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(( It seems like There's a tie.. But I spun a wheel and it choose the Poly ship- But! I'll do this thing where each chapter switches from Hobie x Pav to Gayatri x Pav ))

" Pfft-... it's funny to see Lil' Pav embarrassed.. " Hobie commented, Chuckling as Gayatri Nudged him. " Cmon on, Don't tease the poor guy! His Face Might just stay red if you keep doing this! "

Hobie laughed, Before Rubbing his shoulder. " Haha! It's true though! you can't disagree-" He'd Reply as the both of them started Joking around with each other.

Pavitr's POV

” You are so dumb, Pavitr- You just exposed yourself back there! " He'd Mumble to himself, While walking through the halls. it's already bad enough that He couldn't choose one. " Gh-... but who do I choose, I mean both of them match the same levels- " He'd Continuously Mumble to himself as He reached his locker.

" Alright... tomorrow, Your gonna hang out with them, You gotta Keep it cool... " He let out a sigh, Calming himself down a bit as the red tint on his cheek faded a tiny bit. " ... oh- Right! " He Took out Hobie's Hoodie, Soon Looking around with no sign of the Punk. " I'll Just put it in his locker."

He Walked over to Hobie's Locker which was a Bit far from His own as He Opened it, Before Putting the Hoodie inside And Then He Got a Message from Miles.

💬 '' Hey Pav! ''

💬 '' Oh, Hey Miles, What's up? :D ''

💬 '' Are You still gonna go to that restaurant? ''

💬 '' Yep! why? ''

💬 '' I was thinking maybe Me and Gwen Could tag along? ''

💬 '' sure, See You on Saturday! ''

💬 '' Alr! ''
pavitr Couldn't stop thanking Miles Since He was a Life saver to Him.

" Thank God... " He closed Hobie's Locker as He heard two Voices behind him.

" whatcha Doing pretty boy? "

" Hello, Darling.. may I ask what are you doing at my locker? "

He quickly turned around only to see Gayatri and Hobie. " Oh Hey Guys-.. didn't see you there, Sorry! " He'd Laugh it off, As Gayatri Looked a bit Entertained about something. " It's alright, Dearie... " She Replied, Soon Letting out a small Chuckle.

" What are You Laughing at? " Pavitr Asked a Bit confused on the source of Gayatri Laughing. " Your Face is still Red, Hun. " Hobie Responded, Laughing right after that as He ruffled Pavitr's Hair again. " I- Hey! not the hair! " He Joked, Laughing with the two of them.



Pavitr Woke Up, Immediately Getting off his bed and Did his Daily routines as usual, He thought He'd be there in no time but..He realized He was wrong when he opened the closet. ".... oh-... I didn't ask what I should wear.."

He Regretted Not asking but He Decided on three Outfits.

outfit 1 : a White Blouse and Black Jeans With a Greyish Green Jacket.

outfit 2 : A Long sleeved T-Shirt with Dark Blue Shorts and a Red Jacket.

outfit 3 : A Short sleeved Black Shirt with a Red Hoodie Tied around His waist and Black Shorts.

"....I'll just pick this one! " He took outfit number one as He Coincidentally Looked at the time. "...... 6 ALREADY!? " The time he Was supposed to go was 6:30, Now it's
6 : 25.

" I'M GONNA BE SO LATE-" He quickly put on the outfit and Did His Hair as He rushed out his room, Grabbing his Arm bag off the chair. " BYE AUNTIE! "



Hobie, Gayatri, Miles and Gwen were waiting for Pavitr. " Where is Pav? " Miles Mumbled to himself before Looking away, And He caught a Glimpse of a Young boy Running towards them, Waving.

it was Pavitr Prabhakar.

" I am so sorry- I woke up late- " Pavitr Bowed, As Gayatri Smiled. " Calm down Love. " And Hobie Continued. " Your Just 3 Minutes Early. " He Stood up straight, Before sitting down. " Yeah- But still! " Pavitr Crossed his arms. " And You Look Pretty in a Blouse, Pav. " Gayatri Commented, Soon taking a Sip of The Chai that She ordered for herself.

" Oh-.. thanks, Gayatri! " He Smiled, Before Hobie Nodded. " No Problem Sweetie. " And soon Hobie Pointed at Pavitr's Hair. " It's a Rare Sight Seeing Your hair a Bit messier than it is. " Pavitr Jolted before putting his Hood Over his Head. " You don't have to point it out! " He'd whisper Loudly.

" Pfft-... Haha! sorry, Darling. can't take Control of myself since Your so adorable. " He'd 'Joke' as Pavitr gotten used to the compliments, It's just that A Light tint appeared on his face.
" Hmp-.. Well.. change of subject! do you guys wanna come over to My House? " Pavitr offered, Looking at Gwen and Miles.

" Us?.. sure. " Gwen Accepted the offer that Pavitr gave before a waiter came up to them.

W ~ '' what would you all like to order? ''

The waiter asked as Gwen Answered first, Then Miles, Gayatri, Hobie.. wait How about Pavitr?

" Pavitr? pavitr! " Miles called out as He noticed Pavitr staring... At a certain duo, Till He snapped out of it. " Uh- Yeah? "

" What do You wanna order? "

" Oh, I want a... "



" Sooo, Pavitr... why were you staring at Hobie and Gayatri? " Miles asked, Smiling, He was just Teasing Pavitr. " I wasn't staring at them.. I was staring at the coffee logo in the background. " Pavitr Muttered before Hobie Spoke. " Hm..? what's that? you're in love with us? "

" I- HOBIE! I already told You I'm not-" Pavitr Got caught off by a Kiss on his hand that was delivered by Gayatri. " Calm down, Cinta. "

" Uwa- Gayatri!? " He Flinched in Surprise, Just getting Embarrassed by Hobie and Gayatri right In front of Miles and Gwen, Despite it Only being two people Laughing, Pavitr Felt like He was in a circus.

" What? I can't give the Love of my life a Kiss on the Hand? " She'd smirk as Their food were placed on the table, Pavitr Looked a bit weirded out since it was different from Aunt Maya's cooking which he usually ate.

" Cmon' on, Love. just try it. " Hobie suggested Before taking another bite of his food. " Alright.. " Pavitr took a Spoon and Took a scoop of The door and put it in his mouth. ".... " You didn't even need to look to know that he's happy.

suddenly, The whole friend Group started Laughing, Of course. They swallowed the food first..



" Hey Miles? " Pavitr Looked over at Miles. " Yeah? "

" Do You know where is the bathroom? "

" Oh! yeah, I do. follow me! " Pavitr and Miles walked off as Gayatri Pulled Gwen into the middle of Her and Hobie.

"... you guys Are just messing with Pav, Aren't you? " Gwen Asked..

(H) "Yep."

(G) "Definitely."

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