowed by, and Diya had found her forever in Ashwin's embrace. Their wedding had been a beautiful union, it happened literally a week after they both confessed, a declaration of their love and commitment. As husband and wife, they had embraced life's journey with open hearts. A year had passed since that momentous day, and every day felt like a continuation of a fairy tale they had both yearned for.

Vishwanathan, understanding the deep bond between the couple, respected their need for privacy. However, he couldn't resist being a part of their lives. Each day, he would make his way to their home, a constant presence that spoke volumes of his love and care for his daughter and her husband.

>>>>———— 💫 ————<<<<

As Diya stood by the sink, the running water provided a gentle background symphony to her thoughts. She couldn't help but notice her reflection in the mirror before her. Her once rosy complexion seemed to have faded, leaving her skin looking paler than usual. Her lips, in particular, lacked their usual color, appearing as though they had been drained of life. Her fingers, upon closer examination, bore an unnatural pallor, a stark contrast against her dark hair. The weariness in her eyes mirrored the increasing tiredness she had been experiencing.

Despite dedicating more time to sleep, the exhaustion seemed to have taken a toll on her, leaving her feeling like a shadow of her former self. With a heavy sigh, she splashed cool water onto her face, hoping to rejuvenate herself, if only temporarily. As she dried her face with a towel, she turned away from the mirror, leaving behind the reflection of a woman grappling with her own limitations.

Walking back to her room, Diya's gaze fell upon Ashwin, sleeping soundly in the bed. \

With careful movements, Diya settled herself onto the bed beside Ashwin, her face contorting in a hiss of discomfort as her swollen leg made contact with the mattress. The sound roused Ashwin from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open to find Diya beside him. Concern etched his features as he quickly propped himself up on his elbow, reaching out to offer his assistance.

Gently snuggling her in, Ashwin's lips pressed a lingering kiss to Diya's bony cheeks, his arms enveloping her in a warm embrace. Despite the pain and the weariness that seemed to be a constant presence lately, Diya's lips curved into an affectionate smile as she looked into the eyes of the man who had become her unwavering support and companion. 

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