Malevolent: 11

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If I was to be handed a shovel, I would have happily dug my own hole and buried myself alive. Knowing that anything and everything I did would gravy affect Brittany made the sinking feeling in my gut only heavier. What Tex had already pushed me to do was plenty to make my skin shiver and crawl but I knew that was him only starting. With the threat looming over my head it was only a matter of time before he got worse and enjoyed the control to a malicious extent. Digging my nails into the scars on my wrist I begged them internally to bleed and spill, there was already a headcount on my conscience that allowing the ground to swallow me up seemed less terrifying. From the corner of the room, I felt his eyes on me as if trying to find more of an obvious reaction to sink his teeth into. In turn I felt my nose scrunch up and remained focusing on my hands.
"You won't be doing that anymore either." He stated surely as I gave a dismissive eye roll to myself. The chipped red paint on my nails only seemed to make me more lustful for blood to spill but I would settle for his any day. "Not when your little friend will get what's coming to you for it." Biting down on my plump lower lip, I closed my eyes slowly and seized the action ignoring the itch it had caused and feeling the beads of water from my auburn hair splash gently in my lap and through the denim material of my shorts. "Are you ignoring me honey?"
"It's hard when you're incapable of shutting up." I replied sharply ignoring the amusement in his tone before he laughed from where he stood.
"Maybe if you listened better I wouldn't have to repeat myself." Turning my head in his direction, I flinched at the pain that came from my bruised and broken arm. As predicted he was grinning by the dresser while buttoning up his shirt and looking quite satisfied with my dilemma. "You heard that then." Separating my hands, I shuffled to the side on the bed as he walked on over, something he had clearly anticipated by gripping my elbow. "Hey now, where do you think you're going?"
"Not far enough."
"Not far at all." Tex corrected simply clenching his fingers around my arm as I inhaled sharply and distastefully knowing better than to continue trying to make a distance between the two of us. This was what it was and unless the consequences were out the window, my freedom or whatever of that I had left was gone. The pulling on my shoulder from the breakage etched into my back uncomfortably his blue eyes scanning over me for any form of back chat. I kept my lips sealed. "You know I'd like to take you on the road with me but I just feel like you wouldn't behave yourself, it would get my dander up. We both know that even if you start listening so Junior's girlfriend doesn't get her head cut off, you can't be trusted. How many times have you proven that? It's almost disappointing."
"Almost?" I questioned dryly as his fingers caressed my skin, perhaps it was for his amusement or to taunt me but either way it felt more like snakes steadily coiling and readying to attack. I turned my head from his direction focusing on the door, I resisted the temptation to scoff or laugh at that admission.
"Well now, we both know I wouldn't like sharing ya. Someone look at you the way I do, I wouldn't be able to wait to get back home to bash their skulls in." Perhaps he meant it as a compliment of sorts but it only made me feel more on the urge of throwing up, just the thought and image that he would do exactly as he promised and while it meant someone would be spared, it came at a cost and that was my liberation. Shifting uncomfortably where I sat, Tex gave a small hum. "You must be famished, never had supper last night since you went for forty winks. Heck, you're going to be good about eating today. Tinker won't even need to get your little headwear on."
"I'm not hungry." My stomach was tightening and groaning but the truth was that it didn't have a hankering for what the Sawyers had to offer up. Being made to swallow human meat was horrific enough knowing you could put a face to the body part, seeing the victims was a regular thing whether it was through dangling at Tink's hooks or just being dragged in fresh from the hunt. The thought of willingly putting such a thing in my mouth made me turn my head away once more, wincing as he tutted gently.
"You're gonna do what you're told or else. Now, why don't we get your arm all strapped up before we go on down."
"You're not leaving?" While I wouldn't envy the potential victims there was no hiding the fact that I wanted him away from me. I knew I wouldn't be so lucky as his hand cupped against my chin, fingers stroking against the wound Alfredo had inflicted.I flinched at the contact causing a domino effect in my arm once again. I didn't want to look at him but knew that with any reluctance would come more discomfort and I was suffering from that enough. Tex was smiling as usual, a large and wide one and it was enough to confirm my suspicions. I resisted smacking him, an achievement I didn't want on my belt after all that had been said and done.
"Not today sweetheart, wouldn't want to pass up the chance of you being a good girl now, would I?" I felt my eyes slit at the sentence knowing that the underlying message was that he planned to take advantage and push me as far as he could go. What he had done had not been enough. Not the bath or the intercourse which left me disgusted to an extent I would never be able to explain or forgive myself for. His fingertips continued to massage against my cheek and gestured for me to move closer before his other hand reached up to lace and net through my strands of wet hair. I shuddered from the unwillingness to get closer and the cold drops that once again dripped into my lap and flesh of my legs. I knew where this was leading and it repelled me. Still no matter how hard my heart rate quickened or my throat drew drier I remained still as he leaned on in and closed my eyes to avoid the sight of what he was doing. His pink painted lips touched my own with a deep force, enough to push me back before the hand which laced my hair grabbed a fistful to bring me closer. His knees grinded against mine as he moaned into the kiss. Breaking away but flesh still touching mine, his handful gripped harder. "You're gonna open for me." He ordered slowly before using his grip to force me into a nod. "Got that?"
"Yes." I said flatly clenching my own fists, my teeth gritted but there was little choice and he just chuckled in his high pitched way, the tip of his nose stroking my own.
"You're gonna enjoy it." He instructed further. "Otherwise I'm gonna put you on your knees and not to pray. Something tells me it's a little too early for you to repent."
"Yes." I repeated stoically trying not to lurk too long on the mental image. We both knew I'd take no pleasure from either task but the kiss would be less awful than what he had insinuated and made me do many times. He tugged against my hair with a small grunt while I gasped in the discomfort, Tex drawing in closer. Keeping my lips parted, I felt the wet slither of his tongue against my skin and the way it stroked against my own. He gave another small noise, knowing I would not fight it against all judgement, he relinquished his grip against my wet mane and instead his now soggy fingers cupped under my thigh lifting it. I closed my eyes once again trying to place my mind elsewhere but there was nowhere to go. This was it and as my leg went over his I could feel the bulge that came from between his own. LIke a rock it pushed hard against me. In instinct I went to turn my head or break off and in retaliation, his teeth clamped down on my lower lip enough to make me give a moan of pain as he sucked from the blood that came with the pressure. My eyes stung at the touch and thrust he consistently gave before returning to the kiss.
"I think breakfast can wait." He sneered devilishly against the touch. "Unless you've decided you're hungry?" Inhaling, I watched the look on his face and the raising of his eyebrow. My mouth contained both saliva and blood, a combination which only worsened the reality but it was still the lesser of evils when it came to what he had hinted at me doing and swallowing. Then there was what I would face downstairs, the spread that Tinker put out each morning for his family with his victim sometimes still hanging or crying somewhere in the residence. "You're not hungry." Tex commented softly, answering for me when I found myself being unable to form words. "But I am honey, let's play some."

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