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(( I am so sorry for taking so long- and I know they're Minkrs but I didn't wanna go Missing the next day 😭))

" Hey, Pav-.. are You alright? you seem pale. " Gwen Commented as She Intertwined Her hand with Miles's. " Oh- Yeah! great, Wonderful to be honest. " He Replied Then Hobie leaned down to his ear, Whispering.

' Chai Tea. '

Pavitr was straight up about to Hit Hobie on the back of the head but Hobie Ran before he could. " I- HOBIE BROWN! YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT-" He chased Hobie who went in circles.

"... hey, Gwen. can you watch The two for a moment? " Miles asked, Receiving a Nod in Response, Indicating The word 'Yes.' Miles Then walked off to the ice cream truck.

" HAHA! WHY? HM? IS IT BECAUSE OF.. CHAI TEAAA? " Hobie Said In response, While Pavitr Get chasing him. " KAU KESALAHAN ANAK MONYET KUSTA! (YOU MISFORTUNE SON OF A LEPROUS MONKEY!) " Pavitr Replied To Hobie's so called question.

the two continued before, Pavitr Felt something weird at his pss.. and Stopped. " Ha-.. hah-.. " He Was obviously panting due to chasing Hobie for so long While He cursed Hobie for what he had done earlier at the clothing store.

~ POV : Pavitr ~

" Hm? you alright, Love? " Hobie asked Me, Soon Walking over as I stood up. " Yeah- I'm fine! and Don't smile like that- " I Replied, Seeing Hobie with a Smirk Literally Glued onto his face.

" Why..? don't you like it when I smile?" Hobie Teased. " There's a Difference between a Smile and Smirk, Hobie." I Answered, Pulling his ear. " Ow- Ow- Okay, Okay! " Hobie Laughed Since.. eh, He does Find Some of my reactions Amusing for some reason.

" Alright.. alright, Enough You Lovebirds. " Gwen Interrupted, While Taking an Ice cream from Miles. " Seeeee? even Gwen Agreed! "

" oh Shut up You Little- " Before I could Finish, Miles Spoke.. god Why does everyone keep Interrupting Me when I'm about to Win a Argument-


" No Swearing And Fighting In Public!" Miles's Words Resulted in a Slight frown Forming on Pavitr's Face while Hobie Was Enjoying The moment as if it were Going to a Cinema or playing. " Oh- Right! study Night.. " Pavitr Finally remembered that they had study night.

" Cmon on, Let's go! "

ENTERED "Mumbai" {?} ]

Pavitr Smiled Upon Seeing His home Safe and sound.. well, that's what he thought. " Sometimes I forget how Nice the people are here. " Hobie Spoke, Breaking the silence Between the four. " Then You probably Forget everything by now. " 

" Oh? but I didn't forget how you sounded like when I gave you a hand j-" Right Before Hobie could Say the last word, He got smacked on the back of the head by a Panicked and Embarrassed Pavitr. " SHUT-"

" Eh? what was He gonna say? " Miles and Gwen asked, Both Confused. ".. uh-.. It's nothing- Change of topic! any Homework? " Pavitr asked, Looking at the two of them while Walking alongside Hobie Who was Rubbing the back of his Neck.

" Hmm... "

G |" History. "

M | " Science! "

" History and Science? Easy Peasy! cmon on now. " The four walked To Pavitr's Place.

(( Tbc, Also- Sorry for taking so long! and my sister is the one who requested Chp.6 to be Nsfw-

Also, Thanks for the Idea On the Study night! ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ʸᵃʸ ))

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