Malevolent: 9

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A/N: so I'm not sure how good this will be. I have not slept at all thanks to the joys of pain so for now I'm just hoping my sentences make sense!
Any hope for Brittany's escape were quickly quashed. The mixture of screams and struggling noises that came soon after the window breaking made it clear that Junior had caught her. It was another for myself and Tex to trade places as he gave a breath of relief followed by his manic giggle as they emerged in the doorway with her thrashing and screaming against the bulkier man who released heavy pants and marched her with ease through the house. The sound of her nails raking against anything and everything was painful and so was the fact that she did not succeed in what she had set out to do. A few nails broke free of their cuticles through the sheer force of her desperation and remained in the walls as I flinched taking the sight in before I sighed lightly, it had been a foolish notion perhaps  but one that for sure would have been more successful had it not been for the untimely arrival of Alfredo. All it had to be was a few more minutes early and she had spent them trying to convince me to join her. Perhaps it was futile and being stuck in the house of horrors was the end of the line. A purgatory that gripped its victims time and time again and exposed them to heinous crimes and an unhealthy dosage of trauma.

"Count yourself lucky sweetheart, Junior is fond of his new playmate." He told me as I remained against the wall while he took to prodding a cold and out Alfredo with the tip of his boot. "But boy are you in some trouble." I didn't doubt that for a moment but it wouldn't be such a bitter pill to swallow if the redhead had made her escape. Even if I had been left in their company it would have come with satisfaction and a form of victory. Closing my heavy eyes, I felt my body sway which in return gave a look of satisfaction and glee, he hadn't mistaken that some form of plan was being hatched and had prepared for it but desperation could make a person irrational and being subjected to what the family dished out left little to be desired. First chance that would be seen would be the one that was taken. "Awful big trouble." From the kitchen, Tinker's voice was audible berating his cousin for having fallen for the same trick twice and what could have happened if the poor battered female had managed to break free from this hell.
"When am I not?" I finally answered with a small moan placing a hand against my warm forehead. The pills were still in my system trying to gently lul me back into a slumber. It truly was an enigma why they made more hassle for themselves by keeping me around and part of me was sanguine that perhaps this would draw the last straw of their patience. Hope never fared well for me though, what was left of it snuffed out the minute the trick window shattered and Leatherface caught his prize.

"That's a mighty good question. '' Tex sighed again, taking thoughtfully to prodding Alfredo once more and exhaling heavily as he placed a hand on his hip. "What am I gonna do with you?" The elder of the two gave a small whine but still would not come to and it was enough to get my hum of amusement back and despite the devastating denouement I felt the laughter prickle at the back of my throat again. It was becoming a frequent thing, just releasing laughter at the most inappropriate of times. Perhaps it was my body and mind's way of trying to cope through the damage caused by months of the Sawyer family's company or perhaps once more I was on my last thread of sanity which had already been frayed and tatted by their hold and ways. I was certain Alfredo would be feeling this new forming bruise to the face amongst his other injuries for days to come. It was something that didn't go undetected by Tex and he despaired even if he did so with a sly grin and a shake to the head. "You know, I'm starting to scrape the barrel with ways to punish you but this one, well this slip up has to come with consequences." Cocking my head slowly up at him, I made sure that he was the satisfied look that laced my features. If I was a thorn in his side then good, it was the least he or any of them deserved. "I mean, we can forgive you for knocking Alfedo on his ass once again. We get he sometimes has it coming but Junior? He's a good kid."
"He's a face skinning, people eating and child abducting psychopath." I corrected him bluntly. There was not one part of Junior that was good, even his childlike innocence was more that of a kid who would rip the wings off butterflies than that of someone genuinely curious about the world. He never stood a chance surrounded by those he was.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now