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You ran to your car, climbed in and sped home.

Once at your apartment you stepped out of the car to head inside when you heard someone following you.

You turned around and Charles pinned you against the wall by your neck.

"I TRUSTED YOU! HOW COULD YOU?!?" He yelled at you furiously.

"I..I can't breathe" you choked out.

"You don't deserve to!"

He finally let you go and you fell to your knees trying to regain your composure.

"I needed the money!" You shouted back at him.

"You could have asked me. I would have helped you out."

"I didn't want or need your help. I'm fine without you."

"So none of it was real? You just used me" he said in a hurt tone.

"Yup." You got off of the ground and crossed your arms. "Maybe it was real for you but it wasn't real for me. Like I said I needed the money."

"Who did you give the information to?"he half yelled.

"Who knows?" You shrugged.

"You don't know?"

"No I don't he just told me what he needed and he paid me. I really don't care who he is."

"That's very dangerous. He could've killed you."

"Awww" you said patting his cheek,"Let me tell you something Charles. Forget about me I don't have feelings for you. It's better this way. For you anyway. I don't care."

He nodded and walked away.

You opened the door to your apartment and sat on your couch.

You ran your hands through your hair. You couldn't help but to feel a bit bad but looking at the money in your drawer that feeling quickly went away.

After running away from home when you were 18 you've went from staying with friends to living in apartments for 5 years finally you'd be able to get a nice apartment and if this mystery guy calls again you'd be able to make more money.

For the past two years you've been doing a lot of spying on people and dangerous things so you'd been trained thoroughly and you were very good at it. Your last boss was killed in action. You were there you saw everything happen. The guy who killed Rich threatened you to keep quiet and to make sure you knew he meant business he shot you in your side and left you to save yourself.

You've never had it easy but you've grown to accept it.

You laid in the bed and stared up at the ceiling until you drifted off.

You woke up to the sound of you phone ringing.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Ah yes Isla. I need your help again." The voice said.

"What's in it for me?"

"Actually I have something other than money that I think you'd be interested in?"

You paused a little reluctant,"okay?"

"I've purchased a new home and let's say I've seen your current living situation and I'd like to offer you my condo. Everything is paid off except utilities and you can even keep the furniture if you'd like." He explained.

"What do I need to do?" You asked.

"I need you to get more information from another computer. But I need it quick so do whatever you need to. But I must warn you he's rather hard to get to. He's guarded and vindictive so don't get caught."

"Who is he?"

"Erik Lensherr." He paused," we have his current location he's home now. I'll text you the address." And with that he hung up.

You changed into a lace bra and matching lace panties before getting dressed.

You put the address into your GPS and headed over. You parked a few houses away then grabbed the bike out of your trunk and got on it.

You rode it right into a tree in Erik's yard.
You looked at your scraped knee and saw it wasn't enough so you took a sharp rock and cut your forehead a little. You got up and limped to the front door and knocked.

A minute later the door opened to reveal a handsome man.

'This'll be fun.' You thought.

"Hi I'm sorry for bothering you." You said lightly batting your lashes. "I was riding my bike and a dog came out of nowhere and I ran into your tree out there. I apologize for that. Could you help me out sir?" You cocked your head to the side.

He half smiled and let you in.

While he led you into the bathroom you looked around for a computer and found one near the front door.

"Here, sit on the toilet seat." He said in an accent.

"I can't thank you enough. You're an angel."

You smiled up at him and he laughed. "Is there anything I can do to thank you?" You asked and spread your legs apart far enough for him to see your panties under your dress.

"Anything?" You said seductively.

He leaned down and kissed you hungrily before carrying you upstairs to his room.

The thought of having sex with someone for a house disgusted you but unfortunately you had nothing to drug him with so you had no choice.

An hour later you quietly got out of the bed and got dressed before heading to the computer to withdraw the files you placed in your flash drive but before you could do anything else you were pinned against the wall.

Metal strips bound your wrists.

"I should've known." Erik said walking up to you.

"I'm sorry."

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you."

He said as he held a gun to your head.

You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn't find the words to speak.

Right then you heard a door burst open and Charles walked into the room with his hand on his temple," Erik don't!"

A/n hehehe I really like this so far I hope you lovelies do too. Please please please vote, comment, follow,share and message. Thank you guys!!

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