Malevolent: 13

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With Brittany around, it made it easier to keep track of the days and weeks that passed. While Junior wasn't overly pleased with sharing his playmate there were times where it was unavoidable. Usually in those occurrences the family would be radioed by the likes of Alfredo or Charlie who'd be letting them know about potential targets near the proximity. In those instances Tink would go alert his cousin who'd drag in the red head for Mama to keep an eye on. In her own right she was as cruel as her sons if not worse by encouraging and enabling their treacherous deeds. Heather was equally as bad even in her small stature she seemed to be able to make the strongest men break down and cry using her knives fashioned with bones for one purpose, to bring pain. This was one of those times, the sobbing of the adult male filling the room as Mama hummed to herself and knitted away with her granddaughter who took her filled cup of blood for Grandpa in the sitting room. Brittany was becoming used to the sight of carnage and while she still sobbed at the situation as a whole it was no longer the case of shrieking in horror.

The man in question looked roughly in his twenties, his shaggy black hair pasted with sweet and blood. He had been half stripped and marked. With each gasp of breath, the slit Heather had made across his belly leaked more and drenched the material of his shorts down to his socks. His brown eyes were wild with fear as he took on the sight around him. He had every reason to panic so I didn't try and persuade him otherwise as he shook and squirmed violently in his chair. Mama had opted for nails the second she set sight on him encroaching on the house and Tex wasted no time making her happy by doing so. That was after his starring performance as a good samaritan to lead him through the front door before he caught sight of the redhead bound and the mostly skin carcass that hung from the hooks of Tinker's contraption. From then it was a swift knock with a hammer and joining the dinner table.
I had to give the unknown man credit though, he took the head injury better than some others did and while he seemed too shocked to so much as plead, it was apparent he was trying to scan for escape routes.

"There's no point." I told him simply, taking to plaiting some strands of hair as a distraction from the atmosphere of the room. My auburn locks were also a tally for how much time had passed. When I had come to Texas it barely graced my shoulders and now rested by my waist. It was a sickening thought to know how long the family had evaded justice for their crimes and how long I had been in their hospitality. Hearing my voice, the man flinched to the side as I sighed, noticing him in the corner of my eye.

"That's right sweetheart." Tex agreed, straightening up after checking the heat of the oven. Slowly coming over, he placed his hands onto the man's shoulders and purposely pushed him further into the nails which kept him trapped. "Only one way out of here and it's not one you would be too fond of."
"He's not coming." I answered watching as hope continued to drain from his face, a mixture of tears and blood from his nose collaging his left cheek. Brittany whimpered lightly at my flat response and feeling some guilt for that, I continued threading strands of hair together and allowed my painted lips to seal.
"Y-You're crazy! You're fucking crazy!"
"No," I breathed, ending the knot and tilting my head to the side. I inspected the male briefly before glancing over to Brittany who kept her head down not wanting to see what else was yet to come. I didn't blame her but it would be a lie to say I hadn't been desensitised at this point. From fast kills to agonisingly slow ones, I had seen it all. "They're not crazy."
"You hear that Mama, he thinks we're the crazy ones when he was the one going onto a stranger's property." Tex laughed as Mama wheeled her chair closer to the table to inspect the man. Her ageing features were laced with volatility. "What do we have to say about that?"
"Poking your nose in where it doesn't belong." She hissed, pressing down on the button embedded in her throat. "Should cut that off."
"Don't worry Mama, I'll get to that shortly."
"Not crazy..." Crazy did not come close to describing any member of the family, they were more heinous for a mixture of pleasure and what they saw as an essential. People were food and they needed to live. They could just have packed their bags and left but they stayed and stuck to the shadows and cruelty that had been passed down with their bloodline. "Just evil." Tex tutted and grinned in my direction at the words.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now