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[ In Class ]

Pav was Spacing out Unintentionally As the Teacher called his Name. ” Pavitr? " He replied As He Looked over at the Teacher. " I- Sorry Ms Stephanie! " He Laughed it off as The teacher Spoke with a warm smile.

" It's alright, Pavitr. just focus on class, Okay? " Pavitr Nodded and As soon as The teacher was distracted. Gayatri and Hobie quickly Planted a tiny kiss on his cheeks. " Uwa- " Pavitr's Face burned up a Little, And He had this weird feeling in his stomach.. ((the Butterfly in my stomach feeling yk-))

The teacher had finish going over the work as She Gave them 2-6 Pages.


" Why did You guys do that-!? " He Asked The two, Pavitr's Face was red as the sun now. " Awww... I can't give Lil' Pav a kiss on the cheek..? " Gayatri Teased as Hobie spoke. " The Teacher was distracted so... and You look a Bit Red, Don't ya think Darling? " Hobie said, Lifting Pavitr's Head up by putting his index finger under his chin.

" i- No I don't-! " Pavitr Looked away and Looked in the Water Fountain's Mirror by Coincidence. " Oh Gosh--" He Shook his head as the Colour on his face disappeared slightly, And Now only Inaudible Chatter was heard from the students walking by them. " Pfft-... " Was Heard... by The BOTH OF THEM!?

" Gayatri! Hobie! " He Whined, Crossing his arms. " Sorry- Sorry Love- It's just cute whenever your like that-" He Wiped a Tear that formed in his eye as Gayatri spoke. " Now,  Change of topic, How about we go somewhere after school. "

She Suggested as Hobie Nodded and Looked over at Pav, Waiting for his approval. "... alright- Sure... but The both of you are doing your papers RIGHT AFTER! " A Smirk Came on Pavitr's Face as the two Looked a Little displeased when he mentioned the paper Their Teacher gave earlier.

" Alright Fineee... buttt... " Gayatri Smiled While Pavitr Looked confused. " We Do it at YOUR house. " She Booped his nose before taking a step back to match with hobie's Position.

".... okay, Alright-.. fine. I'll tell Aunt Maya that Both of you are coming over for a STUDY Session! " Pavitr Said, Putting His Books into his Locker as Hobie Groaned. " Can we at least Have a Break every time we complete a paper. "

" Sure! "

" Oh- "

" 5 Minutes. "

" ... really Pav? "

" Yes Really. " Pavitr Replied as Gayatri looked at her watch. " Oh- Sorry guys, I need to go! " She left the school as Hobie and Pavitr waved goodbye. the Halls were quite empty now since most of them had gone to the roof of the school.

".... " Hobie looked over at Pavitr who was Trying to find a Book for next semester.



pavitr on the Other hand was a Little distracted to notice Hobie staring.. of course it was until he felt a Pair of Arms Wrap around his waist which made him Flustered Like hell.

".. hm... your waist is smaller than I thought. '' Hobie commented, Soon Burying his Face into the Boy's Curly Hair. " Hobie-.. the teacher will kill us if we get caught red-handed... -! " Pavitr whispered, Unable to move due to Hobie Backing him to the locker. " Eh, They won't.. Trust me. " He Smiled, Before Putting something in Pav's Hair. " I'll see you up at the roof, Sound good Darling? "

" Yeah. I guess-.. " Hobie left as Pavitr Face palmed himself. " What Kind Of situation have I gotten myself into... " When he went to fix his headband or whatever you call it- In the mirror, He saw a Rose Had been placed behind his ear.

"... oh, Hobie. you sly Boy. "

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